How varying New Year's design last 50 years


At first glance, it seems that the New Year's design always looks the same: the tree is always green, the balls are shiny, and the garland is bright. In fact this is not true. The Christmas tree is really green, but its design and New Year's design as a whole has changed greatly over the past fifty years.

In the late 60s, the Christmas trees in the USSR were decorated with rockets, corn cobs and cucumbers - then the main topics were space and agriculture. If today the children are perplexed, considering old toys, why hang up simple vegetables on the Christmas tree, then 50 years ago it was absolutely normal. Then the first Christmas garlands appeared.

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

A little later, already in the 70s, the toy factory has established production, toys have become more likely. All Christmas trees in the country decorated the same balls, bumps and icicles. Also in the 70s, the popularity of Mishur and the "rain" were acquired. At first last year, the Christmas trees were not so bright and brilliantly. The traditions of that time were forced to decorate the Christmas tree very magnificently - because of the jewelry it was possible not to disassemble the tree itself.

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

The 80s and 90s were the peak of the popularity of horoscopes. It could not but affect Christmas decorations. Balls with zodiac signs, toys in the form of a symbol of the year were very fashionable. Also in the 90s, an unusual fashion appeared on old toys and handmade decorations. Glass balloons of forties took from the mezzanine and blown dust from them. Making toys with her own hands was fashionable - from felt, wool, felt, etc. Paper lanterns, whole garlands from rings of colored paper - the decoration of the Christmas trees in the 90s were engaged from the most young years.

How varying New Year's design last 50 years

With the change of thousands of years, fashion for the New Year's design has changed very much. A stressed sophistication and style came to replace old toys and handmade work. In 2000, fashionable was to decorate the Christmas tree with balls of one or two colors, such as white and blue or red and gold. Mishur, the rain and other remnants of the "Soviet" era were considered a miserable, although they did not disappear completely.

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How varying New Year's design last 50 years

Today, it is safe to say that fashion is all. You can decorate the Christmas tree with a tinsel and rain, bright and colorful balls, handmade toys. Creativity is especially valued - if there is some kind of idea in the decoration of the Christmas tree, it can be safely called fashionable.

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