What form of the dining table prefer


The dining table is kitchen furniture that must be in every home. Especially if you have a dinner with the whole family. But what option prefer, if you have a small room, and the family is big? In order for the dining table to be comfortable, and did not occupy a lot of space, you need to choose the shape of the furniture. Let's talk about the main types of dining table in the form, positive and negative moments of using different models.

Top 4 Best Dining Tables

So, kitchen tables in shape can be of the following types:

  • Rectangular table. It is considered classic for decoration of a kitchen or dining room. There are a large number of models: sliding, folding, "transformers" and so on. It can be installed near the wall or put in the middle of the room. If you often gather guests, it is best to choose the placement in the middle of the room (so more seating) or choose a sliding model;
  • Square. Such a model is the best in terms of practicality and saving space. There are various options for tables in size. If you choose a table for a family of 4 people, it will be enough to be a model of 90 cm long;
  • Round table. From aesthetic point of view, the round table is considered the most attractive. This is due to the fact that rounded shapes make a room more "soft" and cozy. You can also choose sliding models. Another advantage of the round table is its safety. The absence of corners allows you to protect yourself and your children from injuries;
  • Oval. If you are looking for a dining table that will combine the benefits of a rectangular and round table, the oval will be perfect for you. Oval shape makes the table roomy, safe and practical to use.
What form of the dining table prefer

Some more tips for choosing

Also to select a high-quality and practical table, you must consider the following points:

  • Do not choose a table that is not suitable for the interior of your kitchen or dining room. It is best to watch shades that already exist in the room for the harmonicity of the interior;
  • Choose those transformation mechanisms that will be light and reliable;
  • It is very important that chairs that you choose for the table approached its height.

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So, after analyzing the information above, you can find a beautiful, practical dining table. The main thing is to choose the model that is made of high-quality materials and has proven accessories.

  • What form of the dining table prefer
  • What form of the dining table prefer
  • What form of the dining table prefer
  • What form of the dining table prefer
  • What form of the dining table prefer

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