Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples


Bathroom with 3 square meters. m, this is not a reason for disorder, all the same, it is a room, though small.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Of course, to achieve any results, radically allowing to change its size, no, but to achieve some increase in free space, it is still possible.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Companies engaged in the professional level of interior design, have long successfully solved these tasks for the arrangement of a bathroom in 3 square meters. m.

In this article, you are invited to your attention, familiarizing yourself with which you can easily create in this room of such sizes, a small beautiful corner that meets the requirements of a modern person.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Undoubtedly, from huge baths and a jacuzzi will have to abandon and look after the more compact options for these accessories.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

On the selection of photos, you can see the design of a small bathroom in 3 square meters. m, which will allow you to choose the most suitable option specifically for your case. It is enough to note that some of the examples presented can be implemented personally, without the involvement of professional masters and colossal costs.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Basics of small premises design

In order to maximize the achievement of the desired result, it is necessary to dismantle all the equipment, furniture, finishing, electrician and the like in the bathroom.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

To create something to start from scratch, since it is known that the alteration of the existing occupies much more time, and additional costs may appear and at the end of all your torments, the result obtained may differ from the expected.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the used materials in use combining them with new ones, since the durability of your interior will depend on their status.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of technological communications (sewage and water wiring), if necessary, replace.

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Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Since basically, their gasket is carried out by a hidden method, in the floor and walls, then in their state it is necessary to be 100% confident.

Having finished with technological communications, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the floor covering, due to the fact that it is in this room that an increased demands are presented to the floor covering.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

In order to eliminate possible conflicts with neighbors living under you, the floor must have good waterproofing qualities.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

After the blacks work with the floor is completed, you can start laying the electrical wiring.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

We should not forget that the bathroom with an area of ​​3 square meters. M Humidity will be much larger than in large rooms, so everything that is connected with electricity in this room should provide 100% security.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Having finished with the works of a draft nature, you can proceed with finishing work.

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Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

As finishing materials for the bathroom, it is recommended that the material has moisture resistance. The most popular materials for bathrooms are considered:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • PVC panels;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Mosaic.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Deciding with the type of materials used for finishing, you need to take into account the stylistic component, as for 3 square meters. m, the color palette and composition is needed, capable of creating a visual illusion of an increase in space.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Several ways to create an illusion of an increase in space

According to leading design specialists, the best way to expand the space is the presence of mirror surfaces.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

This is especially true for a bathroom with an area of ​​3 square meters. m. The combination of light tones with mirror surfaces, create an illusion of an increase in space at least 1.5 times, and this result is no longer enough for such a room.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

By installing the mirror in the bathroom, it should be borne in mind that during operation, the increased humidity will negatively affect the amalgam of the mirror, gradually destroying it.

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Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Therefore, in order to increase the life of the mirror, it is recommended to wipe the mirror surface dry.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Finally balance the feeling of expanded space will help the correct organization of lighting.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Reflecting in mirror surfaces, the light will be refracted by filling the room soft sparkling, from everywhere with a glow, creating the atmosphere of warmth and coziness.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Photo of bathroom design 3 square meters. m.

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

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Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

Bathroom 3 square meters. m. - 80 photos of the best design examples

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