Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers


The burning of the tree is rightfully an advanced kind of needlework. Pyrography - the present name of this interesting occupation. Pictures for burning around the tree can be found and downloaded on the Internet, but you can come up with yourself, the more valuable work will work.

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

You can buy a ready-made kit for burning, which already includes the board, and the electro-infringener, and even stencils with plots for burning. And you can buy a paneur or wooden birch bar or alder and come up with a pattern, it will remain only to buy an inland device, and you can begin to burn out.

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

This lesson will be fascinating for children of all ages, even adults are unable to resist the pyrography! Also, this method of applying a wood pattern is suitable for beginners, because there is nothing complicated in it, the main thing is to gently handle the hot burner. Especially interesting, this occupation will seem for boys, because you can come up with so many cool plots: ranging from your favorite cartoon characters and ending with the most steep models of machinery and motorcycles.

First, it is best to choose lungs and interesting stories. You can, for example, burn rare or beautiful animals, scenes of the battles of your favorite superheroes or the beauty of nature. Ideas for creativity are a huge set, and how many of them will still arise in your child!

Girls will be interested in leaning flowers, various patterns, beautiful horses and unicorns, princesses, as well as paint boards. In addition, this is a great way to make a gift for a holiday in the style of Handmade.

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

We choose the material

It is believed that the best material are boards of bright and soft wood, such as birch, alder or linden. For beginners, the usual plyhouse is suitable. In any case, before starting work, you need to handle the board with emery paper.

If you bought a special set, you do not need any additional actions, you can immediately begin work.

The drawing itself can be applied to the board with a pencil from hand, and can be translated through the stencil.

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Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

How to apply drawing

Before you begin burning, make sure that the board is dry. Also you need to heat the dear: the tip of the pen should become dark red. While it heats up, you need to put a point on the pencil drawing on the board, and only to carry out lines. Thin line forms the rapid movement of the delicacy, thick, on the contrary, slow.

Note! It is not recommended to push when painting on a tree on the tree of the electro-infringers.

First, the outer contour is burned, then you can gradually move to the inner detail, to the center. It is best to burn in parts, that is, it is necessary to give the opportunity to cool justly with the ability to cool. Therefore, we work a little on one site, then leave it and go to another, and so on until all the work is completed.

After burning, the surface should cool slightly, then neatly, so as not to damage the strokes and lines, especially small, you need to sand the board shallow sandpaper. Also, the finished picture can be painted with watercolor or oil paints.

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Of course, at first, it is best to choose simple drawings, especially for the execution of their children. Remember the safety rules! We wish you success!

Pictures for burning on a tree for children: light patterns and beautiful flowers

Video on the topic

For greater inspiration, see the selection of video master classes on the topic.

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