How to make your own hand trolley for moving goods?


How to make your own hand trolley for moving goods?

Owners of garden sites do not have to sit without a business. It is required to insert the earth, it is necessary to eat the garden or remove the garbage from it, then something to plant or transplant. During these works, it is quite often a need to move any heavy or overall cargo. Solving this problem will help with their own hands a garden trolley. Made of materials manufactured or purchased in building stores, it will become an indispensable assistant for a dac.

  • 2 garden trolley do it yourself
    • 2.1 Metal Trolley Assembly
    • 2.2 garden trolley
    • 2.3 We make a truck from waste
  • Types of carts

    Depending on the number of wheels Trolleys can be two types:
    1. The device for moving goods with one wheel is called a wheelbarrow. To move it, a narrow narrow path, it is maneuverable and reliable. To free the car of the cargo, it is enough to press two longitudinal handles and tilt it aside. However, to move heavy loads to use a cart with one wheel is not very convenient. To preserve the balance, considerable power. It is also not very convenient to move it on the ground or sand, since the entire load falls on the wheel that fails and stuck in a soft ground.
    2. A more solid device equipped with 2-4 wheels is called a trolley. It is stable, so you can carry various gravity on it. The only disadvantage is that for her movement is needed wide tracks.

    Mutted cars can be from various materials. For transportation of goods in the garden and garden use wooden devices with one wheel. For construction work it is best to use Metal trolley.

    The design of the country trolley can be different. Its hands can be equipped with removable holders, drawers, fasteners. After such a transformation, it will be possible to carry on it not only bulk goods and objects, but also small parts, water in pots, fasteners, hardware.

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    Garden trolley do it yourself

    How to make your own hand trolley for moving goods?

    Choosing the size of the trolley, it should be borne in mind that it is best to make it a medium size. There will be no overall equipment in a small wheelbarrow, and it will be more difficult to move, because under the weight of the cargo it will be for the ground. In addition, the wheelbarrow bar may not go to the door of the garage or shed.

    The trolley with dimensions is 60 cm wide, 100 cm long and 50 cm in height will be stable, light and maneuverable. It will be convenient for almost any cargoes.

    Metal trolley assembly

    Metal design For the carriage of goods will be hardy and serves many years. For her manufacturer with their own hands it will take:

    • Sheet metal 1x2 m thick in 1-2 mm;
    • Metal corner 25x25;
    • wheels with bearings with a diameter of up to 40 cm;
    • Bulgarian;
    • welding machine;
    • Metal tube of the desired diameter.

    Before starting work, it is recommended to draw a sketch of the future trolley, indicate all the details and sizes on it. The box is best to make a capacity of about 100 liters. For a wheelchair, which is expected to be a large load, you need to select powerful wheels. They can be taken from the old bike, moped or motorcycle.

    Prepare everything you need You can proceed to work:

    1. According to the sketch with the help of a grinder cut the sheet.
    2. Swift box.
    3. Make a rack from a metal corner.
    4. From the pipe with thin walls to build a handle. In this case, the wheelbarrow will be not too heavy.

    The main part of the design is ready, now it remains only to weld or fasten the wheelbase to it. Do it yourself such a base for the cart Made from profile pipe:

    • How to make your own hand trolley for moving goods?

      cut off two pieces of pipes whose sizes should be equal to the width of the base plus the distance to install the wheels;

    • short jumpers at 15-20 cm weld the pieces of the pipe between themselves (there must be a narrow rectangle);
    • To install the wheels, on the narrow edges of the rectangle, strictly in the middle to attach round pieces of pipes with welding;
    • Install the wheels that can be assembled in stages from elements such as locking part, bearings, studs, nuts for fixing.

    The wheelbase on the trolley should Install strictly in the middle . Garden car with their own hands is made and ready for use.

    Wooden garden trolley

    It's easy to do such a wheelbarrow. It does not require drawings for its manufacture, and the missing building materials can always be purchased in a construction store.

    Necessary materials:

    • plywood;
    • Wooden bars 4x4 cm and 1.2-1.5 m in length;
    • two wheels;
    • Cut pipe or hairpin with a thread in 0.6-0.7 m.

    First of all, from the bars it is necessary to construct the frame, the recommended dimensions of which are 1.5x0.7 m. The holes are drilled in its lower axis. The axis whose role is played by the hairpin or cut pipe is inserted into the prepared holes and brazenly fastened with screws or screws. It is necessary to follow the axis part of the axis on both sides of the axis frames are equal to the double width of the wheel.

    Next, the wheels are put on the axis that Must with glints . If there are no wheels, they can be made of thick plywood:

    • cut out blanks to impregnate with a oliff or antiseptic;
    • Wear on the wheel of the tire, climb a metal strip or thick rubber;
    • In the planting holes insert bearings;
    • Lubricate the axis and wheels with solidol.

    Wooden wheels treated in this way will serve for quite a long time.

    The body of the cart is made of plywood. First of all, it is cut and fastened to the frame of the bottom. Boards can be installed motionless, or attach them to the loop, and then They will be laid out . For this you need:

    • One side board to attach to the bottom;
    • The second to attach through the adapter, the role of which will play a bar, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the side;
    • The endboard is attached through a dual thickness bar.

    The result will be a trolley, which is flat. In order for the board during operation, it is necessary to install hooks or spinages.

    We make a truck from waste

    How to make your own hand trolley for moving goods?

    You can make a garden bar with your own hands by gathering all unnecessary things in the house. For its manufacture can be useful:

    • cutting metal;
    • Motorcycle wheels;
    • Old metal bed.

    Manufacturing technology Such a trolley is quite simple:

    1. The frame is made of two bedrooms and legs.
    2. The bottom and walls of the body are cut from the steel sheet.
    3. The shots of all elements are welded with point welding.
    4. The resulting container is installed on the frame, its walls are coated and connected to the base.
    5. The junctions of the box are welded.
    6. From the legs of the bed is made by the bridge of the wheel pair, axis and hubs.
    7. An axis is joined to the pipe from both sides.
    8. The bridge is welded to the inverted body.
    9. The design is strengthened with lining in the form of brackets made with your own hands.
    10. Wheels are fixed on the axes.
    11. From the backs and legs of the bed, a handle is performed and welded in a position convenient for operation.

    The support leg in the trolley is best Make rising . Otherwise, it will slow down the movement.

    Having studied several options for homemade garden carts, make one of them with their own hands will not be much difficulty. By building it under the personal needs from the remnants of the building material, you can get a trolley that will be not only more convenient, but also cheaper purchased.

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