What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos


What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

Modern cabinet furniture, whose photo you can see in this material, is in great demand among consumers. This is due to its versatility, practicality, as well as external attractiveness. Let's talk about this type of furniture in more detail, we will define its strengths and consider varieties.

What is it?

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

Many are interested in what the cabinet furniture is and what it is eaten. Well, there is not worth it, but it is desirable to learn about her essence.

This is a modular furniture that includes the main part - the box. This box is made of vertical and horizontal elements, and the rear wall is glued or nailed with nails.

To clearly understand this, take a simple drawer from your closet or desktop. Now put it vertically. If you attach the doors to such a design, we will get a kind of miniature cabinet. That is what the essence of cabinet furniture is. It can have a variety of shape and sizes.

Materials for cabinet furniture

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

Now let's talk about what materials cabinet furniture for the bedroom can be manufactured. If you choose, we advise you to take the question of quality. Therefore, consider only three main variants of materials.

  1. Chipboard with a veneer coating. Today, such a combination of materials is most popular in the manufacture of cabinet furniture. By photo you can see how attractive products are obtained by various shapes and sizes created on the basis of the chipboard. Wood-made plates are veneered directly at the stage of the factory assembly. Popularity is explained by the available price and safety, operational characteristics for a long time. Plus, designers have tried, who have learned how to give the material excellent attractiveness and diversity.
  2. MDF. No less practical and qualitative, elements of cabinet furniture, created on the basis of such material as MDF, are obtained. This is a fiberboard. This material is very similar to the chipboard, characterized by all its positive qualities. The only disadvantage is the use of formaldehyde compounds. This is necessary for the manufacture of furniture.
  3. Tree arrays. The optimal option when choosing a material of cabinet furniture, which has excellent quality, environmental friendliness, external attractiveness. Posora, oak, beech, alder, birch, are used mainly to create furniture. It is natural and excellent characteristics that make cabinet furniture of this type of the most expensive and inaccessible to many consumers.

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Types of cabinet furniture

To pick up for your own bedroom, a living room or a working cabinet cabinet furniture, you need to learn to distinguish its views.

Today, three main varieties of cabinet furniture are distinguished:

  • Modular systems;
  • Headsets;
  • Products to order.

Let's consider that each separate type represents what their features and advantages are.

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

What is cabinet furniture, its varieties and photos

Modular systems

Such cabinet furniture is separate block modules. The charm of them is that modules can be combined and place as you want. There are no special restrictions here, which allows you to create an optimal embodiment of the bedroom.

Experts celebrate two main nuances of modular systems of cabinet furniture:

  • Low cost. This allows you to purchase it to everyone who needs a new and inexpensive furniture. At the same time, quality remains at a decently high level;
  • The ability to change the arrangement scheme. Modules can be moved and positioned as you need. Something is cleaned, something is added. As a result, an excellent, functional ensemble from block modules is created.


This type of cabinet furniture is a predetermined combination of individual furniture components. Today, manufacturers prefer the production of sets, the equipment of which is approved and is made in a certain stylistic direction, with a decorated color palette.

Such a feature of the furniture headset allows not to break the head over the search for suitable and combined elements - beds, a cabinet, chest, dressing table, etc.

Finished headsets allow in one store to purchase all the necessary elements for the design of the bedroom, a living room, a children's or other room. But buying a headset with an eye on the invariance of the interior over the coming years.

There are situations where furniture is bought, and in a year repairs are carried out, the flooring is changed, the wallpaper is changed. And they are no longer so harmony with furniture, as it was before. Therefore, first repairs, and then furniture headsets.

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To order

This type of cabinet furniture is considered ideal for those who are not confident in their own forces as a designer, and shifts all the basic worries on the shoulders of the furniture manufacturer.

In this case, the factory or shop operating from a particular manufacturer provides its specialist who makes the necessary measurements consults the customer for the available options, studies their needs and wishes. Based on the information received, a preliminary designer project is created. It is represented on paper, although now they are increasingly using the ability of computer equipment.

Some companies provide detailed 3D layouts that are transferred to the layout of your room, and you can see from all sides, how the room will look like when installing cabinet furniture made under the order. It remains only to approve the project, after which the factory will begin to implement it.

The only but important disadvantage of this type of cabinet furniture is its cost. This is the most expensive option among those represented.

Features of choice

It's not enough just to point out the photo you like and acquire a similar kit. It is necessary to competently approach the question of choice to the purchased bed, the cabinet, the chest perfectly corresponded to your requirements and features of the placement planning.

The body includes everything except upholstered furniture. We offer you several basic recommendations that will help competently decide on the purchase.

  1. Functionality. Someone puts it in the first place among the criteria of choice, others will disseminate the functionality of the minimum of attention. And the second here are wrong. Practicality plays a huge role, because if the same cabinet is incredibly beautiful, but devoid of opportunities to place all your things inside, you will have to look for separate places to store them. But after all, the cabinet is on the closet to store clothes there.
  2. Production quality. We have already talked about the materials, because orient to them and your own wallet. Ask documents, certificates in the store, check the quality of not only the main materials, but also fasteners, hooks.
  3. Dimensions. Choosing the size of the case elements depends on your needs. If you live alone, you have little things, it makes no sense to buy huge cabinets. For a large family, it is worth considering a variant with dimensional, spacious furniture.
  4. External characteristics. Deciding with previous items, choose now based on external data. Just be sure to combine aesthetics with the above selection criteria.

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Cabinet furniture is practical, multifunctional and beautiful. It remains only to choose among the assortment presented, and if you cannot find the perfect option, create it yourself under the order.

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