Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology


The outer part of the building in this area is most susceptible to the influence of dampness, pollution, blows and other negative factors. That is why it is recommended to further strengthen it. The best way than to use the tile, perhaps, not to find.

Thanks to the cladding of the base with a porcelain stoneware, clinker or other similar material, the following tasks are performed:

  • Aesthetics. This finish looks beautiful and gives the building a complete view. It is important to choose the appropriate design of the walls of the house.
  • Protection against damage. Prevents shower of concrete mass due to wear, mechanical contacts or erosion, increases impact resistance.
  • Waterproof. Especially good finishing with a porcelainist, which blocks the penetration of moisture into the base of the base.
  • Protection against fungus. Since the level of humidity is reduced, the risk of reproduction of mold is minimized. Additionally, this effect enhances special processing when laying the material.
  • Heat insulation. The tile creates a barrier from the cold, reduces heat loss from the room and prevents overheating at home in the heat.
  • Soundproofing. Duffwind noise from the outside due to the layer of solution and the material itself.
  • Simplification of care. It is much easier to wash the tile than to cleaned the raw base from dirt.

Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology

Facing the base of the stone will help protect from the penetration of moisture and fungus

It is advisable to finish the house with a porcelain stoneware or other material immediately after the construction of the building in order to further reduce the surface preparation activities and avoid wear wear.

Selection of tile

Not every material will suit to decorate them the base of the house. For this task, choose only those products that have a certain list of qualities. So, the tile must comply with the following requirements:

  • Strength. From point blows, especially in the angular part of the house.
  • Frost resistance. Outdoor placement puts out this requirement as one of the main.
  • Low water absorption. Prevents moisture accumulation on the basis of base and reduces the risk of destruction of the finish.
  • Ultraviolet resistance. Does not fade over long life.
  • Wear resistance. Resistance to abrasion, the appearance of scratches and chips.
  • Easy care. In this regard, the glossy coating is partially wins, since dirt can be hammered into the embossed matte. At the same time, dust and splashes will be visible on the shiny surface, but they are quite easy to get rid of them.

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Among all materials, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Porcelain stoneware. Durable low-pore product. May mimic stone and other finishes.
  • Clinker. The cladding of the clinker tiles allows you to create a brickwork effect or simulate a stone surface.
  • A rock. Used natural and artificial.

Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology

Varieties of facing material for the building

The foundation

To separate the base of the house with tiles, pre-prepare its surface to further work. Since we are talking about outdoor cladding, it is important to wait for suitable weather conditions.

First, try to clean the surface from dirt as much as possible. On the dusty material tile will not go to bed. In addition, it is important to eliminate serious irregularities to reduce the amount of glue used.

If at the stage of casting walls and foundation, waterproofing was not made, it is necessary to eliminate this emboss. Use film rolled materials, but it is better to still give preference to bitumen mastic. With this substance, treat the base, especially in the zone close to the ground.

After pouring the mass, apply a layer of plaster. Check an ordinary solution based on sand and cement. It is necessary to work on a pure projected surface. Too thoroughly smooth the base is not required, the shallow of irregularities will hide under the tile.

Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology

Before finishing need to be launched and prepared

Before you begin to fit the surface and processed it with an antiseptic.

Technology laying

The decoration of the base with a porcelain stoneware, clinker or stone is performed according to a single principle. Here we use glue masses for external work, they have increased strength and heat resistance, including strong frosts withstand.

First you apply a small amount of glue on the base. It is not necessary to smooth it with a comb spatula, but still preferably, especially when using overall facing. Pressure stonewares, press the solution and set it up in the right position.

Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology

The main factor when finishing the base is the use of special glue

If you work with a clinker and lay out a complicated scheme with uneven contours, then apply a small layer of glue to the tile itself. The brick is placed on the base, and the surplus of the solution along the edges is removed with a small spatula.

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Important moment: if you put a porcelain stoneware, it is better to use a seamless laying technique. But for clinker decorative bricks, leave small gaps of about 2 mm. This will create an interesting coating structure.

Sealing seams

Depending on which the tile is used, the sealing technology of the seamless space may differ. For products that are later easily cleaned by excess grouts, apply standard technology. Preferably, it concerns glossy porcelain stoneware and some varieties of natural materials. For example, marble. In this case, the mass is applied with a small soft spatula, and then smoothed along the seams. Remains are removed with a wet sponge after pre-drying.

Facing the base of porcelain and clinker tiles: features and finishing technology

Finishing stage

For matte porous and embossed products, such a method of filling the seams is unacceptable, as it will be almost impossible to remove excess surplus in the future. Therefore, another technology is applied, the essence of which is that a syringe or a special bag is used as the main tool, like confectionery. With it, the seams are neatly and evenly filled with mastic, without leaving dirty traces on the tile itself. For waterproofing, use epoxy resins-based mixtures.

A qualitatively completed trim of a private house will become a real decoration of the exterior and give the building a special style and charm. Subsequently, it is important to maintain the perfect condition of the surface, while spending it from time to time cleaning the coating and cosmetic repair in the presence of noticeable flaws.

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