White tile with dark grout


White tile with dark grout

There is such a widespread saying - beauty, lies in simplicity. Such solutions besides this are famous for the fact that they never lose their modern day, do not bother and easily combine. All the above written as it is impossible to suitable for white tiles. The usual white cladding is a time-tested variation, elegant and extremely universal. Probably, everyone will agree - that the White Tile will never leave their Olympus. If suddenly the design is getting tired - it can be refreed at any time and "cheer" with the help of a multi-colored decor. Since the white color of the product is neutral, it will not be to confrontation with it.

When using a white tile, it usually gets the problem of choosing a shade of grout. Is it obliged to stay absolutely white or maybe to take it with color? Is the dark materials acceptable to apply?

It should be noted that the seams are generally accepted or to tone a tile, or do high-contrast. This is true for any tile, and not just white.

White tile with dark grout

High-contrast - these are not a bit emphasized, but strongly stuck in the eyes. The seams between the white tiles are rarely filled with soft gray, creamy, sandy materials. Why? All ingenious is simple: if you barely distinguishable contrast, then the seams are similar to the dirty strips, in connection with this surface looks quite unpleasant.

White tile with dark grout

Therefore, 3 grades for white tiles are most used.

- Identically color of white tile;

- gray;

- Black.

Use the grouts of bright color is also possible. However, this is a rather bold step, but not everyone likes it. Colored seams are too "massel" eyes. They emphasize all the shortcomings of laying and disruption of symmetry.

White tile with dark grout

Naturally, the selection of colored grout is obliged to build on something. Tiled seams on a wall structure are able to copy the color of the floor covering, facing, furniture items, etc.

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It should be noted that sometimes it looks quite aesthetically, which contributes to some cheerfulness and carelessness.

White tile with dark grout

Our review we started with a conversation that simple (in other words, natural, restrained and unpaid) decisions are not boring for a long time. White tile with colored seams does not date about them. Conducting repairs for dozens of years, better choose time-tested and multifunctional methods.

White tile with dark grout

White tile: Dark or light grout?

The use of dark grout is dictated, first of all, practical thoughts. Dark seams will not fade and do not sweat over time, compared to light. They will not require reinforced cleaning and repair. Care for decisions will be much easier.

White tile with dark grout

If in priority appearance, then when selecting seams, you need to take into account a couple of features. High-contrast seams pay attention to the form and method of laying a tile. If you are going to allocate an interesting formatgabaritegeometric tile - suture the seams with a high-contrast material.

White tile with dark grout

If the elongated tile is installed vertically, the high-contrast grout will definitely allocate it. As a result, the wall structures will look higher than in fact, and the room itself is already. If such an effect is not needed - to wipe the seams with a light grout, extremely related to the tile color. In this case, the layout plan will not be so obvious.

White tile with dark grout

With light seams, the geometry of the tile and the layout plan are not "massel" of the eyes.

And on the contrary, striving to emphasize the strips of the tile, decorate the seams with a dark cloud material.

White tile with dark grout

In addition, take into account the atmosphere of the room as a whole. Facing a white tiled with a dark grout looks quite clearly and even a little rude. This property is in demand in the industrial style. This combination of tiles with grout and for the Scandinavian direction is characteristic.

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White tile with dark grout

If you need the room to become more sophisticated and aesthetic - make white seams.

White tile with dark grout

Dark grouting for white tiles: gray or black?

Usually, black grout apply only where there are other black items. If, for example, the kitchen room is enhanced by a black table top - black seams on white apron will look very harmonious. The same is possible to attribute to the bathroom with white wall structures and black sex.

White tile with dark grout

Gray seams, on the contrary, belong to the most multifunctional and neutral.

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