Interior doors in a wooden house: selection and installation


An important component of any building are doors. The entrance construction restricts access to the house, and interior doors are necessary for noise insulation of individual rooms. A larger role is a decorative function, since beautifully decomposed sash complement the design of the house and help create a holistic architectural ensemble.

Interior doors in a wooden house need to be installed, taking into account the shrinkage of the framework frame. All wooden materials (glued timber, rounded log, board and shield) with time give shrinkage. From the right choice and compliance with the requirements for the installation depends the durability of the operation of interroom doors.

Features of wooden houses

The installation of metal entrance and interior doors in a wooden house is more complex than the installation of products in a concrete or brick structure. Wood is exposed to natural factors, it is amenable to rotting, moisture and fire is afraid. Therefore, a tree around the perimeter of the doorway with time weakens, which can lead to skews and deformation of door canvases, weakening the fasteners.

Features of wooden houses

Before installing interroom doors in a wooden house, you need to consider several important factors:

  • Strength. Wooden houses look massively and impressively, but over the years the tree partially loses its strength characteristics.
  • Shrinkage. After the construction of the house, the mass of wood has a strong load on the foundation, for five years the house is sitting.
  • Installation. In the process of installing door openings in a wooden house can weaken or split - you need to accurately install.
  • Exploitation. Wood gradually loses its operational characteristics under the influence of external factors.

In the first year after the construction of the house, experts do not recommend installing doors and windows until the intensive shrinkage process is completed. The deformation of the construction framework has a direct impact on the geometry of the doorway.

Shopping wooden house

Selection of interroom doors

Interior doors serve to distinguish between space in the house and impede the penetration of foreign sounds into the room. Products must be wear-resistant, durable, durable. In addition to interior doors in a wooden house, you need to install balcony and attic.

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In a wooden house, interior doors of different design with different operational characteristics are installed. The choice of a particular model depends on the type of room:

  • The deaf doors are relevant to mount in the bedroom to create a solitary, intimate atmosphere in the room. Recommended canvas with good sound insulation.
  • For the living room you can choose any product, the decorative characteristics of which meet the interior style of the room. Bivalves are perfectly suitable for a wide opening.
  • In the kitchen opening you need to install doors that do not transmit odors resistant to temperature drops and to humidity. Models with glass inserts will be harmoniously combined with tiles and chrome-plated surfaces.
  • The space of the children's room is limited by the doors from natural, environmentally friendly materials without glasses and locks, with comfortable handles of the rounded shape.
  • In the bathroom it is recommended to install moisture-resistant interior doors with noise insulation. It is better to give preference to deaf options.

What interior doors to choose in a wooden house

Some owners of wooden houses additionally put doors in the corridor, followed by a robust input structure with good thermal insulating properties. Thanks to this, you can hide the shoe shelves, hangers with outerwear and protect the indoor rooms from the cold in winter.

Interior doors can have a different form that repeats the geometry of the doorway. In a wooden house, not only rectangular, but also arched models will look beautiful.

Arched doors in a wooden house

Types of designs by way opening

By type of opening, the following interior doors distinguish:

  • Swing - the web opens in one direction, the presence of free space is necessary for their installation.

Swing interroom door

  • Sliding - move along the bottom or upper guide rail along the wall, it is convenient to put, if there is no space for smashes.

  • Folding by type of harmonica - consist of several clotheled sections, allow you to save free space.

Foldable interroom door

  • Pendulum - fulfilled without stops, so the flaps are opened in both directions.

Pendulum interroom door

The choice of the design of interior doors determines the presence of free space in the rooms and the type of input opening. Products can consist of one, two sash. Filling the door leaf depends on the interior and the purpose of the room.

Bivalve interior doors in a wooden house

Benefits of materials

Since the doors are installed indoors in the house, you can choose structures from a variety of materials, including combined options. Most often for installation in a wooden house, metal doors and wood models (veneer, MDF, extruded plywood) and copies combined with glass are selected.

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Metal doors

Steel and aluminum are used for the manufacture of metal structures. Materials meet modern interior design trends, harmoniously combined with wooden buildings architecture.

Metal entrance and interroom doors

Steel doors have important advantages:

  • High strength of the case or iron frame;
  • Fire resistance, moisture resistance;
  • Resistance to temperature differences, shocks;
  • long service life of the iron model;
  • Universality - you can put in any room.

Metal doors can be decorated with spectacular glass inserts. Products are easily amenable to polymer staining, which gives metal anti-corrosion properties.

Metal door with glass

Wooden doors

For the production of wooden doors, various wood species, MDF facades, veneer, a solid wood array are used. Copies from larch, oak, pine will become a real decoration of the house. No less effectively look at MDF models, in the finishing of which is used lamination, staining, staining.

Wooden interior doors

The advantages of wooden doors are obvious:

  • flawless decorative characteristics;
  • Beautiful structure and pattern of wood fibers;
  • reliability, strength, small proportion;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • Environmental purity of natural material.

The doors made of wood are the perfect solution for a wooden house, because with any design it is easy to enter into the interior of the premises. Wooden interior doors are combined with glass, decorate beautiful fittings, thread elements.

To increase the moisture-repellent and fire-resistant characteristics, products are treated with antipirens and antiseptics, which additionally protect the tree from moisture, fungus, mold.

What interior doors are better to install in a wooden house: tips on choosing and stages of installation

On video: What material it is better to choose interior doors.

The main stages of the installation

The frame of the wood houses with time gives a shrinkage of 0.8-1.3%, if a well-dried tree was used for the construction. The raw forest will fall even more, so the installation of door structures is made in one or two years. To avoid deformation of the web and skewing, the installation is necessarily performed using a casing or a casing, regardless of the door of the door.

To perform work, you need to stock yourself with all the necessary tools and fasteners. The master will be needed: hammer, nails (screws, screws), hacksaw, roulette, square, plumb, drill, level, knife, electric drill, spatula, wort.

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How to put the door in a wooden house:

1. The first thing is prepared by the opening. In size, it must be a little more of the door design - by 50-70 mm on the sides, the upper gap is 150 mm.

How to cut the doorway in the Srub

2. In the ends of the finished opening of a chainsaw or a mill, the grooves width and a depth of 50 mm are cut across the entire length of the sidewall.

How to install the door in a wooden house

3. In the prepared grooves are clogged by a cross section of 50x50 mm, their length should be 50 mm shorter than the grooves (for fresh cut) or 20 mm (for the already well-sensitive carcass at home).

How to install the door in a wooden house

4. A boards, which will form a threshold, and followed by a boards on the sides and at the top of the boards already installed.

How to install the door in a wooden house

5. In the upper and side gaps between the opening and casing box, the insulation is stacked. Next sets the door frame. The gap between it and the tip must be filled with the mounting foam.

How to install the door in a wooden house

6. The doors are measured and marked places to put the loops - at a distance of 20-25 cm from the edge from above and below. The door canvas is installed, make markers on the box in the locations of the loops.

What interior doors are better to install in a wooden house: tips on choosing and stages of installation

7. Perform sockets for fastening the loops - the groove of a depth of no more than 3 mm, set the loops on the tapping screw, the door can be attached.

What interior doors are better to install in a wooden house: tips on choosing and stages of installation

Additional recommendations

Deciding independently install interroom doors in a wooden house, you need to take into account a number of additional recommendations:

  • When installing uses a plumb, to correctly check the verticality of the locking racks and the door box.
  • All empties between the box of the placade and the opening are filled with insulation and mounting foam.
  • When installing the input door around the perimeter, the sealer is paved.
  • The canvas in the door frame should have enough thickness for sound insulation.
  • For reliability, the door is better installed on three or four loops, check the quality of the accessories before purchasing.
  • If the lock is provided in the door design, it is put at an altitude of 700-1200 mm (the distance from the floor).

Distance from floor to door lock

Making a casing and installation door (2 video)

Interior doors in the interior of a wooden house (50 photos)

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What interior doors are better to install in a wooden house: tips on choosing and stages of installation

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