How to primer plasterboard and why it is necessary


How to primer plasterboard and why it is necessary

The process of priming the plasterboard ceiling to seal the seams.

What uses primer compounds

The primer in the process of finishing works plays an important role. But, unfortunately, many of this do not understand and, which is very dangerous, miss this stage. And then surprised why the putty moves, the plaster falls or the paint is peeling.

Everything is very simple. The process of applying primer compositions is included in a single technological chain of finishing works and this step cannot be missed in any way.

What kind of primer for drywall to choose is to be solved after reading this article.

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Consider what are the primers and what they need.

All primer formulations are divided into the following types:

  • water-repellent;
  • deep penetration;
  • adhesive;
  • antiseptic;
  • Firefire.

All these characteristics are not at all mutually exclusive. In one composition, several properties can be combined.

Compositions for working with plasterboard


Let's start with the fact that the sheets of GVL can be glued to smooth walls with a refumbagic way. In this case, it is necessary to preliminarily prejudice the surface of the wall with the help of special adhesive primer compositions.

This may be, for example, "Betokontakt" from German producers or our "concrete -contact".

How to primer plasterboard and why it is necessary

Betokontount 20 kg (special crossing ground).

Application on the wall of such a soil increases the adhesion of the surface under gypsum glue, which will be glued.

It can also be applied to the processing of the plating from Knauf sheets.

The process of application occurs in three stages:

  1. Preparation of the wall surface;
  2. preparation of the solution (the preparation instruction is on each package);
  3. Applying soil using roller or brush.

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The consumption of a betokontax is approximately 0.350 kg / m2, it is possible to operate at a room indoors not lower than 5 degrees. The price of Betokontakt is slightly higher than on the usual primer, which does not have its properties. But this is the case when you should not save, the result is more expensive.

Grinding deep penetration

How to primer plasterboard and why it is necessary

Primer penetrating adhesion for GKL.

Knauff sheets themselves are ground with penetrating composition, which should have both adhesive qualities.

Solving which primer to choose for drywall, it is necessary to understand that such a composition should be capable of deep impregnation and strengthening the surface made of GLC.

What kind of primer is better for drywall? Such, which is capable of increasing adhesion several times between materials, characterized by high technical and high-quality indicators, characterized by simplicity of working with it.

The main properties of it must be as follows:

  1. high penetrating ability;
  2. improves adhesion;
  3. binds dust;
  4. resistant to chemical influences;
  5. non-toxic, absolutely safe for health;
  6. provides subsequent uniform staining;
  7. Reduces the flow rate of the wallpaper and paint;
  8. dries quickly;
  9. moisture-resistant;
  10. heat-resistant.

High-quality primer composition for GVL strengthens it, significantly reducing the degree of water absorption.

Such a composition should protect sheets from microflora influences:

  1. fungi;
  2. mold;
  3. Other bacteria.

Glk, which is saturated with a special soil, serves for many years without losing its own kind and properties. The putty on the soil falls in a smaller, since the latter improves the adhesion of different finishing materials.

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  • Grupping of drywall in front of putty

Methods for applying primer for drywall

The primer on plasterboard is applied with a brush or roller. Sometimes, when processing very large surfaces, a sprayer is used.

Before starting work, it is advisable to clean the treated surface.

The surface is ground several times depending on the finish steps:

  1. It is necessary to very thoroughly to brand all the seams, joints and places of attachment of screws before applying an aligning putty on them;
  2. The entire surface of the drywall is grounded after sealing the putty joints and angles before further trim;
  3. The surface of the shasphawn drywall is grounded in front of the phase of diaracies or blowing wallpaper.

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How to primer plasterboard and why it is necessary

The photo shows the process of setting a roller of primer from a special cuvette.

Council. The primer is the most convenient to pour into a special born and, picking it on the roller, it is necessary to press the roller enough to not spill the composition on the floor.

Selection of primer

There are further questions such as the primer for drywall it is better to choose a yunting in a huge variety of proposals in the market?

When choosing, pay attention to:

  1. cost;
  2. manufacturer;
  3. shelf life.

It is important. For the drywall, you can use the composition only for internal work, it is impossible to use the facade. The fact is that the facade of the primer and contains the substances forbidden to use Yu in the residential premises.


As you already understood, the process of primer the surfaces of the plasterboard before each stage of finishing work is necessary and without it we can simply ruin the result.

If we are lazy or decide to simply skip this stage in order to save, we get marriage, namely the wallpaper or penetrated paint.

Doing their own hands design from drywall, with their subsequent finish, do not forget about the need for priming surfaces.

With accurate observance of technological cycles of work - the excellent result is guaranteed.

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