Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video


Young people, if they want to attract attention, you just need to give gifts to girls. The stronger the feeling, the more specials there should be a gift. Screaming about his love for the whole world - quite a natural desire, which is why adolescents are writing with huge letters to paint on the asphalt words. Coming desire - make a gift to the girl with your own hands. But it is better to approach this from an aesthetic point of view. Earing the girl on the pedestal, it means that she knows how to appreciate the beautiful, and unevenly written letters do not please the eyes. Only once a year there is such a holiday in which the girl is the Queen of Bala. This is her birthday. It is best to invite your favorite in a cafe and celebrate this event together. You can arrange a romantic dinner at home, but not every man is capable of it. But make a romantic gift to the girl with their own hands on a birthday is not at all difficult.

Flowers in ice

Everyone knows that women love flowers. To please the girl, you can give her a bouquet. To surprise it, you can give a flower in ice.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

For the manufacture you will need a bright flower, the container in which it will fit entirely, and water.

In the selected shape (this may be a plastic glass) water poured and immersed in this water complies entirely. Then the form is placed in the freezer to a complete freezer. In such an unusual bouquet, you can make a cool champagne.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Iron and a little romance

Men prefer to work with solid materials. Such as tree and iron. How to make an original gift on dr? You need a little snarling and imagination, then everything will turn out. Here is such a stand for a tablet, made of plywood.

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Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

You can smear on wooden spoons pattern.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Or cut the name of your favorite from the board.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Iron also provides big space for creativity.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

In the depths of the soul, all men are incorrigible romance, which does not prevent them from being harsh and courageous. The best poems and songs dedicated to women are written by men. The best paintings are also written by them. In our age of high technologies, without departing from the computer, it is easy to think of what a gift can make a girl with your own hands on 03/18/2019. It can be a video with a romantic song or a selection of joint photo.

With the help of photoshop, you can create a postcard with verses or recognition in love, print it and donate, sticking on a chocolate chocolate or candy box.

Old newspapers and hearts

Many men can weave the baskets from the rods. By the same technology, various souvenirs can be placed from old newspapers and magazines folded into dense tubes. The sheets of paper are tightly twisted and fasten with a droplet of glue. Of these, all sorts of crafts are rushing.

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

Gift girl with her hands on his birthday with photos and video

The woven product must be covered with PVA glue, diluted with water and give dry. After that, covered with varnish. To get a multicolored product, the tubes need to do from white paper and paint them with a kel in the desired color or verses.

If you paint the finished product, the paint will fall uneven and will be shone to unpainted places.

Decorative baskets, Tuesks and chests, braided dishes for bread and sweets, souvenirs in the form of animals will certainly please the girl on March 8.

On Valentine's Day, lovers give each other heart. Stylized heart, flowers and balloons serve as a symbol. Gift hearts - Valentine, as a rule, small, less palm. Make them quite easily, the template is known to everyone. The material is all anything: from paper, cardboard and matter to steel and stone. Hearts cut out, cut off, burn out, cut down. Stitched, glue, weld, screw the bolts and nails nails. Who is what is much!

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