How to paint drywall: small tricks


The next stage after installing plasterboard will be its painting. This is perhaps the easiest finish. After all, the surface of the drywall is so good and smooth that painting it is one pleasure. However, we will consider in detail how to paint the plasterboard correctly.


Despite the fact that the painting of drywall is not complicated, but they also won't call it easily. Coloring must be even so that no shishchets, pits and other similar flaws are not noticeable.

How to paint drywall: small tricks

Prepared surface

By the way, on our site you can explore the video that will tell you how it is necessary to paint the plasterboard.

Slip the seams, unfortunately, it does not always work well. And especially faced with difficulties in a multi-tiered design. It is best to take an oily putty for this, because on the cardboard it will be held just great. In addition, it will be climbing, and not scrape.

Stages of preparation

  1. Before painting the walls of drywall, put the seams . Special attention should be paid to places that were formed after screwing or clogging fasteners.
  2. We expect everyone to dry . It is better not to rush here and wait for a day.
  3. Wide spatula we apply an aligning layer . We must get a homogeneous texture that will remind us of paper.
  4. If the putty graduated, it would be nice to walk and the primer . Otherwise, the cardboard can bent and absorb from the mixture of moisture.

    How to paint drywall: small tricks

    Grinding wall

  5. Then handle the surface "skin-zero".

And only after that you can apply paint. If you do not know how you can paint the plasterboard, then the following tips for you.

Articles on the topic:

  • Painting Gypsum Carton
  • Paint for plasterboard
  • Preparation of plasterboard to painting

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Choose paint

Despite the fact that this process seemingly not difficult, but it also has many stages.

In general, you can talk about this topic, but we will consider the basic rules how to properly paint drywall, which should be observed when choosing paint.

  • After drying cardboard seams, use glue or putty;
  • Do not use shiny paints, as they greatly reflect the light and you can see all defects. Use only matte;
  • Light colors will help hide defects.


If you still decided to choose a dark tone, better invite a professional malarker, that you will save yourself and time, and nerves.

Rules painting

Painting consumption is entirely dependent on the quality of the treated surface. Since it is possible to apply it as one layer and several. Well, accordingly, its price is different - depending on durability and quality.

How to paint drywall: small tricks

Collect the ceiling of plasterboard

However, there are several small tricks, thanks to which the painted drywall will be smooth:

  • When the compounds are dry in the drywall design, it is necessary to put a layer of putty or sealant.
  • In order to hide some defects, the paint should be on a water basis, which will create an "orange crust", which is optically fixing everything. Only if the humidity is increased in your room, it is not recommended to apply it.
  • Around the door should be disconnected at the beginning with a tassel, and then the pile roller.


Very often the question arises: how to paint the walls of plasterboard. It is worth considering not only the paint itself, but also tools for painting.

Types of colors

  • Enamel;
  • Oil;
  • Water-emulsion.


When the paint dry out completely, the water-emulsion is brighten to several tones. And the enamel and oil on the contrary are darker.

Enamel and oil paint

They are well suited for use in any premises, which is very good if you are tormented by the problem than to paint the bathroom drywall. They are not scary either moisture nor dampness, nor water, nor leakage. The surface of their glossy and touch they are cold. Yes, and on consumption of material, such paints are very economical.

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But it is better to paint them better in well-ventilated areas, as they include a variety of chemical components.

How to paint drywall: small tricks

Bathroom painting is quite feasible with their own hands.

Water-emulsion paint

She today is the most popular. She has a pleasant matte and velvety surface.

Most often it is white and for achieving a different shade apply a kel. Fortunately, the assortment of the koller is quite large, so get the desired color will not make problems.

However, she has its own minuses:

  • Very big consumption;
  • Not suitable for rooms with high humidity.


Before painting the plasterboard wall, we will need only three tools:

  • Brush;
  • Roller;
  • Kraspopult.

Tassels are used for painting in the indoor corners, so the widths will be enough 5-10 cm. It is best to choose a flint thin brush.

How to paint drywall: small tricks

The photo shows the process of painting with a wall with a roller

When buying a roller should pay attention to the fur coat - it must be with an average pile. With a large pile, the roller will be very heavy, and small - can form on the stained surface of the bald.

Application technology

How to paint drywall: small tricks

Praying corners

The water-making paint is applied to the wall in 2-3 layers. To expect while painted drywall in each layer, there is no need for a need, as it is applied "on wet".

Enamel and oil worn in 3 layers. Moreover, the first smeared by the wall with zigzags and then the roller distribute paint. The second layer should be thick, and the third on the contrary - thin.

Start painting stands from the angle of the room. And for this we use a brush. Then the roller is allowed. By the way, you only need to paint from the ceiling to the floor - this is necessary.

If you aligned the wall with a putty, then before starting work, fresh areas should be processed separately. And only then proceed directly to the painting of the wall.

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To date, the gypsum cardboard is applied almost everywhere. And the color of the walls of plasterboard walls is almost no different from painting spacing or plastered walls. And it can make even a beginner. So, if our instruction was observed, then your new walls will delight you and your guests with their shining look no one evening.

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