Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child


In the cold season, our pennate friends are difficult to find meal, especially in winter, when the trees dropped the foliage, and the grass and bushes are covered with snow. In our power to help winged creatures survive into terrible times for them. You need to make feeders for birds from handicraft materials with your own hands.

Dining room for feathery

The feeder is not a birdhouse in which the bird's family can live. This is, if you can put it, the bird's dining room in which any flying guest can eat. If it is completely simple, it is a table suspended on the ropes to the tree branch.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

From plywood you can make the simplest feeder. In the sheet of plywood in the corners, do holes with a nail or drill their drill. Turn the twine and you can hang on the branch. Birds will not be offended on a non-primary look, but such a feeder is inconvenient and for them, because the birds love to rummage in the stern, raking it in all directions. Very quickly on the improvised table, nothing will remain, all the food will fall, in dirt or snow. That this does not happen, you need flights. In addition, lunch for birds can wet the rain or fall asleep snow. So, you need a roof. So, with the form and functionality, everything became clear, it remains only to attach hands, because you can make a feeder from anything.

Unnecessary boxes

Each house will certainly have a pair of empty boxes that are lying without a case. Of these, there may be a wonderful feeder for birds. Especially good in this plan of the box from the cake: they can easily cut the windows, everything can be cut through transparent walls, and the birds are not frightened by any row, also plastic cap protects against rain.

For hanging, you can use the very twice that the cake was bandaged.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Together with the child you can make a feeder from the box from under the juice.

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Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

To do this, cut into one of the walls of the window, insert the cocktail wand below and attach the rope or cord from above. When the kid on a walk will show the place where you need to hang the feeder, he will consider it his own and starts to take care that there is always food for birds.

In the same way, feeders are made of milk boxes.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

From gift paper bags:

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

You just need to not forget to glue the top edges of the package so that the roof does not flow.

Berself a veranda

Of the large boxes, you can arrange pennate friends of the present dining room.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

It can be made of the shoe box.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Or from under candy.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Or from the parcel box.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

If all of the boxes suddenly ended, and the birds are sorry, you can make a feeder from paper, but it will last not long. It is better to make it possible from cardboard.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

House for a long time

All feeders made of cardboard, tetrapackets and paper, although they are done quite quickly, but also serve quite short. A couple of rains will be held, and the birds will again have to look for food themselves. Plywood will undoubtedly serve longer, but she will come into disrepair. It is best to make a trough from a tree or boards.

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child


Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

From boards:

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

From wood:

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Feeders for birds from girlfriend with their own hands with a child

Video on the topic

A selection of video about how to make feeders with your own hands.

From the package from under the juice:

Easy performed:

From boards:


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