Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it


A very large percentage of the population with their own hands is performed at home for some works on the improvement of their housing and constantly improving this. And for those who are interested, we will now consider how to treat plasterboard before having wallpaper and how to do it right.

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Glue wallpaper on plasterboard

Types of drywall treatment under wallpaper

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

On this wall glued wallpaper should not

Plasterboard sheets are an ideal surface for sticking wallpaper - they are smooth and shell serves the paper that itself is an excellent basis for adhesion with other materials. And, nevertheless, the processing of plasterboard under the wallpaper is an integral step of repair, without which the salary is simply impossible.

Pay attention to the fragment of the plasterboard wall in the photo at the top, and you will see the heads of the screws, which will manifest with rusty stains through the wallpaper material and the shocks, changing the relief, and this should not be!

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  • Primer for plasterboard
  • Do you need to put plasterboard before sticking wallpaper
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Grunting drywall

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Grunting drywall

  • Many are interested in to miss the plasterboard before the wallpaper sticker - so, it should be primed, but it should be done not after the sealing of the seams, but before the primer gets into the joints. It will be correct if the connection places are primed not with a roller, but Maklavitsa so that the fluid penetrates between the sheets to the profile itself.
  • The selection of primers provided by manufacturers on the market, which can be used for drywall, is so large that there is even no sense to allocate any of them, because all of them are quite good quality. On each of the cans printed instructions for use, but they all apply equally. Alternatively, except for such compositions like Aguastop, which are bred with water, but after that, everything is happening in the usual mode.
  • In the places of sections in Glk, sticking pieces of paper are often left - the result from heating with a knife with a knife with a stupid blade. Before processing drywall before sticking the wallpapers by primer, these drain pieces need to break - even if they will be removed further, turning to the sheet plane. The surface should be smooth and any tubercle from a crumpled piece of paper may affect the quality of the final result of the work.

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Shakes and screws

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Seaming seam puttyle

  • Some, reflecting that it is better to cover drywall in front of the wallpaper sticker, come to the conclusion that bactericidal compositions are needed and a layer of putty. Well, if there is a desire - please, you can smear with antiseptics and completely put all the plasterboard - this will not hurt the wallpaper. But only the question arises, or whether to do it?

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Mesh ribbon for sealing seams

  • Antibacterial compositions were needed when the wallpaper was glued to flour, diluted with water (Cleaster) so that parasites did not eat the dough formed there - the current adhesive compositions are inorganized. After the primer surface, the seams need to close the seams and for this use two methods - one, when the shtalavka is simply pushed in the seam and burns down, and the second, when the retina is added to the splitel.
  • The first method is sufficiently understood and is simple - it is used either a solution of start-up spitting, or the finished mixture of Knauf type Fugeenfuller (Fugeenfuller) (price, of course, is much higher than the usual putty). The solution is pushed into the seam by a narrower spatula, and then, wider, not less than 10-15 cm, the wrapper is leveled with plaster plaster.

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Adhesive mesh ribbon

  • The tape for the joints is also used in different ways - some first stick a strip of paper, and on top of it - the grid, although the logic in this case is clearly not observed - the paper reduces the power of the reinforcement of the mesh ribbon. It will correctly stick to the tape directly on the joint, as in the photo at the top, and then sharpen the starting solution - then the joint will turn out to be durable (options for the preparation of plasterboard you can watch the video clip).

Treatment of plasterboard in front of the wallpaper: What is included in it

Such a surface is ready for shook wallpaper

  • In addition to sealing seams, the processing of plasterboard walls under the wallpaper also includes sealing hats of self-tapping screws, which GLCs are attached to the frame. Screws are closed by strokes of ordinary starting spit, but it should be 1-1.5 mm recessed under the plane of the sheet, otherwise it will not close it properly and after sticking the wallpaper there is a high probability of rusty spots on them.

Advice. If you discovered poorly swirling screws in sheets of drywall, then they must be dried under the plane. But, in order not to delay the time, eliminating the unfounded with a screwdriver, you can use a drill or screwdriver with a PH-2 nozzle. The power of rotation of the power tool can drive the screw too far and break through the cardboard, leaving in the sludge - in this case, the fixing function will be lost.

To this not happen, use a special lap for drywall with a lampshade that adjusts the depth depth. In the homes that are located near the highways, where there is a heavy technique or near the railway, cracks appear often, and some crafts for drywall buttons use paper bags from cement in such cases.

Such a bag cuts into stripes and with the help of PVA, the joints are jammed - in practice there was no cases that the junction close to this way was separated.

Articles on the topic:

  • Is it necessary to primer drywall before putty
  • Preparation of plasterboard under the wallpaper

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You probably figured out how to cover drywall before sticking wallpaper, and you will not create problems, looking for any additional funds. But you should mention another moment - after sealing the seams and screws, you will have a disheveled almost half of all GLCs, therefore, after drying the solution, apply a layer of primer again.

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