Features of laying tiles on Faneur and chipboard


Plywood, OSB, chipboard and other similar kinds are made up of wood in the form of chips or chips, firmly bonded resins. In this regard, two defining factors affect the method of mounting the tile should be distinguished:

  1. Resins provide high stove strength, and also reduce its moisture absorbing ability. In some cases, it is possible to do without additional hydro and vaporizolation, but the same factor reduces the adhesive properties of the coating. Therefore, laying outdoor tiles on OSB or Paneur is impossible in the traditional way.
  2. The material consists of wood components, and therefore, it has similar to solid wood properties. That is, with an increase in air humidity, it swells, and with a decrease - it dissolves. Thus, the coating is constantly in motion. This may affect the state of tile and even lead to its destruction.

How then paste the tile on the fane or chipboard? Is it possible at all? Modern manufacturers of building materials have already taken care of solving this problem. To make the facing of such a plan, you will need special glue, some auxiliary materials and patience.

Features of laying tiles on Faneur and chipboard

Illustration to the floor of the floor device, where the osp is provided by laying of tiles (also relevant for plywood)

Selection of glue

To begin with, it should be understood with the choice of composition for the solution and understand, the better to glue the ceramic tiles to the plywood and other similar materials. For each of them, you can find a suitable type of solution or purchase a universal version for the tree.

The main feature of such mixtures is that they allow facing to adapt to the movement of the foundation.

In their composition, highly elastic components are mandatory: microfiber, fiberglass, silicone, silane and other polymer modifiers. Such glue is rather liquid, and therefore the tile does not have to tap after installation - the mixture itself will be distributed over the surface. But this is not all, which can be glued to ceramic tiles to chipboard.

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Features of laying tiles on Faneur and chipboard

It is best to use specialized glue for wooden surfaces

From non-standard solutions should be mentioned about such as:

  • liquid Nails;
  • liquid glass;
  • NC varnish + foam chips moistened with acetone.

These methods do not allow one hundred percent guarantee of high-quality attachment, so it is better to use specialized mixtures. In addition to glue, various auxiliary materials will also need.


Since it is practically impossible to safely glue the tile on the first phaneer, it is necessary to take care of improving the adhesive properties of this material. First you need to treat it with an antiseptic and waterproofing mixture, even if moisture-resistant sheets were used. After that, to improve the coating clutch, it is recommended to fix the grid of the sickle on it. Drive the Phaneur to several layers. This will not only improve adhesion, but will provide additional protection against moisture.

Features of laying tiles on Faneur and chipboard

Plywood and similar materials should be properly laid - this is the basis for high-quality tile coating

Next, laying the ceramic tile on the plywood floor is made according to the standard diagram. For cladding of walls, it is necessary to fix the support rail to the coating still not cluttered with the basis.

An important point to take into account not only when laying a tile, but also when installing the plywood itself: the material varies in size depending on the conditions of the external environment, therefore small gaps should remain between the plates and around the perimeter of the room. So that they do not form voids you can fill the joints of the mounting foam.


Now consider how to glue a tile on a sheet of chipboard. Chopping plates are used most often for flooring. Laying is made across the lag on the clay pillow, leaving small gaps between fragments and along the walls.

In order for the tile better to hold the chipboard with sandpaper, since the glue is better to grab the glue. The material is then treated with primer. If necessary, you can disseminate the sickle or fine metal mesh. It is best to fix it with construction brackets. Before starting the final facing work, apply a thin layer of adhesive on the grid and let him dry.

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Before putting the tile on the floor, you can fix on the chipboard of the GWL plate. This will additionally strengthen the coating, prevents the appearance of cracks already during operation and will provide a reliable clutch with a cafeter, however, the cost of this material is rather big, and the floor will eventually rise to centimeter-two.

Osb plate

Finally, let's look at how to put ceramic tiles on the OSB-stove. This material is worse than the rest given for facing the cafeter. Despite its strength and water resistance, OSB delivers many difficulties in the process of repair work. How to get out of this situation?

Features of laying tiles on Faneur and chipboard

Laying Tiles on Faneur or OSB is performed using special glue

You can try to put the tile just like on the fane, that is, use the grid and elastic glue, but the best outlet of the situation is the installation of an additional layer from the CSP. In other words, a cement-chip plate is mounted on top of OSB in the transverse direction, covered with shallow crumb, which is the ideal base for the adhesive solution. Also applied glass edgeless sheets.

In general, all ways to put a tile on Faneur, OSB or chipboard are similar to each other. By purchasing glue, pay attention to the list of materials for which it is intended.

Do not forget that with incorrect laying, the tile will break and crack, so strictly follow all the recommendations.

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