Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video


Very often we want to complement the finished products "highlight" or make your own. This is especially true for leather products: make them on their own - this is quite a long and difficult process, but supplement the product to distinguish it from hundreds of the same, - the task is performed. Burning on the skin with your own hands - this is what will be her decision! Also, burning on the skin can also be applied to decorative changes in any home objects: you can place bags, boxes or chests with leather patterns, you can make tags for curtains, photo frames, jewelry and so on.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Skin can be used with an old jacket or raincoat. Calculate the skin can be a special delictore, soldering iron or laser. The technology of burning paintings on the skin only at first glance seems difficult, in fact, you will be convinced of its simplicity as soon as you calm the performance of the product.

In this master class, we will make a nice-fish-fish at home, which will undoubtedly bring good luck and fulfill desires.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video


To work, we will need:

  • A piece of skin, preferably light color;
  • Tracking for sketch;
  • Pipographer;
  • Marker;
  • Copy paper;
  • Scissors.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

First we find the desired drawings of the fish. Choose your favorite and print stencil or draw a fish from hand, we translate the sketch on the track. Next, cut the pattern from the tracing. For convenience, it is possible to carefully, so as not to tweet the tracing, glue it with a pva glue to white thin paper. Cut down the contour.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

The next step is placing a template on a piece of leather, we supply the marker along the contour. You can use a conventional black marker, and you can take a brown to burning color so as not to remove the surplus of the marker.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Fish parts that inside the contour, we translate through the copy. Here you can use a pencil, a thin wand or a handle that does not write.

It is necessary to press pretty much so that the drawing is pritently pritected. The template should be placed strictly according to the circuit already circuit, otherwise the drawing will shift, and the compensation on the skin will already remain.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Then the resulting outlines of the parts need to also be sought by a marker to see better where to burn out. Under the skin, you can put a cutting board to make it easier to move the product in the burning process.

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Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

When burning, the skin begins to quite specifically smell, so it is better to immediately open the window and do not close until the end of work. I burn the image, starting from the contour, then go to the center, work in the internal parts.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

When the drawing on the skin is ready, let him cool down a couple of minutes, then cut the scissors along the contour, leaving some points. It is necessary in order to then be more convenient to cut directly the contour of the fish itself. If you think you can cut at once, do it very carefully, so as not to damage the figurine itself.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

It is possible to decorate in various ways: to color acrylic, walk by permanent markers or markers, use a special outline on the glass or on the fabric, sequins, and so on.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Now we glue the glue to the reverse side of the fish a piece of soft skin of another color.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Then, when the glue is dry, we cut our fish along the contour. You can leave a small edging.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

To give the skin of the relief, it is possible to moisten the figure with water with the addition of PVA (teaspoon of glue on a glass of water).

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

Wait until the glue dries slightly (the product should not highlight the water when pressed), and then walk on the selection of the inner lines of parts. You can use toothpick or manicure tools. If you wish, you can make the hairpin darker: for this, feed it with a dark-color shoe cream with a large wax content.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

In order to get a hairpin in an Asian style, you can punch a hole in the fish, as shown in the photo, and insert a decorated wand. You can also purchase a special attachment for hairpins in the store.

Burning on the skin with your own laser at home with video

If you want to do not make a hairpin, but, for example, a brooch, then instead of a thin soft skin lining, a wooden base or any other tight material can be used. Behind attach a special pin, and your product is ready!

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