Tile rug on the floor


Tile rug on the floor

"Tile rug" - usually, therefore, refer to the decorative plot built into the overall floor facing. Most often, the ceramic carpet is made directly in the middle of the room, and surround from all sides with a different outdoor material. Sometimes it is located near the entrance door or in some of the corners. Because of its color palette, pattern, ornament or texture, such an accent fragment is strongly highlighted from the floor finish and really look like a rug.

What do such mats make? Firstly, with decorative points of view. Ceramic accent is the interior decor that allows you to make it unusual and more beautiful.

Secondly, zoning . The tile mat perfectly emphasizes the required interior fragment on the background of a single area: for example, you can highlight, the hallway in the lobby, shower in the bathroom, dining room in the kitchen, etc.

Tile rug and his environment

The tile rug can be embedded in both ceramic and wood (or laminated) finishing material.

Getting ready to integrate a tile rug to laminated or parquet floor, you need to start a competent fit. It is necessary to plan the process so that two coating materials are located at a single level. There is a chance that it will be necessary to apply an unusually "fat" layer of tiled adhesive or, on the contrary, extremely thin. It is not desirable to raise the level of layers of laminate or board with several layers of the substrate. Because it can cause the floor creaking.

Tile rug on the floor

According to the technology, it is preferable, first of all laying the tile, and then organize a laminated or milking floor.

Tile rug on the floor

What tile lay a rug from?

From mosaic. Small ceramic fragments decorate floors in bathrooms and bathrooms. By the way, the color of the mosaic is able to be as an identical shared tile, and stand out. In order for the zone beautifully contrasted on the floor area, pretty and texture.

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Although the mosaic rug is able to be both elegant and two-color and ornamental-motley.

Tile rug on the floor

From tile with other positioning. Building material of the outdoor "rug" is capable of not very different (or be completely identical) from the main tile. To "panel" it was spectacular, it will be pretty to change the layout of the tiles. So if the rest of the tile is laid straight, the separated fragment can be arranged at an angle. In addition, it is better to make the framing that the edges of the rug will highlight.

Tile rug on the floor

From tile with pattern. Such "mats" are especially known and famous. And they look often like natural carpets, multicolored or patchwork.

Create them most often from Moroccan or Mexican tiles.

This floor decoration is an excellent decor of premises, from which sometimes you can not take a look. It is usually used in the halls, a little less frequently in the bathrooms and kitchens.

Tile rug on the floor
From the tile of a different format. The floor with a rectangular tile may be decorated with a rug of square, hexagonal, cellular and other tiles. Here, as in the version with a mosaic, the emphasis is on the difference of not a color range, but textures.

From the tile of contrasting color. For the rug, a monochrome tile of ordinary shape may well be applied. And he will undertake to be emphasized at the expense of his color distinguished against the background of the rest of the outdoor material. For even stronger emphasis, it is possible to reflect our plot with a mosaic border.

From special decors. In most ceramic sets there are additional spectacular tiles, identical to the style of the rest of the cafela. A similar method may be somewhat banal, but completely reliable. In appearance and gamma, the rug will be mixed as much as possible with the main floor trim.

Tile rug on the floor

Several different variations presented in this article can be combined in one "mat": for example, a tile with a one-time ornament, and a different form, and an underlined shade will be combined to isolate.

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Tile rug on the floor photo

Tile rug on the floor

Tile rug on the floor

Tile rug on the floor

Tile rug on the floor

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