What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations


Plasterboard is one of the most popular building materials. It is used almost at each stage of finishing works, saving time to the work of installation and finance. The fact is that it allows it much faster to align or build a wall, and at the same time cut the flow of other materials.

That is why even such a mandatory and tedious process, like a putty of plasterboard under the wallpaper, from painstaking work turns into a case for several minutes.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Wallpapers picked on a plasterboard surface

Features of the material

  • The main feature of the drywall is its mating method. In almost any type of material, the ideally smooth surface should eventually turn out.
  • Also, this material is distinguished by its own plane, which fully satisfies all the requirements of builders, both plastered and to sphalat surfaces.
  • However, it is worth noting that at this material, this material there is a problem zone that is necessarily subject to special processing in the form of sealing with a special mixture using a reinforcing grid. Therefore, if the question is considered how to glue wallpaper on plasterboard without putty, it is understood that the seams are already heated with a leaf surface.
  • Another feature is that during installation, a large number of self-tapping screws are applied, which the sheet is attached. At the same time, their caps are slightly taken into the material, forming small grooves.


It is not possible to completely abandon putty, because it will take to close the grooves from the screws and joints.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Standard plasterboard powder with sealing of seams, joints and sams mounting places

Putty plasterboard

Considering the question of how to put the walls of plasterboard under the wallpaper, it is worth paying attention to three methods. The first is the easiest and most obligatory. Other options and types of work will be based on it..

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The basis of putty plasterboard

This method is considered mandatory.

It is included in many technological maps, and in some construction organizations it is referred to as the installation process, which must be performed by plasterfronts.

  • First of all, joints should be sealing. If you look at the standard sheet, then it can be noted that on the edges it has a special recess.

    When the plasterboard plasterboard is performed under the wallpaper, this groove will serve for the formation of a special deepening, in which the reinforcing tape is located and a special mixture for seams.

    Also for sealing you can use a conventional putty.

  • The seam grout must be produced in such a way that the groove formed by the deepening sheet is filled with the entire surface.
  • Next, you should pay attention to the connection of sheets with floor, ceiling and walls. Standard plasterboard putty under the wallpaper implies the processing of these places with a thick solution and special elements.

    In these places, you can simply sweep the connecting slot or use the corners and reinforcing tape. With the right installation, these areas will be as fixed as possible, which means it is enough to simply close them with the use of putty.

  • The last stage in the process, how to sharpen plasterboard under the wallpaper, is the sealing of grooves from the screws. It is performed along with other works with the use of an intake mixture.

    The fact is that when putty, a small amount of material remains, which can be used for this process, pushing the groove with one smear of the spatula.


After the work of the work, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer on the surface. It will serve as a good binder for putty materials and drywall, which will significantly strengthen all the joints and connections.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Fully prepared premises with swipe plasterboard under the shocking of wallpaper

Surface shtatlay

  • This putty for plasterboard under the wallpaper is based on the first method. You must first close the seams, joints and grooves, as indicated in the main method.
  • Then there is a special mixture of dry putty, a small amount of water and primer. Its consistency should be like a very liquid sour cream.
  • Then with the help of a painting roller, the resulting mixture is applied to the walls with a thin layer. So on the surface there is a thin layer of putty, which not only lies evenly, but also penetrates inside due to the properties of the primer.

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Choosing a way, how to put the plasterboard to the wallpaper, it is best to stay at this option. It will help save a huge amount of time and does not carry disorders in the installation technology.


It is necessary to work the roller quickly, since such a mixture dries very quickly.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Applying a thin layer of putty with a painting roller

Ground putty

This type of work is standard for plastered surfaces, and is to apply a thin layer of material with a spatula, after sealing seams and joints. It is he who raises the question of whether plasterboard places under the wallpaper at all or the first two methods.

Responding to it, it is necessary to consider several surface properties.

  • First of all, it is worth noting that the shpatlevaya surface is almost perfectly smooth. However, the correctly installed sheet of drywall does not contain large flams in the plane. Therefore, to level the plane due to the mixture would be quite wasteful and long.
  • The following property, which is endowed with a putty wall, is its hardness. The usual sheet of drywall is a bit softer, which is strongly noticeable when working and cutting. However, when using the second method, where a layer is applied to the surface with a roller, it is achieved exactly the same effect. This is especially good in video lessons that show the process of blending wallpaper.
  • The last factor for a solid putty is fear for the fact that the color of the leaf of plasterboard will be visible through the wallpaper. Some photos and video materials show that this is possible only when violations in the process of installation were allowed. It is enough to use the second putty method to completely eliminate the likelihood of such a phenomenon.


This type of plasterboard putty should be used only when errors were made at installation, and the surface was irregular or defects.

It should not stretch the layer on the entire surface, it is enough just to fix the flamns.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Solid putty used for subsequent paint application

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To carry out these works, you may need:

  • putty knife;
  • Paint roller or brush;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • drill;
  • grout;
  • Nozzle-mixer for a drill.

The standard price for these tools is relatively low. That is why some masters prefer to use a new spatula for the product of a certain amount of work.


So that when working the nozzle-mixer is not contaminated, it is recommended to keep it in water. You can also use special silicone forms to work with putty.

They are easily cleaned even with the frozen material.

What to put plasterboard under wallpaper: Tips and recommendations

Standard set of tools for putting

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After examining in detail all the recommendations that the instruction gives, we can conclude that the putty for such a material is like plasterboard, if it is planned to glue wallpaper, it is practically not needed. It is enough to apply a thin layer of a special mixture with a painting roller, which will eventually give exactly the same effect.

When plasterboard installation is made with their own hands, you should consider the subsequent work with it. For this, measurements are constantly carried out on a plunder and level, since even minor deviations can return the builder to the standard type of putty, which fully deprives it of all the advantages in choosing this type of material.

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