Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video


Grandmothers are amazing women. They are ready to indulge their relatives daily, 24 hours a day. Their love and tenderness are limitless. What to repay them for affection and care? How to thank your loved ones? The best thing you can present is to make a gift grandmother with your own birthday.

From old clothes

Of course, all grandmothers can cook. An apron and tag fastest come into disrepair. You can give my grandmother a new apron. Sew it is not difficult from unnecessary things. First you need to measure the height and width of the breast so that the future gift is well sitting on the figure. It turns out such a rectangle:

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Determine the width to determine simply: you need to measure my grandmother's waist (just hugging it) and multiply by 2.

The magnificent apron, the greater the segment of the fabric you need to take.

The length is determined by growth. The main thing is that the apron is not confused in the legs and prevented preparing. Breast and apron before assembly need to flash around the perimeter. In this case, you can use contrasting threads, braid, tapes and lace. You can make beautiful ruffles.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

It is necessary to take care of the strings. Threate your neck and chest, folded twice, pasted and flash. Now it remains only to sew together two halves:

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Applications are not only decorative, they close stains or scuffs on the old fabric. The last touch - you need pockets so that your grandmother can put some trifle in them.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Apron ready. If the material still remains, you can sew tapes to fit together:

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

A variety of styles is represented in the video at the end of the article.

We must not forget about grandparents. They also love their children and grandchildren, and will be glad to any response sign of attention. Since with age, people become more scattered, then it is necessary that the necessary things be in sight and at the same time did not get into the eyes. From the old clothes, you can make an organizer into the hallway, in which daily use objects will be located. The same organizer can be sewn into the garage, and it will undoubtedly like the grandfather.

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Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

From different little things

Grandparents are increasingly pulling on nature, to the ground. Few some of them are not your cottage with a small garden. Even if not, the grandmothers are striving to make a flower garden in the house. What to give to such lovers of plants? You can make Cashpo with your own hands so that the pots do not look dying, and harmoniously fit into the interior. To do this, you will need a different trifle, which and the place occupies, and throw out a pity: old buttons, shells brought from travel to the sea, various pebbles and dry flowers. To this you need to add plaster based on PVA glue. As a basis, you can take the disadvantageous dishes, tin cans or plywood boxes. The base is purified from dirt and dust, it is impregnated with oil and is cooked by the plaster, to which the details of the pattern from the selected material are glued. The product dries during the day, then put in order: something is added, if necessary, unnecessary drips and smears are wiped with a rag.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

How to make a beautiful porridge, shown on the video at the end of the article.

Cute crafts

The most expensive gifts for grandparents are gifts from grandchildren made by their own hands. Even the smallest kids, learning to keep a pencil, try to portray something on paper. Older children can make different things from paper. For example, origami.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

After receiving such an angel as a gift from his granddaughter, the old people will be infinitely happy.

Souvenirs from paper do very simple and exciting. Their diversity is developing a fantasy in a child.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Unique gifts

Having spent quite a bit of money, you can make original gifts from almost nothing. Cardboard, paper, scissors, paints and glue - and now ready picture.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Add to the materials of buttons - it turns out the panel, as in the photo.

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

If you choose from the ground what kind of nature, you can make real masterpieces. Try and everything will work out!

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Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Gift grandmother with her hands for a birthday from granddaughter with photos and video

Video on the topic

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