Entrance doors with thermal survey: features, pros and cons


When building a country house, one of the most important issues is the selection of the entrance door. This design is designed to protect against illegal penetration into someone else's housing, but this is not the only purpose of it. Some models are equipped with a special inner insulating layer - a thermal survey that has a low thermal conductivity and prevents cold penetration from the street.

Entrance doors with thermal survey are characterized by high strength, reliability, good noise insulation and long service life. In addition, such products are able to withstand the regular effects of atmospheric phenomena and precipitation. In this article, we will look at the features of the input street doors with the thermal explosion, their advantages and disadvantages of operation.

What do the door with the thermal explosion?

To date, the use of standard metal entrance doors is associated with a large number of problems. The main disadvantage of such products is that they are not able to prevent thermal losses in the home. Thus, cold air accumulates indoors. To prevent this, manufacturers apply different types of insulation (in the manufacture of the door leaf between the steel sheets of the frame, the layer of thermal insulation material is stacked).

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

Inlet metal doors with thermal survey are insulated designs, in the canvas of which there are layers of insulation and special thermal insulating gaskets. It is the latter that have low thermal conductivity. Most often, polyamide inserts of different thicknesses are located between two insulation and in other vulnerable places, reducing heat transfer from one material to another.

The thermal separations are designed to level the effect of temperature differences between the street and the room.

Features of doors with thermal survey

On video: Doors with thermal survey - what is it and when you need?

Constructive features (what inside?)

When choosing insulated entrance doors for a private house, it is necessary to study the structural features and parameters of such products. The thermal conductors have excellent operational properties due to the special production technology.

The design of street doors with a thermal explosion consists of the following elements:

  • The external and inner sheets of steel - the installation is made directly to the metal frame with welding and special fasteners;

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Construction of the entrance door

  • The main insulation is often two to three layers of different materials with thermal insulating properties;

Inlet door with insulation

  • The thermal survey is presented by several inserts (in the photo in the section of the canvas and the door frame);

Inlet door with thermal survey

  • a locking mechanism - a reliable lock with powerful beebles for locking and blocking the door is usually installed;

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

  • Seals are special rubber gaskets along the door loop and in the door frame to increase heat and sound insulation;

Input door seal

  • Powder coating is used to protect the metal from negative external influences and give it greater aesthetic.

Metal door with powder coating

Main advantages

Iron entrance doors with thermal survey are famous for its unsurpassed quality. Recently, steel has become very popular in Russia, especially in the regions where the air temperature does not exceed 0 ° C in the fall and winter. But, like any other products, thermal conductors have advantages and disadvantages of operation.

The main advantages include:

  • Good thermal insulation. The hermetic door leaf will retain heat indoors, which will significantly reduce the cost of heating at home.
  • Excellent noise insulation. Warmed products made of high-quality steel have good sound insulation, but the cost of such products will be slightly higher.
  • High strength. Due to the special design of the frame and the use of steel thickness of the door withstand different mechanical shocks.
  • Long service life. With proper installation and moderate operation, the entrance door with a thermal survey will serve you for several decades.
  • Frost resistance. The peculiarity of thermodresses in a private house is the lack of condensate on the design surface even with severe frosts (the canvas does not freeze).
  • The presence of an external protective layer. The decorative powder coating eliminates the appearance of corrosion on metal surfaces, retains a decent appearance of the canvas and increases its service life.
  • Quick installation. The installation of the inlet door with a thermal survey can be performed in a couple of hours, but the installation is better to entrust specialists due to the large weight of the web.

Now the market has a wide selection of iron door structures. You can find models with fittings for gold or bronze, products from combined materials, with glass inserts.

Inlet metal doors with thermal survey

Minuses of thermoderesses

Before buying, be sure to explore the technical characteristics and parameters of the door design. But remember that all similar models have certain disadvantages. These include:
  • Big weight design. The installation of the product in a private house alone will be very difficult, and not all openings can withstand such a mass.
  • High-quality installation. It is important to make sure that the door design is installed correctly, skew, bias and deformation of the web - all this can affect the thermal insulation.
  • Doors do not withstand strong frosts. If you live in the northern regions, after a while, the external insulation will become more subtle, which we give to drafts.
  • Requires supply and exhaust ventilation. The thermal separations provide protection of the house from the cold, land and moisture only with the minimum quantity of condensate, therefore there should be good ventilation in the room.
  • Boring and monotonous design. Most models of this category are similar to each other, the designs consist of direct sheets without any decorative inserts.

Article on the topic: Which entrance door to choose for a private house: Overview of the best models | +55 photos

There are many companies that offer similar products. The market shows both the doors of the economy class, and elite models, which allows the buyer to choose an unscrewing door in its financial capabilities. Relying on customer feedback, you can compile the rating of the best manufacturers whose products are characterized by high quality (see table below).


average price

Brief function of doors

"Profmaster", brand "Nord"

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

20000-31000 rublesTwo-three contour models are not freezed, steel is used with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm.

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

18000-39000 rublesThe doors from the Argus-Heat series have a cloth thickness of 72 mm, the thickness of the outer metal sheet is 1.8-2 mm, powder coating.

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

25000-60000 rublesThe minimum thickness of the door leaf is 93 mm, steel - 1.6-2 mm, polymer powder coating, the possibility of decorative sheat, glass insertion.

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

25000-33000 rublesSteel - 1.8 mm, reinforced by 15 ribs of rigidity, four-layer fabric filling, the thickness of the door leaf is 100 mm.

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

29000-40000 rublesHeat-saving doors with a thickness of the canvas up to 118 mm, five layers of insulation, three layers of protective metal coating.

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

29000-88000 rublesThe canvas - 85 mm, thermal insulation of four layers of insulation, metal powder coating, decorative panels.
"City of masters"

Features of entrance doors with thermal survey: advantages and disadvantages, popular manufacturers | +45 photos

21000-37000Insulated doors of the "Medver" series, the thickness of the canvas from 74 to 105 mm, steel is used - 1.5-2 mm, two or three layers of the insulation.

Recommendations for choosing

Choosing an iron entrance door with a thermal survey for a country house, do not forget about the appointment and requirements for this kind of products:

  • Such doors are not intended to use indoors (such a solution does not bear any rational or aesthetic benefit).
  • Qualitative models must be made of sheets steel with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Such a metal protects the break zone during strong cold and heavy atmospheric precipitation.
  • The standard width of the web is 860 mm, the thickness is better to choose up to 100 mm. If necessary, you can order the door according to individual parameters, the wizards will make it in a short time, having agreed with the material and type of insulation.
  • For reliable consolidation and long-term operation, such doors must be equipped with durable loops, reliable locking mechanism and high-quality fittings.
  • It is preferable to choose models with levers for fixing the canvas in the door frame. This will increase the degree of protection against hacking.

Entrance thermoder

Thermodtere is a great option for a private house or cottage. They look advantageously at any design of residential premises, reliable, practical, durable and, most importantly, protect from cold, strong wind and extraneous noise.

The choice of such a door design is worth a special responsibility. Before buying, be sure to check the quality certificate on the product, study the specifications and sizes. It will not be superfluous with the reviews of buyers about the goods of different manufacturers. This will allow you not only to choose the best model, but also save a small amount of money.

Review of the best models (2 video)

Thermodtera and their distinctive features (48 photos)

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