Options for using Fishwen in the room


In the modern world, designers are increasingly offered to customers when creating the interior of the room, the use of falseland. The name of Falsten says himself: a fake wall. This is something like the wall, but it is light and impenetrable.

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Falsten is most often used to zoning the room. If there is a large room in your home or apartment, but its functionality is rather small, then you can split this room for two or even three zones. For example, in the hall you can make a division into a living room, dining, game or to make a workspace. Fallestin can be made in the children's room. If your home has more than one child, then it will be more convenient when everyone has its own space. For example, you can make the separation of the room between the bedrooms. Those. One child will not interfere with another. Also split the children's room can be on recreation areas and after urgent training. This decision should like children, because if the age difference between them is a big and one child needs to do a homework, and the other is to play, then Fallestina will play a big role.

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Fallestin is made mainly of plasterboard and therefore it is rather fragile. It is impossible to hang heavy things for example, such as TV. But you can hang a small mirror.

Fallests are used not only for separating the room to the zone. They are also used to create a niche under the heating battery. Many households do not like repeated batteries. They constantly interfere with furniture setting in the room. Falsten can compare the battery with the main wall and hide it under him. Then you can put any furniture near the battery.

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Also folls are installed in the bathroom. They are needed in order to hide the plug nodes. But forever they do not close. To access the system make hatches or covers. Suchafalshchenin will give the bathroom a more aesthetic look and hide all unnecessary pipes.

Use Falsten in the bathroom made from special moisture-resistant materials, otherwise the wall may simply dissolve. Such walls are made with the addition of silicone granules and anti-grapple composition, and outside the wall is made from moisture-resistant cardboard.

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Options for using Fishwen in the room

Another use of Falseland - giving the room of the original type. For example, you can make a beautiful arch or other designer solution. It is important to remember that the plasterboard can be given any form.

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