Interesting gadget from Alexander Volocheva


As you know, difficulties are hardened by designers and require them to make extraordinary solutions. Volokochev did not exception, as evidenced by his ideas to improve the characteristics of the gadget. He managed to come up with how to allow the device to work without charging for 15 days, while accessing the clock can be up to 70 times a day. He created a mechanism, thanks to which the indicators in the gadget are not burning constantly, but only if the user is referred to. This is achieved by implementing the sensory system in the clock - the screen on the clock lights up only when the owner brings to it. Gadget assembly is performed manually.

St. Petersburg designer Alexander Volochev invented and embodied the idea of ​​creating a gadget, which would show time with vacuum indicators. Gadget got the name The Watch. Its work has a fundamental similarity with a classic lamp - the numbers in them are created in the form of filaments of incandescent, and they are harnessed into a vacuum flask.

Interesting gadget from Alexander Volocheva

Interesting gadget from Alexander Volocheva

Interesting gadget from Alexander Volocheva

Despite the high level of novelty and attractiveness of the device, he found one significant drawback - high energy consumption. If you use simple batteries, they would have to change every half hour, so the designer had to use a lithium-ion battery. Such batteries are widely used in smartphones.

Interesting gadget from Alexander Volocheva

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