How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed


A bunk bed is a great solution for the children's room, where two children live or simply very little space. Today it is not necessary to choose a model that has two beds. There are single beds, where a place to sleep on one tier, and on the second - game or workplace. However, there are many options for the second tier. Consider how to choose a bunk bed correctly, which selection criteria should be considered required.

How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed

Important Bunk Quality Performance

So, if you collect you choose a bunk bed for a child, it is very important that it meets the safety and reliability requirements. Pay attention to the following selection rules:

  • Quality of parts and assembly. The reliability and durability of the bunk bed depends largely from this criterion. It is recommended to check the quality of the fasteners created by holes and so on. If the model you will look in the store, it is worth a slightly shake bed. If it moves greatly, crept and the like, it is best to abandon such a model;
  • Does the model have protective sides. Regardless of whether you choose a bunk bed for a child or an adult, there must be protective sides on the second tier. At the same time, according to standards, the height should be at least 30 cm. It is worth considering and choosing a mattress. If he is high, then the height of the side, therefore, will become less;
  • The features of the stairs. It is very important that the staircase on the second tier is reliable. Steps do not have to be located far from each other, you need to exclude the jams between them. Choose the optimal distance for convenient and securely moving the child. Also, the staircase should not be slippery to eliminate the fall. Stepe covering must be rough;
  • Choose the model of the bed that will suit your child and the interior of the room. A variety of models is huge. You can choose a model with two bedrooms, with a workplace, gaming, with a sofa and even a wardrobe. Choose depending on your wishes, other furniture items in the room and so on.

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So, bunk furniture is an excellent option for a small children's room. What is suitable for the room of one or two children. When choosing, consider all the above requirements so that the bunk bed is really practical.

  • How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed
  • How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed
  • How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed
  • How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed
  • How to choose a high-quality and secure bunk bed

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