The combination of yellow and gray in the interior


The combination of yellow and gray can already be called the truth of classical. The interiors of the rooms with such a tandem can be found on the expanses of many magazines. These colors are very popular with many designers and it is not surprising. They complement each other. Yellow is a cheerful color, activating brain activity, and gray is calm and peaceful.

The use of one of these colors will adversely affect a person, but their tandem will allow the maximum to reveal the positive moments of each of the colors.

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

Some may seem that these are two completely opposite colors that cannot be companions, but in practice everything looks completely different. Cheerful and optimistic yellow is complemented by calm and balanced gray.

Harmony flower

All of the above is only indicative indicators. In many ways, it all depends on the following factors:

  1. Saturation. You can select several combinations of various shades. All of them create a different perception of the room. The bright colors are calmer and help to relax, and bright - original;
  2. Additional colors. If the room is spacious, you can use another extra color. When choosing a light, the room will be filled with ease and air industry, and dark - dramatic and sharpness;
  3. The predominance of color. You can combine colors in the same ratio, and it is possible with a predominance of one color over the other. If in most it turns out to be gray, the space will look restrained, and if yellow is cheerful and sunny.

The success of such an association is due to the fact that gray is harmonized with all colors, it is often called chameleon. He smoothes their negative moments, weakening them. Yellow in turn gives cheerfulness to gray.

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

Features combination

All designers argue that the gray-yellow interior is quite difficult to arrange correctly. It all depends on the selected proportions. Tips to pay attention to:

  1. Household appliances should be painted in one of the main colors or combine harmoniously with them;
  2. Dull colors look not as interesting and effectively, like bright. Therefore, when choosing a contrast, it is worth solving what character will be worn;
  3. The complexity of perception. With incorrectly, the color calculation will be reassembled on the human psyche;
  4. The most correct and successful will be the choice of furniture, in which both colors are used, and the walls, floors and the ceiling are better to paint into neutral colors so as not to drown out main;
  5. Curtains can be chosen yellow, they fill the room with comfort and warmth.

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The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The combination of yellow and gray in the interior

The gray-yellow interior looks original and modern, suitable for all rooms without exception.

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