Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog


The sink in the bathroom is an integral attribute. It is almost impossible to present this room without a washbasin.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Let's figure out what to pay attention to when choosing this subject of plumbing and consider popular options.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

What to choose the size?

The solution to the issue lies on the surface. A small sink is suitable for a small bathroom. It will be comfortable to use such a washbasin, because it will not take much space.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

For a big time, the little shell will be inappropriate. It is not suitable either by stylistics or size.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

It is worth installing a washbasin in accordance with the space space. Some designer solutions offer to install double sink. However, it is worth remembering that the distance between them should be at least a meter.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Recommendations when choosing shells:

  • Adhere to one stylist for the entire plumbing;
  • Choose models with a hole from water overflow;
  • Pay attention to the number of holes in the washbasin on this depends on the installation of the mixer;
  • Inspect the subject for the presence of chips, cracks and other damage;
  • Measure the dimensions in advance;

Console shells

Suspended sinks in the bathroom are often found. Console models are the simplest, but at the same time popular models.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog


  • Installation of the washbasin does not take much time.
  • Practicality and simplicity of use;
  • Suitable for small rooms;
  • Saving space. Mounting with consoles allows you to save free space and use to accommodate: baskets with linen, installation of additional shelves.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog


  • Communication pipes are visible, which spoils aesthetic appearance.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Furniture washbasins

The cabinet under the sink in the bathroom is a classic option that meets in every 3 apartment. It is a solid design and can have additional shelves and drawers for things.

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Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Installation occurs in a few minutes, it is only worth connecting the sink to communications.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Overhead and embedded options

Stylish and elegant option - woven washbasin, it will suit any design.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog


  • Manifold forms;
  • No hole for the mixer;
  • Mounted on top of the couch or countertops.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Attention. Overhead shells should be installed only on moisture-resistant items, in order to avoid quick damage.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Built-in sink in the bathroom is suitable for small rooms.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog


  • Does not take up much space;
  • Embedded in the worktop;
  • Stylish and modern design;
  • Easy and reliability. A simple installation and rigid fixation using brackets.
  • Protected from damage due to the recessed design.
  • Strength and durability.

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Selection of material

There are many varieties of tabletop under the sink in the bathroom. Characteristics of plumbing will depend on the selected material:

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

  • Marble;
  • Granite;
  • Steel;
  • Ceramics (china, faience);
  • Glass.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Glass sinks are suitable for High-tech style. They produce them from tempered glass, so they are distinguished. And their style gives the interior a unique stylish image.

Steel washbasins - Durable option. Will become an excellent addition to any bathroom. There is a significant disadvantage: it is impossible to clean with abrasive powders - a spoil surface.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Porcelain washbasins are a popular option, because they have an inexpensive price and excellent design.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

The angular sinks in the bathroom from the faience are very ergonomic. Allow not only to save free space, but also use it functionally.

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Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

How to choose the mixer correctly?

The mixer for the sink in the bathroom should be selected correctly, otherwise water can simply splash in different directions and create discomfort to the owners.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Recommendations for the selection:

  • Decide with the exact purpose of the sink: wash your hands, a cat, etc. From this will depend on the height of the mixer;
  • Choose a mixer according to the shape and sizes of the washbasin (wide, narrow, deep, flat).

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

The height and length of the mixer will depend on these parameters.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Guided by our advice, can safely go to the store.

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Below is the gallery photo of the shells in the bathroom, where you can choose the appropriate design in advance.

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Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Stock Foto Practical bathroom sink

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

Bathroom sink - 105 photos of the best new products from the catalog

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