Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo


Pictures made in pyrography technique will complement your interior. Unlike drawn, they will not fade, even if it takes so ten years. Especially if this picture is made by hands expensive and loving you. So, the topic of today's article is "paintings for burning on wood." We will analyze several step-by-step master classes for the manufacture. Let's proceed.


For work, we need the following tools and materials:

  • Plywood sheet of 10 cm size * 15 cm;
  • Frame under the size of the picture;
  • Acrylic matte color lacquer;
  • Tassel to cover varnish;
  • Black simple pencil;
  • Burning device;
  • Erasing gum.

Prepare all materials, tools and deciding with the place of work, proceed to the creative process.

The sheet of plywood is sandwicked with the help of sandpaper, eliminate irregularities. After, or we draw a thoughtful sketch on the tree, or we are already translating a picture through a copy-up, which can be printed.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Connects the burning device to the electrical network, wait until it is completely warmed. Sign starting with the foreground of the picture. The strokes do carefully, do not rush.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

All major parts of the composition burn.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Then stroke drawn clouds. And after and flying birds.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

After burning, it is necessary to remove all the extra pencil lines with an erasing rubber.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Cover the painting by varnish with a brush. Leave a place out of the reach of children to complete drying.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

In the purchased frame insert our product and hinder the picture on one of the walls of your apartment. That's all, ready.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

As a sketch, you can choose other beautiful pictures you can download for free in today's article.

It is easy to care for such works, just once a week wipe it with a damp cloth.

Running horses

For work, we need the following tools and materials:

  • Burning machine;
  • Ordinary paints (watercolor or gouache);
  • Simple black pencil;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Erasing gum;
  • Scissors;
  • Non-fluid with liquid;
  • Sheet of plywood, round shape;
  • Two brushes: one for a lacquer coating, the second for coloring with paints.

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So, proceed to work!

Ready Phaneur must be sanded with sandpaper. Now we start drawing. So, for a start, we pay a twig with leaves, flowers and berries.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

In the center of the base schematically draw two horses, as shown in the photo.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Then it is necessary to draw animals in more detail, and then pay the landscape. That's all, the drawing is fully applied to the base.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Now turn on the ignoraory device and wait until it is heated. Burning start with animals. We supply small neat strokes of the contour.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

After supplying everything else.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

The contour is applied, now we go to more detailed study, start with the bark and crown of trees.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

We remove extra pencil lines with erasing.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Now go to paint painting. Do not make color strongly so that the colors are brighter.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Then cover the surface of the lacquer, we remove in an inaccessible place and wait for complete drying.

Here, the picture is almost completely and ready. It remains for small: make the picture could be attached. To do this, take a few pieces of bilateral scotch.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

After attaching a picture to the wall and rejoice. This picture can be done with the children, entrusted to them painted. And also suitable for novice masters. Ready!

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Flower burning

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Burning machine;
  • Wood on which we will perform work;
  • Copy paper;
  • Simple black pencil;
  • Erasing gum;
  • Varnish designed to cover wood;
  • Paints.

Go to work.

Before work, it is necessary to determine the pattern. Print sketch. Selected wood prepare for burning. To do this, it is necessary to sand it with emery paper. Using the copy-up to transfer the pattern to the board.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

We check whether all the lines were printed. If not, we carry out additionally lines with a simple pencil.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

We connect the burning device to the power grid, wait until it is heated. I burn carefully and not rushing.

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Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Color ready drawing. We remove to complete drying. If you do not have a desire to do this, then you can leave it in this version, which turned out to be black and white.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

In order for the finished picture you can hang, we make a hole on the reverse side.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

As soon as the drawing is dry, covered with a colorless varnish. If you did not have a special one at hand, you can use hair varnish (it must be applied three times).

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

That's all, the picture is completely ready.

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

We bring to your attention a selection of sketches.


Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo


Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

Pictures for burning on a tree for beginners: Download from photo

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