Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself


Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself

Carrying out their garden plot, often have to trim on trees and shrubs dried branches. As a result, a lot of twigs accumulates, which is used for various purposes. The most practical option in such a situation will be considered to send branches to compost so that they are overloaded.

However, this process lasts for a very long time, and the mountains of dry branches on the site very much spoil the general view. In this case, a garden chopper comes to revenue. With it, the composting process is significantly accelerated, and the mountains of the branches decrease to modest sizes . Currently, you can easily acquire such an aggregate, but many make it with their own hands. The video presented in the article will help to figure it out.

  • 2 Types of Garden Shredders
    • 2.1 Engine
    • 2.2 Design of knife
  • 3 How to make chopper branches with their own hands
    • 3.1 Selection of materials
    • 3.2 Installation of cutting saws
    • 3.3 Framing
    • 3.4 fastening of the hopper and casing
  • 4 Benefits
  • Device and principle of operation

    Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself

    In order to make the device with your own hands, you need to understand how it works and works. Otherwise it will be impossible to correctly create a drawing and collect the whole design.

    The shredder is quite simple. It consists of the following elements:

    • motor;
    • working shaft with knives;
    • Metal frame;
    • receiving box;
    • Protective casing.

    To be convenient to move it, design Install on a two-wheeled database . It is clear that the garden chopper also consists of smaller details. They will be discussed at the drawing stage.

    The principle of such a device is also quite simple. The transmission of rotational from the motor is carried out on the shaft directly, as well as with a chain or belt. At the same time, branches begin to be served in the receiving box, where they are grinding the knives of the working shaft. As a result, wood is crushed and can be sent to compost. The principle of work made by its own hand chopper branches is something reminiscent of a meat grinder.

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    A simple and fairly efficient device can be used not only by gardeners and dackets. There are I. Industrial shredders which are used to process thick branches of trees. The device of such aggregates is much more difficult and more perfect.

    Types of garden shredders

    Before making such a device, you should know exactly what exactly it will be crushed. It depends on its appearance, performance characteristics and some design features. Thus, all garden shredders are divided:
    • by type and power of the engine used;
    • According to the principle of operation of the grinding unit.


    In choppers garden garbage, both electric and gasoline engine can be installed. Each of them have their advantages and disadvantages . The gasoline chopper is much easier processing large branches and does not need power supply. However, some models are powerful enough and need to be connected to agricultural machinery, for example, a motoblock or tractor. Electric chopper, on the contrary, is more compact, easy and easy to operate. But it is rigidly tied to the location of the connection and is a little weaker in power.

    Generally During the selection of the engine For the shredder, take into account the following:

    • Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself

      Electric engines with a capacity of up to 1.5 kW are fairly easily copble with branches having a diameter of about 2 cm. Set them most often on factory models that are used for a small area.

    • Engines with a capacity of 3-4 kW recycle branches with a diameter of up to 4 cm. Usually they are used by the owners of a small garden plot.
    • Motors with a power of more than 6 kW are installed in the shredders used in large farms, with which the branches are recycled with a diameter of 10 - 15 cm.

    As a result of the fact that homemade shredders are designed for a wide range of works, it is best to install an electric motor having a power of 4 kW.

    Design knife

    Garden shredders also differ in the design of knives. It is from them that depends on how qualitatively the garbage will be crushed. For example, some exit devices give slices of branches having Five from 2 to 10 cm . Others are able to recycle very large branches and extract small chips. And if only a disk with a knife, installed directly to the engine shaft, is only present in the grinding system, then such a device is capable of processing only thin branches and produce fine chips.

    How to make chopper branches with their own hands

    The drawing is usually created at this stage, after which all required materials are purchased.

    Selection of materials

    Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself

    In the manufacture of the device, the engine is primarily acquired. The electrical engine is considered the best option for a homemade device that is capable of fast Grind raw materials in small volumes . The electric motor during operation does not make any noise and does not release exhaust gases. Due to the characteristics of the electric motor, the device can be used even in closed rooms. The only minus of such a design is a mandatory connection to the power supply system.

    Installation of cutting saws

    Such saws are recruited on the heel - this is the axis, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the planting disks. To collect the cutting device will also need washers and nuts of the same size. Thin plastic washers should be prepared in advance. Subsequently, they will be required to dilute the discs on the required distance from each other in order to avoid the adhesion of the protruding teeth among themselves. The washers should be less than one element than disks.

    Making frame

    Such an element is used to fasten the motor-block rod and weld it from profiled metal pipes. After welding, the disc is fixed in such a way that it moves freely relative to the disk saw. Due to this location, you can adjust the tension of the drive belt if necessary.

    Fastening of the hopper and casing

    The casing that will be used on the design is cut from galvanized steel, but it is much more preferable to produce it from a sheet metal. The material for the receiving bunker usually advocates Cink Steel.


    Garden electric chopper branches do it yourself

    The homemade chopper branches in contrast to industrial devices is more versatile. It can not only recycle branches, but also crushing the fruits and a different household garbage.

    Due to the fact that the engine has a horizontal location and is on the same level with knives, it will not be able to break from the wet stems. Working with such a device is greatly simplified due to the fact that it is not necessary to track whether the raw material is wet, and sort the branches in size.

    Garden branch chopper with their own hands has a high performance: Disk saws Capably recycled with high speed sufficient thick branches. The cost of such a device will be cheaply twice, and power is several times more. The homemade unit will be at all worse than the most expensive garden tool of factory manufacture.

    Thus, make the grinding of the branches with their own hands quite simple. It is best to use an electric motor for this. Options for such a design there are quite a lot and depends on the smelting and fantasy crafts. The homemade device will be at all worse than the industrial counterpart. Thanks to the video presented, you can figure it out in all the intricacies of the construction assembly process.

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