how to align the floor under laminate


how to align the floor under laminate

Repair of an apartment

Modern laminate is an outdoor coating obtained from DVP (fibreboard) of high density and paper picture, imitating expensive parquet floor. This material is quite unpretentious, in connection with which, it can be laid on a completely any type of floor surface.

However, a prerequisite - the foundation for laminate must be prepared, i.e. Aligned, which is allowed to perform in different ways. Today we devote our post theme on how to level the floor under laminate to prevent the deformation of the synthetic coating during operation.

How to align the surface of the wood flooring under the laminate?

The surgery for giving the evenness and smoothness to the old floor, created from natural wood, is considered archent and time consuming. Of course, it is so if you compare with the process of aligning a concrete base.

However, home masters still have to resort to such an action that implies a complete dismantling of an outdated wooden floor. Worn wood flooring is taken completely, since the boarding plates as a result of long-term operation in some places either savage or swell by forming bulges.

If the situation is not too critical and it is quite possible to do without radical intervention, it is recommended to take advantage of this chance and embody one of the alignment methods below.

how to align the floor under laminate

how to align the floor under laminate

The cycle of the wooden base with their own hands is efficient and easy

Cyclovka is a popular technology of "smoothing" of wooden surfaces by bouquet. However, know that it is not fully able to solve the problem, although, striving for a compressed period to obtain a flat surface of the floor for further laminate on it, you can decisively reproduce it.

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To obtain a smooth and clean plane of a wooden base, it is necessary to use functional equipment - a cycular machine, as well as a manual angular cyclicevant, which will provide ease of work in hard-to-reach zones (in the corners of the room, along the perimeter of the floor-wall joint).

This kind of processing makes it possible in a short time to achieve an even coating of the base floor by cutting its upper layer of a minor thickness (we are talking about tenths of a millimeter).

Upon completion of the cycloying, the wood base can be coated with a layer of protective varnish (at the request of the master), and after its complete drying, it is possible to engage in direct laying of the laminate.

Chipboard and plywood plates - faithful floor alignment helpers

While touched on how to level the floor under the laminate, it is impossible not to talk about the version, which involves the use of chipboard and plywood. These materials are not very expensive, therefore their choice for many owners of private houses with wooden floors is optimal.

When buying any of the mentioned finishing and building materials, such a parameter should be taken into account as the thickness - it should be at least 12 mm, but also it is also not recommended to choose. When laying plywood or chipboard, it is also important to use special insulation substrates, which are designed to improve the heat insulating properties of the floor.

Since these sheet materials can be saved, both under conditions of time and under considerable weight, then they need to install the reference system. To do this, the nails of self-tapping screws make the installation of aligning lighthouses, which further lads fit: the distance between the latter can be selected at the discretion of the user (from 10 to 25 cm).

In order for the lag system to be arranged quality and smoothly, the construction level is required during the work. For more reliable fixation of wooden beams, you can additionally use PVA carbonate glue, which contains plasticizers and a variety of additives that give it an excellent adhesive ability and elasticity.

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how to align the floor under laminate

how to align the floor under laminate

The alignment material cuttered appropriately mounted to the surface of the lag construction in such a way that the joints of the first coincide with the second plane. Stacking plywood is worth performing with some displacement of the joints (remember the laying technology of bricks).

Since the highest elevation of the floor lifting when it is aligned in this way is about 30 mm, it is not necessary to be afraid that the space of the room will not decrease. When fixing the leveling sheets, universal screws need to be applied with a reduced (counted) haat.

Upon completion of the alignment of the wooden floor, chipboard or plywood, be sure to dispose the substrate from the foamed polyethylene or the rolled plug to the surface, to which the laminate coating can be left in the future.

Concrete screed or how to give a base neat look and smooth surface

The technology equalizing the main gender using a concrete screed is usually embodied in apartments and cottages, where massive, fastened plates from reinforced concrete are used as overlaps.

High-strength concrete "fill" provides a perfectly smooth surface without flaws, unless, of course, it was created without the assumption of errors and in compliance with all conditions. Before telling how to align the floor under laminate by organizing a screed, it should be noted that it is produced in two stages.

The procedure for performing concrete screed for subsequent laying of laminate

Concrete screed - Stage I. The initial stage of work is a draft alignment, which is carried out by filling on the base of the composition, which is a significant thickness of the entire concrete screed.

If the remains of old coatings are present on the base floor plane (cracking concrete, mounting carpet glue, hardened cement solution), then they are eliminated, after which the surface is pretty abrasive.

At the same stage, the required thickness of the "fill" layer is determined using the level, for which the so-called cement slides are created around the perimeter of the room, the so-called cement slides, which are then installed. After the beacons are installed, go to the manufacture of a building mixture.

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how to align the floor under laminate

how to align the floor under laminate using a screed

Concrete Solution Recipe:

  • Cement (MARK M400) - 25%;
  • Sand (pre-sacred and purified from impurities) - 75%.

All of these components fall asleep into a clean wide ass and thoroughly stirled with a drill, equipped with a special nozzle-mixer, until the mass becomes homogeneous. After that, the connected ingredients are suited to a container with water and mix again.

A prepared composition is poured into the space between the tempered system installed: for this, the user, holding the construction rule from the aluminum alloy with two hands, relieves its ends on the rail and moves it on himself. In order to obtain a flat floor plane for subsequent installation of the laminate, it is necessary to check it with a horizontal level.

After the concrete "fill" took its place on the floor of the room, the needle roller should be walking along its surface to "clean" its structure from air bubbles.

Concrete screed - Stage II. The next stage, following the black alignment of the floor, is the finishing alignment. The second stage of work is performed only after the final drying of the originally flooded screed. In contrast to the first layer, which used the large-scale mixture, the fine-grain composition is used here.

The finishing concrete solution should have a liquid, fluid consistency and applied thin (!) Layer. As soon as the connection of the concrete fully solids, the floor leveling process can be considered over and you can safely go to the store for a laminate coating.

Now you know how to align the floor under the laminate by filling the concrete and the use of two types of sheet material made of implant veneer (plywood) and wood chips (chipboard).

We wish you good luck in this difficult case, and sincerely hope that our tips will warn you from repairing mistakes!

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