Colorful interior for different rooms


The most elegant interior, of course, multicolored. However, it is necessary to strictly be guided by the rules of design so that the colors are perfectly combined with each other, and everything looked like in the picture.

What styles are drawn up in multicolor tones:

  • boho;
  • pop Art;
  • Oriental;
  • ethno;
  • retro;
  • Neutral modern

When making the interior, it is necessary to use the color circle that all designers use. They advise combine shades that go to one ring. If pop art looks rich bright and the colors are incredibly active, then a neutrally modern interior opposite is made of white colors, on which the details are present in bright stains. It can be furnished, accessories, household appliances, textiles.

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

What exactly to choose the interior, to solve the owner of the apartment. You can make rooms in different shades, collecting what they will be united. For example, it can be a bright strip. This design is appropriate in the kitchen and in the bedroom, where the main color is still white, but underwear and dishes, the kitchen apron and accessories repeat single colors.

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Such an interior looks fashionable, stylish and expensive, although it does not require a special selection of things, the benefit of a bright strip can be found a lot, and it is in different versions of objects and textiles. Spring paints of pastel shade give the interior of freshness, make it joyful.

Interior design rules:

  • Colors are taken different, but similar in nature. For example, with pastel shades, similar colors look better. Bright colors are needed in addition of juicy paints;
  • We start with the background. It can be either neutral or color. Then the paints are gradually added to it. This is furniture, then select lamps, accessories, curtains. With a gradual selection make a mistake more complicated;
  • If there are many colors, it is important to stop in time so as not to overdo it. Try to add and remove some objects to understand where the golden middle is located.

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Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

Colorful interior for different rooms

When making the interior, bright colors agree the desire for loved ones. Not everyone likes to multiweight, a look often tired of him. For those who love bright shades, but while it is afraid to start decorating an apartment in juicy colors can be advised to start with a neutral style, where the minimum of bright colors. This color interior will be appropriate in any room, both in the bathroom and in the kitchen, in bedroom or children's. Give yourself a good mood at the expense of juicy colors.

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