Dark ceiling in the interior


Dark ceiling in the interior

In the design of interiors, there is an original ambiguous reception - this is the use of black. If competently combines it with other tones, then in the end it turns out a beautiful and chic look.

In our current article, we decided to tell about the dark ceiling in the interior of the apartment, and its combination with other design details.

Black color often causes associations with grace, chic, luxury and refinement. Some people are delighted, and others scares. It so happened that many believe that it is unacceptable to apply dark tones in the interior.


  1. Dark ceiling and interior styles
  2. Combining flowers
  3. Recommendations
  4. Black chandeliers
  5. Selection of material
  6. conclusions

Dark ceiling and interior styles

What stylistic directions can the dark ceiling come to?

First, this is a causing urban style. In addition, it will fit well in styles: minimalism, art deco, high-tech.

Dark ceiling is a frequent guest in the interior of nightclubs, cinemas, boutiques and restaurants. In urban dwellings, they usually make a dark ceiling in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and the bathroom.

Tip: It is not recommended to use black color on the ceiling level, which is below three meters. In addition, it will not fit into obviously dark rooms having small window openings. In such cases, the properties of the black color will not act on our side, and you will not get the necessary result.

Dark ceiling in the interior

Dark ceilings in the interior of the apartment

We must very carefully apply dark tones in the design of the rooms in order not to get a depressive atmosphere. The main purpose of its purpose in the interior is the increase in contrast.

When organizing the lighting of a black ceiling, preferably not to use embedded point lights, otherwise the effect of night starry sky is formed. Against the background of the dark ceiling, the elegant chandelier will look great.

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Dark ceiling in the interior

Combining flowers

Black color in the interior can work perfectly with shades:








Dark ceiling in the interior

Stretch dark ceilings in the interior

Black and white

It is worth specially stopped at this traditional combination. White-black ceiling will be an excellent option for those people who want to make creative in the interior. In addition, the dark ceiling on a bright background will be greatest to appear above, as a result, there is no danger that it will push.

Dark ceiling in the interior

Since the tone data is opposed to its essence, their combination allows them to fill in each other's shortcomings and get a harmonious result.

Tip: So that the room does not look gloomy, place the ceiling perimeter with light ceiling plinths. This solution is usually applied by designers for visual expansion of space.

Dark ceiling: Combination with floor

It is forbidden to select the ceiling colors, excluding other parts of the room. After all, their competent combination just allows you to achieve an excellent effect. Not the most successful combination will be the creation of a dark ceiling and a dark floor, however, and this desperate reception can sometimes be worthy, especially if you add light walls.

On the bottom of the photo is just depicted such a good combination, the game is on opposite. Where the black ceiling section is located, there is a light floor, and vice versa.

Dark ceiling in the interior


  • In the modern hall, any elements of the interior can be located, and it will not hurt them to enter into harmony with a black and white ceiling. Its use allows you to successfully emphasize the belonging of the housing, if its owner is an ultramodern man. Photos of such ceilings are often delighted.
  • With a competent selection of complementary shades, furniture and other parts, the dark tone will look good even in the bedroom.
  • We do not advise you to apply a dark ceiling in the nursery. In this case, neutral tones are preferably used.
  • The alternate change of glossy and matte textures will create an original interior.
  • Create some bright accent in the interior to emphasize it on a dark background. The role of this accent can play an elegant chandelier.

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Dark ceiling in the interior

Black chandeliers

The use of black chandeliers for the ceiling, one of the lightest, but very effective techniques. On a light background, the dark suspension will look as much as possible, due to the strong contrast of the opposite tones.

Dark ceiling in the interior

Selection of material

If you are going to create a dark ceiling in the interior of your apartment, then decide on the material from which it is better to do it.

Tension . Probably the most simple and successful solution. It has good practicality and fast in installation. This option has a wide selection of shades and textures.

Painting . In the market there are latex paints of black for ceiling and wall structures. They can immediately paint the base of concrete or design of drywall.

Compound solution . A separate ceiling section, usually it is a perimeter, made of drywall, and the other zone is drawn up with a tensionable web. The spectacular and universal solution is a glossy dark ceiling in a figured drywall box.

Suspension . In the construction market, it is possible to detect black cells to create suspended ceilings, for example, mesh modules for the Armstrong ceiling system. It is quite possible to combine with other tones, having received the semblance of a chessboard as a result.

Dark ceiling in the interior


At the end of our article, it should be noted that it is not necessary to fear to use dark colors in the design of apartments. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the proportions in their combinations with each other. Such interiors are usually sufficiently strict. Boldly apply creative techniques, because it is possible to achieve a delightful design.

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