We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom


Before you begin to lay the wall tile in the bathroom, first of all take care of the availability of everything you need. It is not necessary to spend huge amounts for expensive professional equipment. Many tools are replaced by others or, in general, used primary means.

To properly put a tile on the walls in the bathroom, you will need:

  • Direct spatula. They are placed on a facing surface.
  • Gear. With it, glue, forming smooth grooves.
  • Rubber. It will be required at the stage of grouting seams.
  • Bulgarian. Universal tool that can remove an old coating, remove the hardening solution, cut the tile. Perfectly replaces tiles.
  • Bit. Suitable for removing the old tile.
  • A set of brushes and rollers. Used during priming and surface treatment, before putting the tile.
  • Level and plumb. They adjust the vertical and horizontal laying on them.
  • A hammer. With it, the chisel is rushed under the tile. Wooden handle will replace the rubber image.

This is the minimum set, but other tools are used.

We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom

Required List


Now let's look at what glue the tile in the bathroom on the wall. To secure the tile, you will need special mixtures and materials to level the surface and its further cladding.

First of all, you will need:

  • Glue solution. You can mix it yourself from cement and sand or purchase a ready-made mixture.
  • Primer. Provides the best clutch of materials and increases the protection of the wall from penetration into its structure of excess moisture.
  • Putty. The tile is desirable to put on perfectly smooth walls. To eliminate serious drops, the starting putty is used. In most cases, it is cooled without finishing and immediately glue tiles.
  • Crossings. To fix the distance between the elements of masonry, plastic products of the appropriate size are used.
  • Stout seams. Fills emptiness at the joints, masks small defects and creates a complete aesthetic surface view.
  • Silicone sealant. In the bathroom, it is especially important to ensure reliable insulation on the joints to protect against moisture and contamination. With the help of sealant glue borders and plinth.
  • Antiseptic. Liquid used for the processing of walls and interputric seams in order to prevent the development of fungus, mold and pathogenic microbes.

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We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom

Today in the market, building mixes are presented in a huge assortment

Please note: for each type of surface there are special adhesive mixtures. They differ in the presence of specific additives. If you do not know which solution to choose, stop on the universal.

Preparatory work

Before you begin to glue a tile in the bathroom on the wall, you need to hold a number of mandatory work on the preparation of the surface and materials. First of all, free the walls of the bathroom from furniture, accessories and proceed to remove the old tile. At the same time, keep in mind that together with it remove the entire layer of solution. Protect yourself from dust and fragments using a respirator and building glasses.

We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom

On this surface, put the tile is categorically impossible - preparatory measures are required.

The next step is the antiseptic processing of the base. If necessary, waterproofing is performed. If constant contact of the wall with moisture is supposed, it is best to miss the paint concrete.

After that, align the surface. In most cases, it is sufficient to note with the help of the level and plumb the most problematic places and eliminate the defects with putty. If the differences are significant, as well as with the need to align angles, masking communications, plumbing parts, use a simpler way - drywall, however, note that such a design is attached to the profile, which means that you will inevitably take your valuable centimeters of the square. In some cases, you can stick it directly to the concrete.

The last step of the preparatory process is priming the foundation and application of auxiliary markup.

Layout scheme

To determine how to properly put a tile on the walls in the bathroom, you need to think in advance the chart of the tile layout. It is best to draw it on paper or using a computer program. Assessing the visual appearance and design of the alleged options, select the best.

We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom

Basic layouts

In the bathroom, the facing is mainly carried out by such schemes:

  • Straight - tiles are located equally, the seams coincide.
  • The rotor - resembles a brickwork when each next row is glued with a displacement on the floor element.
  • Diagonal - used to visually push the space. This method is one of the most difficult performed.

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Also applied to the laying of additional decorative elements. In most cases, these are tiles with inserts in the form of a pattern or bulk part or frieze. The latter is a decorative curb, which shares the wall into two parts. The top is predominantly performed in the bright range, and the bottom - in the dark.

Making markup and calculating the number of tiles required, consider the sizes of the seams.


Laying ceramics on the walls in the bathroom begins with the preparation of the solution and the tile itself. 3-4 Tiles Soam in water, and glue and leave and leave the minutes for 10-15 minutes. After that, wash the tile dry and proceed to work.

How to put ceramic tiles on the walls in the bathroom:

  1. Secure the support bar or metal profile at the level of the second row. Note that all the upper tiers should consist of entire elements except lateral segments.
  2. Apply a small amount of glue on the wall or tile and scream it with a toothed spatula. Start glue tiles from the most prominent side.
  3. Attach the tile to the wall and press.
  4. Correct its position using the level, cross and painting.
  5. The laying is made by a number of over, but it is not worth putting more than 3-4, otherwise they will float under heavy load.
  6. The latter glue cutting fragments.

Further work is carried out in a day when the solution grabbed with the basis and facing material.

We lay the tile on the walls in the bathroom

Equipped niches in the bathroom

Processing of seams and joints

After you managed to successfully glue a tile on the wall in the bathroom, you must take care of the seams and joints. Plastic crosses are extracted from them, and the antiseptic processing is carried out. To put the mastic to divert a small amount of cage mixture and use the rubber spatula to make all the seams. For complete isolation from moisture, epoxy resins based compositions are recommended.

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For sealing angles, floor joints and walls, plumbing and furniture use silicone. It is recommended to apply the composition of white. If he creates a contrast, then take it with a transparent analogue. Additionally, make a decorative plinth. On this work is completed and you can start cleaning.

If the laying of the tile on the walls in the bathroom was performed correctly, after a few days you can enjoy the new interior and arrange furniture and accessories.

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