Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions


Plasterboard systems are very popular in modern construction. They are reliable, effective and can be used for the most unusual design solutions. At the same time, most often this material is used to create ceilings.

However, it is worth noting that such a process requires accurate compliance with all instructions in the project and the correct calculations. This is especially well shown in such a manual as mounting drywall on the ceiling - video lesson.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling

Installation of plasterboard ceilings

The mounting of the suspended ceiling of plasterboard is a phased process, which is based on a pre-prepared project. Therefore, the very first action in this form will be the creation Project.


The usual installation of ceilings from drywall video instructions, which is presented below, involves work on the finished project.

  • To do this, take any like-like ceiling type, on which the grid is applied with a cell of 60 cm.
  • Then, in places of bends, lines that will correspond to the profile on the wall.
  • After that, it turns out the finished picture, which can be written in any ceiling, and the lines applied to the drawing will be real profiles.
  • After that, we consider the amount of all intersections that will correspond to the special type of compounds.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

General installation scheme for plasterboard ceilings

Tip! It is best to use for such calculations completely ready-made projects that are simply driven by the size of the room. You can also take advantage of special software or services of some building stores that will help make calculations of materials on the initial project and size of the room.


Standard instruction and video installation of the ceiling from plasterboard suggests the execution of this process together. This is due to the fact that such devices like a water level and the plumb is better used in a pair.

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However, modern builders have long used levels and laser control devices that allow markup on their own and greatly facilitate this action.

In order to facilitate the installation of the plasterboard ceiling - video instructions offer to almost completely transfer the drawing to the surface. At the same time, each new tier is preserved separately.

Tip! When applying marking, it is necessary to constantly use the measuring instruments and the level, since the slightest error can significantly affect the future design.

Installing profiles

The real mounting of the suspended ceiling of plasterboard - the video instruction of which is presented below, begins precisely from the installation of profiles.

  • To begin with, all guides are fixed with shock dowels.
  • They are fastened with carrier ceiling profiles for drywall, which are connected by self-drawing, and maintain special suspension at the required level.
  • So that the whole design is not a squall, it is fastened with additional installation elements that perform the function of rigidity.

It should be noted that on the video - installation of the suspended ceiling made of plasterboard shows only a sample of some compounds. Therefore, making it yourself, you can use any other methodology that allows you to achieve the desired result.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

Installation of the ceiling profiles

Tip! After installing each main part in the design, it is necessary to check it with a level to determine the ratio to the horizon and the entire design. If necessary, you can always make align using substrates or pliers. The main thing is that the whole design is tough and durable.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

Instructions and video Installation of plasterboard ceiling usually recommend installing sheets so that their connection looks like a letter "T" . So, it is prevented by the appearance of cracks in the joints of the joints, which is quite often even when using the reinforcing tape.

However, in the presence of complex elements on the ceiling, it is very not easy to achieve this placement. Then you can install small fragments of plasterboard in chaotic order, which will also give the design additional strength and will avoid cracks.

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Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

Installation scheme sheets on plasterboard ceiling

Finish work

When the installation of a plasterboard ceiling was completed - the video instruction recommends that a number of finishing works are completed.

  • You need to install all the necessary parts of the angular compounds and the reinforcing tape.
  • Then carefully sharpen all the joints, aligning the surface in a floss with a sheet.
  • It is also necessary to sweat recessed in the material of the screws of the screws.
  • After that, the putty is allowed to dry, and then it is cleaned with shallow sandpaper.
  • After all, drywall ceilings are treated with a mixture of water and putty, which is applied using a painting roller, a thin layer.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

Ceiling after finishing

After all these stages, the ceiling is considered to be installed and ready for painting.

Tip! The consistency of the finish mixture should be like a liquid sour cream. So it is good to impregnate the material, but at the same time the minimum consumption of components and forces will be produced.

Additional work

When installing the ceiling, it is necessary to remember the lighting and additional systems passing along the top. They should be hide in the cavity of the entire structure, withdrawing through drywall only the necessary elements.

Read the article with more information - a ceiling device from plasterboard: Tips and recommendations.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - video lessons and installation instructions

Ready ceiling with suspended decor elements


Make a ceiling of plasterboard with your own hands can almost everyone. To do this, do all instructions of the instructions and tips presented in the video material. However, the most important attention should be paid to the creation of the project, since it is he who is the basis of all installation and is responsible for the quality of the future design.

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