Tile leveling system with their own hands (SVP)


SVP is applied when laying a tile and is designed to facilitate the master's task regarding the removal of the ideal level. Such a device replaces plastic crosses. It has the form of wedges with clamps and consists of two parts.

The base is the struts regulating the position of the tile of relatively adjacent elements. However, in order for them to be real benefits, the position is fixed using clinies-clamps. The tile is exhibited so that the height differences leveled, and the glue evenly distributed under the coating. In other words, the system agrees the position of neighboring tiles, which allows to achieve a smooth surface.

Large elements are laid on a double layer of glue, otherwise the system cannot cope with the task.

Tile leveling system with their own hands (SVP)

Even confession will be able to implement the SVP

Advantages and disadvantages

Such an adaptation managed to conquer recognition of masters, however, some still reject its use, considering not only useless, but also complicating the process of laying a tile. To deal with the appropriate application of application, consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of SVP:

  • Smooth floor. Allows you to set the optimal level in the plane. This not only affects the quality and appearance of masonry, but also increases the operation of the coating. Establish the level with the help of this device is much faster and easier than using traditional methods.
  • Same seams. The base of the system is inserted between the tiles, and therefore it is perfectly replaced with plastic crosses. The exact distance between the fragments is fixed, the same all over the area.
  • Uniform glue distribution. If the floor surface is not perfectly smooth, this deficiency is leveled by the adhesive composition. The solution fills emptiness and dispersed on the plane if there are protrusions on it. Especially relevant when a thick layer of glue is used, since manually perform this work is quite difficult.
  • Interferes with the emergence of the tile. Even after drying the surface, the floor will save its level and does not seek under the influence of loads.
  • Fixes the tile while graze. The usual masonry, hanging, changes its position: Sailing, shifts, jumps along the edges. The clamps eliminate this deficiency and firmly pressed the tile to the base, fixing it in the same position until removing fasteners.

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Tile leveling system with their own hands (SVP)

Advantages in such a system

Disadvantages of the method:

  • time spent on installing and removing wedges;
  • difficulty cleansing seams;
  • Additional consumption of money for the purchase of SVP.

Differences of Systems

Severe two types. The first is the standard economy. The second is more advanced and improved. Standard SVP is used in most cases, especially if there are no significant drops on a factionable plane. The base element has a solid base and clamping on top of the wedge. Thus, the position of the tile is fixed, the same seams are exhibited, and small irregularities smoothed.

The premium class system besides greater cost is characterized by a specific structure - the basis of the surmise insert has an expedited form. At first it seems to be a flaw and causes bewilderment, what is it better? However, despite the fact that initially the base displays the tile, after it fixes it, the clamp is self-leveling. The plate is strifted at as much as it is necessary for smooth laying of the tile and the glue distribution relative to the existing floor defects.

How to use

The tile alignment system is very easy to handle. Of course, when laying a tile with your own hands, the newcomer will need more time to set all the elements, but it guarantees an excellent result according to the outcome of the masonry.

Tile leveling system with their own hands (SVP)

Technology involves the use of special tools

How to apply SVP:

  1. Apply adhesive spatula on the floor of the floor.
  2. Put the first tile and secure along the edges of two bases of SVP.
  3. Put the second.
  4. Secure inserts using wedges. Do the same on the other hand.
  5. Custom clamp until it is tightly fixed.
  6. Clear the seams from the adopted adhesive composition without disturbing the position of the tile.

If you do not remove the glue on the jacks of the tile, after drying it will be very difficult to remove, and this will affect the strength of the coating.

Does such a device or you can do without it - to solve you. If you want to get a smooth surface, you should use all available methods.

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