Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners


A person who is repaired for the first time, just starts to work, it is quite difficult to deal with the widest range of fasteners. After all, it is necessary to purchase not only the usual self-tapping screws, which will be attached by plasterboard to the profile, but also special attachments, for hiding shelves and cabinets on the walls.

We will try to give the most detailed answer about what is different and how good is any kind of hardware.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

The choice is notoay, when there is no possibility to compare the fasteners

Diversity in the construction market

To carry out reliable mounting in drywall, it is necessary to use not conventional self-tapping screws, but special dowels intended for gypsum materials. To understand what kind of fasteners is best, let's consider each of the proposed options.

Dowel "Driva"

The main purpose is a mounting to drywall lamps, wooden rails and other decorative and functional products.

The thickness of the web should be at least 9 mm.

  • Most often, dowel "Driva" is made of plastic, but there are metal.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

Metallic "Driva" - this species does not allow you to disrupt the verge of dowel, reliably fixing the mounted construction

  • It is considered the easiest view of the mounting for plasterboard.
  • Fixation is carried out due to rare and wide threads. This method does not allow crumbs to crumble, providing reliable fixation of a dowel for drywall.
  • For Driva, it does not require a preliminary drilling of the opening. Dowel can be screwed using a conventional screwdriver or screwdriver.

It cannot be said that such a fastener is the most reliable, but it can be used when hiding any items, such as: photo frames, paintings, sconce and other non-heavy decorative products.

Articles on the topic:

  • Dowel for plasterboard
  • Fasteners for plasterboard

Dowel "Umbrella"

Another type of fastening, an externally resembling an umbrella.

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It can be used not only for plasterboard, but also for other materials: chipboard, reinforced hollow overlap.

  • If you compare it with other species, it is rightfully considered the most powerful fastener. Therefore, it is often used to sample cabinets, water heaters and curtains for curtains.
  • Revealing in emptiness, the umbrella distributes the entire load on the large area, which does not allow plasterboard to test the voltage at one point.
  • It can be equipped with M-shaped hooks, hooks and shores with an eye.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

Various options for dowels available on sale


The butterfly for fastening the plasterboard is not largely inferior to the "umbrella" in reliability, but it is several times cheaper.

The dowel "umbrella" is more often used for mounted ceilings, for example, such a type of fastener is able to withstand a huge chandelier.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

"Umbrella", he "Molly" - suitable for various designs and materials

Dowel "U"

The type of fastening, which is made of polypropylene.

Pretty practical fasteners, perfectly fixing non-vague items on plasterboard.

  • Maybe two options: with a side (stubborn washer) and without side. The only difference is that the availability of the board does not allow the dowel to fall into the material.
  • The price is quite acceptable, after all, it is plastic.

For your information!

This kind of dowel is disposable, we do not advise you to use it twice.

After the tapping screw is unscrewed, a carving will appear on the plastic walls, which the next time it will not be so securely fixing the methome.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

Standard polypropylene dowel: at the top - for concrete, down - for drywall

Dowel "Butterfly"

But now your dowel will appear to your attention a butterfly, which was probably heard of everything. This dowel is the most common, since it is used not only builders, but also people who do not have any attitude towards the construction site.

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His advantages will answer the question why he is so popular?

  • The thickness of one plastic dowel is 10-12 mm, which is quite enough to withstand several cycles of screwing and unscrew the screws.
  • The stop, which is formed from the opposite side of the drywall, distributes the load on the large area, making the place of drilling less vulnerable.
  • Longitudinal ribs do not give a dowel to scroll, which increases the operational period of fasteners for drywall.


The ribs will be saved only if the hole diameter is no more than the thickness of the dowel.

As you can see, the above characteristics allow you to say that this type of fasteners is perfect for work with plasterboard. You can inspire not only lamps and paintings, but also attach attachments, brackets for televisions and much more.

Look at the photo like a dowel butterfly behaves in the material.

Butterfly for drywall - a variety of fasteners

It can be seen that the focus is sufficiently dense, it allows you to avoid random deposits

Articles on the topic:

  • Dowel Driva

Features of mounting work

If you decide to make the installation of fasteners, you should know several important points that may affect the efficiency of the workflow.

It can be said, this is a brief instruction on any mounting work related to plasterboard.

  • Butterflies in the plasterboard should be hammer to hammer so that they do not hang out there. If you call too much a hole, then the dowel will not hold.
  • Please note that the thickness of the product that will be attached to the butterfly should not exceed 5 mm. More cumbersome designs should be attached to another self-tapping screw, which has a big length.
  • The plasterboard should be at least 35 mm so that the self-tapping screw can be normalized normally and press the emphasis.
  • Screw the screws better than a screwdriver so as not to disrupt the plastic face of the stop. On large turns often plastic burst.

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Butterflies on plasterboard are one of the most effective types of fasteners, which came up with people for GLC. To be honest, in some cases they are ahead of metal fasteners in reliability.

We tried to give the most comprehensive answer in all types of fasteners that are designed for drywall. But if you are confused by the workflow itself, then look at the video, where it is shown how butterflies for drywall are installed.

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