Beautiful star from wire in the interior


For interior decoration, any crafts are suitable. Even the usual star from the wire can be an excellent addition to the New Year's decor. Just bend the frame frame and wrap it with colored threads. It will look perfectly beautiful.


  • We take an aluminum or copper wire, wind by colored woolen thread tightly along the entire length. So that the stars are colorful, for different items, choose different threads;
  • After the frame is wrapped, we begin randomly wrapped the star around, giving it a shape of threads. In order for the threads not to slip, it is possible to fix or glue;
  • I attach a thread to the top and hang there, where you want.

Such a star will serve not one holiday and will always be a stylish interior decoration.

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Paper stars

You can make another version of the jewelry of the wire. For example, make a folded star of beautiful colored paper. To do this, you need to find a stencil on a certain size and print it. Bending edges of paper, cover them on glue. It turns out an unusual 3D effect.

If you make a frame perforated, and put the light bulbs inside, then it turns out a stylish lamp.

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Interior decoration

The next version of the star can also be made of wire or branches. We collect a double frame in the form of a five-pointed star and decorate it with an ordinary garland. Such a star can be big, so put it on the floor not far from the outlet and turn on the light bulbs. It turned out a simple, but very spectacular design.

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Christmas decorations

To steal the Christmas tree with New Year's toys, can also come in handy wire. We carry out a small frame and wind it instead of the thread of the same wire. We make a loop to hang on the Christmas tree. Such stars can be made of aluminum and copper wire. If you make such stars a lot, then the Christmas tree can be decorated with one asterisks.

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Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Frame stars are often used to decorate the interior. All of them can be made of wire and are decorated with tinsel, colored or packaging paper. Especially beautiful stars look in a chess order, if the ceiling is high, then lower the decor slightly below.

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Beautiful star from wire in the interior

Any interior can be issued quickly and cheap, and it will look stylish. Choosing a wire, remember that for Christmas toys you can choose soft, and for interior decorations and lamps, it should be a tight, which is well holding the shape.

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