Stages of repair in the bedroom, and how to make repair with your own hands


Stages of repair in the bedroom, and how to make repair with your own hands

Competently and with your own hands perform repairs in the bedroom forces practically everyone. Here you need a competent approach, neat, consistent actions, the main idea and plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a small experience, you can safely begin repairing in your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

The main stages of the repair of the bedroom

Stages of repair in the bedroom, and how to make repair with your own hands

The priority question - where to start repairing in the bedroom? Even when carrying out inexpensive repair in the bedroom, it is necessary to plan everything carefully. Yes, the repair of bedrooms in the photo always looks elegant and beautiful. But a similar result can be achieved independently, if you make efforts. After all, the repair in the bedroom do it yourself, with a competent approach saves money and allows you to get an excellent result.

Some prefer in the Mediterranean style, others choose Hightec, and the third and at all the classics. But let you choose a bedroom in the Mediterranean style or any other, here the main thing is clearly putting a goal and formulate an action plan. Then the beautiful renovation in the bedroom in the Mediterranean style will not disappoint you.

Replacing the bedroom within its own apartment, we recommend acting according to the "top down" principle. That is, you need to start with the upper surfaces and finish the floor.

Several main stages of repair of bedrooms are distinguished:

  • Repair ceiling;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Floor repair;
  • Furnishing and creating a bedroom interior.

Now we will talk about each of the steps of repair separately.

But first a little about the bedroom square. When apartment repairs are being repaired, where the bedroom drops 15 sq m, many fear that such a small space will put a cross on Napoleonic plans. But any number of square meters makes it possible to realize the most bold ideas. Let it be a global renovation or a small simple cosmetic Mediterranean repairs.

We recommend that beginners carefully plan each step and not to move away from the planned plan. Just taking into account the real size of the bedroom, you can find your place for each object of the furniture, pick up the necessary shades, etc. Stress in the original ideas from the new items of 2019 in the interior of bedrooms. Based on your ideas and a plan, you will succeed to achieve an excellent result. Be sure of this.

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Repair ceiling

Stages of repair in the bedroom, and how to make repair with your own hands

Planning the bedroom repair with your own hands, it is important to begin to provide zero stages. They are to replace windows and doors. This is necessary in order to create the necessary conditions in the apartment for the salary of the same wallpaper. All you know that when the wallpaper is saved, it is impossible to allow drafts inside the apartment.

As soon as the zero stage is completed, proceed to the ceiling surfaces.

There are several options for repair and finishing.

  1. Stucco ceiling ceiling finish. Time-consuming, but budget option for which you need to sharpen the ceiling, align it and apply a finishing layer of decorative plaster or putty. In the future, such surfaces can be painted or updated by applying new thin layers of plaster.
  2. Painting ceiling. Not the most modern option that is still in demand and in 2019. Repair is not expensive, but with the help of a diverse palette of paints you can give the room an attractive appearance.
  3. Plates on the ceiling. There are various ceiling plates from the lungs and not very materials. They are placed on special glue, they create an excellent apartment design, emphasize the selected interior style. The minus is that the ceiling covering such material makes it not breathing. This negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment. Similar solutions are relevant for the hallway, toilet.
  4. Stretch and suspended ceilings. Complex ceiling designs, the installation of which is better to entrust specialists. There are both single-level and multi-level. Their minus - the designs take away the useful space.

Regardless of the selected material, try to do so that the ceiling does not focus on myself much attention, merged with the interior, fited into the bedroom design and acted soothing. That is, no bright and dark colors.

Repair of walls

Stages of repair in the bedroom, and how to make repair with your own hands

In terms of walls, the bedroom repair can be performed with your own hands. But work should always begin with alignment. Especially if we are talking about sticking wallpaper.

Given the trends in 2019, we offer some of the most attractive ideas for repairing the walls of the bedroom:

  • Wallpaper. Fabric, phlizelin, paper, bamboo. At your discretion. Their design is so diverse that somehow classify them is not possible. Do not take wallpaper with bright and large, complex drawings for the bedroom. Preference to neat lines, light patterns, geometric pieces;
  • Prints on the wall. In many respects, it is similar to the photo wallpaper, only manufactured on the basis of those photos that you provide the manufacturer. Only to order are performed, because it is a great way to manifest individuality;
  • Paint, texture plaster for walls. In 2019, the demand for these options for decoration walls of the bedroom remains high. Choose pastel tones, extremely natural materials;
  • Tile on the walls of the bedroom. 2019 clearly showed that the ceramic tile is a lot of not only the bathroom and kitchen. Small panels or full-fledged bedroom walls can look gorgeous. If you venture to go for such a step.

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Pole repair

Special innovations for outdoor repairs in the bedroom 2019 did not bring. But why invent something complicated and unusual if there are a number of proven time options?!
  1. Linoleum. Unstasive classic for apartments, where they appreciate comfort and are not ready to highlight a large budget for repairs. Fashion collections of Linoleum 2019 are able to emphasize your exquisite taste, create an atmosphere of rest, comfort or intima in the bedroom. It all depends on your needs.
  2. Cork board. Natural, eco-friendly, safe and very warm material that does not require the installation of heating.
  3. Parquet. Always in fashion and is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Only its price, as before, is high, and the installation should be trusted to specialists.
  4. Laminate. The budget version of the parquet, which looks likewise, but requires smaller costs. Perform the repair of the bedroom with your own hands with the use of laminate will not be difficult, since this material is going on the principle of the simplest puzzle.

Bedroom furniture

It is the furniture purchased for home completes the repair of a bedroom. After all, it allows you to form the final appearance of the room in the apartment.

Since we are talking about the bedroom in the apartment, here you should take care of the purchase of a basic set of furniture. It includes:

  • Full double bed. No folding sofas. Otherwise, this is no longer a bedroom, but some living room. Exceptions are one-room apartments, although there and the decisions of 2019 allow you to organize a full-fledged bed;
  • Wardrobe. If you have a separate dressing room in the apartment, you can completely refuse the cabinet;
  • Bedside tables. Very useful elements of furniture, where gadgets are stored, set alarms, table lamps, chargers. Choose bedside tables with closing doors or drawers so as not to store things and do not create chaos;
  • Dressing table. For accommodation together with a girl or wife, this element is indispensable;
  • Chest of drawers. Certain types of chest of drawers can be combined with the functions of the toilet table. Favorite will receive a place to store cosmetics and floating, but at the same time you will be able to save space;
  • Television. Many believe that in the bedroom it is better to abandon the TV, and put it in another room in the apartment. But practice shows that the TVs put everything. Place it in the dresser or hang on the brackets.

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Interior think over the preparation for repair. So you can stick to a certain bedroom style.

We figured out how to make repairs in the bedroom. But that repair really passed successfully and competently, we advise you to pay attention to common errors. Without allowing them in their own apartment, the result will be excellent.

  1. Mirror ceiling and walls. The bedroom is designed for sleep, and in such an atmosphere, sleep is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Hairdryer Shui has similar positions regarding mirrors in the bedroom.
  2. A lot of furniture. Often the repair goes perfectly, and all spoils furniture. Choose only the most needed, correctly distribute the space after repair.
  3. Excess decor. It is necessary to decorate the bedroom after repair. But it should be done in moderation. In the photo, it is clearly visible how to successfully reorganize the room and not to overnight it.
  4. Bright colors. It originally looks great. But to sleep in the room, where the walls are filled with bright colors, psychologically difficult. Do not torment your eyes.
  5. Huge chandeliers. No bulky chandeliers. This is a relic of the past.

It is not difficult to create your own hands with your own hands, high-quality repair in the bedroom of cream or bright lilac tone is not difficult. Even if the budget is limited. The correct approach, the sequence of actions and follow the clear plan is the basis of successful repair. And after the completion of all the work within your bedroom, the photo will come to friends and acquaintances to appreciate your work.

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