Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!


Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

What are our balconies? Yes different. Open and glazed, with removal and without it, separated from the room and the combined with it, left "as is" and converted to other premises. But many of them, unfortunately, turned into the warehouses of the trash, for which it is easy to get out scary. They are not pleased to passersby on the street, and the host owners do not bring.

And remember how beautiful blooming balconies are beautiful? So can the houses on the place of the jackets are placed in pots flowers, all kinds of plants and create a winter garden? Believe our experience, my functional purpose does not lose a balcony. On the contrary, a little effort and it can be used very effectively. How to do it, tell and show our material.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

How to start landscaping balconies and loggias?

  1. Clear everything too much.
  2. Determine the direction on the parties of light.
  3. Determine the style of decoration and decorate with your own hands.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Flowers on the balcony, the photo demonstrates how to arrange it and give a festive look.

Flower - a living organism and needs some care. And landscaping balcony requires to know the features of balcony flower growing. The first thing you need to know is that the flowers are:

  • Annual (Petunia, Ageratum, Salvia, Tobacco, Godition, Nasturtia, Lobelia, Carnation, Astra, Lion Zev, from climbing - fragrant peas, Ipomea, decorative beans, kobe);
  • domestic (daisy, viola, barbatus clove, and forget-me-not);
  • Perennial (miniature roses or tube begonias, Fuchsia, Koleus, Grapes Devichi, Clematis).

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Flowers on the loggia, the photo displays how with the competent use of supports and holders you can make stylish landscaping.

Balcony on the sunny side

Also when choosing colors for decoration, the location of the balcony should be taken into account. Most colors are easy to grow under straight sunny rays. A good and bright choice for decorating a well-lit balcony will be petunias and sicks, verbena and balsam, year old and dahlias, asters and daisies. As well as thermal-loving cacti. Exception - Begonias and Fuchsia, who are faded under the long sun, but perfectly live in the Winter Garden.

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Curly plants

Tip: Sunny balcony - a great place for curly plants. They shake him well and the wall of the house from the roast summer sun.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

In the photo in the corner, beautiful purple clematis as an example of curly colors.

To curly plants include:


  • honeysuckle;
  • actinidium;
  • Lemongrass Chinese.


  • Decorative beans;
  • peas fragrant;
  • nasturtium.

Note: Curly plants are impractically used on a closed loggia or winter garden due to the small size of the latter.


At first glance it may seem that there will be nothing to grow on the shadow side. But it is not. There are many colors that feel perfectly in the shade. For the northern balcony, bright and shadowish plants are suitable for the best: like petunias, nasturtium, pelargonium, velvets, ivy, viola, chapel, fuchsia and begonia. With a strong shading of the balcony, you will have to be content with the begonia of tuber and daisies. A harmonious addition to them will be a nasturtium. Its not thick blossom, but beautiful rounded leaves it will delight the eyes to the most frosts. But pansies (marriages), although growing on the north side, are afraid of winds, drafts and direct sunlight. Also on the shadow side is practical to build a winter garden.

Tip: On the shaded balcony, it is necessary to plant light shades flowers.

If you think how to grow indoor flowers on the balcony, teach them to new conditions gradually. Passing acclimatization, they will decorate your greenhouse all year round.

Open balcony

When there is no glazing, you need to carefully approach the selection of plants. Not all flowers can carry the impulses of a strong wind. On the open balcony, it is better to have rolling and unpretentious flowers, such as chlorophytum, scondapsus and aspidistra. Also, in the total range of decorations, it is necessary to include frost-resistant plants for the balcony, such as heather, Erica and Bearinglet. They successfully postpone the first frosts, and long will delight the eyes with green shades.

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Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Flower box on a balcony almost imperceptible against the background of fence.

Open balconies are just well decorated with flowers in drawers, suspended pots and containers. Well suited as decorations with plenty plants, such as roses.

Note: When choosing pots, famus, plants containers on the balcony should be considered the color of the facade of the house and select the same tone. Then the pots in color will be merged with the wall and not distracting the eyes from the colors.

On closed, glazed balconies, the main part of the decoration of flowers will be inside the room. Suspended boxes and containers with flowers can only be exhibited outside the windows opening places. Otherwise, it will not be possible to care for them.

Floral balcony decoration composition

At first it is necessary to choose pots, boxes, porridge for planting flowers. They should be of the same color and style.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Flowers on the balcony in drawers suspended on the railing, and decorate and do not occupy a place.

The decoration of the balcony with flowers should be based on the right selection of the diversity of paints. The ideal option is a composition consisting of two colors harmonizing with each other. The species of plants will be, of course, more, just pick them up in color. For example, the red pelargoniums, beautiful fuchsias or salvia, pink petunias, together with white daisies, are well suited. This decoration pleases the eye of passersby, causes admiration for the neighbors and serves as an example for them.

Some plants on the balcony have so rich palette that even if you plant one kind, it will be an excellent decoration. First of all, these are Asters and Chrysanthemums, as well as Georgina, Dorfothek, Ericca, Godition of Gotania and Portulak.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Ampel plants

Another excellent decorative balcony decoration, loggia or winter garden are ampel plants for the balcony. If curly flowers are able to fly up, then empty beautifully hang down their long shoots. With the help of a simple fastening, they are conveniently suspended in baskets, vases, containers or cassp.

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Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Ampel flowers and plants are comfortable for their mobility. They are easy to transfer and hang anywhere in the loggia or winter garden.

Excellent ampel colors for decorating a balcony or winter garden. There are pelargonium plush, petunias, syrupinia, nasturtium, fuchsia, verbena.

Winter garden on the balcony

The most elegant decoration of the glazed loggia is to re-equip it in the winter garden. The main thing is desire, and then it will be easier. Winter garden involves the presence of a special microclimate, so to create a winter garden on a balcony or loggia, they need to be glazed and insulated.

The optimal temperature of the winter garden is 20-21 ° C. With this temperature, most colors and plants feel comfortable. For ventilation, it is advisable to apply the "breathable" glazing profile with special holes. Also provide for opening windows or vents. If the balcony is south, it is necessary in the winter garden to establish forced adhesive ventilation.

Note: In the winter garden, the air should not blow straight on the plants.

Gradate flowers on the balcony in boxes, pots and porridge!

Winter garden on loggia, photo clearly shows how you can create houses a corner of wildlife.

Let us turn to the "settling" of the winter garden. Large and heavy plants - lush bushes or decorative trees put on the floor of a winter garden in large cadakes. Multi-tiered shelves for colors are found on the walls. Also as a winter garden shelves, we use the windowsill.

When setting up a winter garden with flowers and plants, the principle of the priority should be observed. Below to install flowers, well-growing in the shade, upstairs - sun-born plants.

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