Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos


Gorodetskaya painting originated in the Russian city on the Volga Gorodets back in the middle of the XIX century. The fishery of decorative and applied art developed with the expansion of carpentry, wood thread. Since nearby villages were located near dense forests, there was a lot of material. Gorodetskaya painting for beginners is given without much difficulties.

The appearance of painting begins the production of Gorodetsky Petal Donets. Unlike widespread splas, squeezed from a solid piece of wood, Gorodetsky spines consisted of two parts: a dona and crest. The dona was a wide wooden strip, narrowing up with the "killer" in the form of a pyramid, into the opening of which the rod of the ridge was inserted. When the work on the sheel ended, the ridge got from the squabble, and the Donets got on the wall, becoming a wall decorative panel.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

In the modern world, Golden painting is necessarily included in the art school programs for study. And still support the tradition of production on the homeland of creative directions.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Special differences

The painting is characterized by simplicity, so such a drawing technique can be fully included in classes for children in art schools

Compositions of creativity are several species - a flower painting, consisting only of flowers, leaves, sticks, dots and arcs, a floral painting with animals and a storyline.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

The main objects of drawing are birds, horses, roosters and other animals are possible in idealized forms, mainly in pairs turned to each other symmetrically. The large surfaces most often can be painted by the plot of peasant and merchant life, people in lush outfits, walking steam. In addition, the garlands are used from leaves, buds, daisies, Rozanov.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Stages drawing

The painting is traditionally used on wood, the surface can be primed up with yellow, red or black paint. But most often left the natural background of the tree with streaks, adding only the framework.

Drawing elements is made by gouashe paints with PVA glue, phasate in three steps - Zamilevka, Tayneck, Village.

For mailing main parts, red, pink, blue, blue color, sometimes brown, burgundy are used. Use a wide brush and smears with circular motions. At this stage, the main bodies of objects are painted. For flowers, these are circles.

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Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

There is always paint on the Tayneck to tone with a darker or black. Apply with thinner brushes with light stars. And white or yellow paint make the so-called animal, lines and points, glare to make the drawing completed. At each stage, paint must be allowed to dry. At the end of the work is applied with a sprayer.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

For the elements of Gorodetsky painting are characterized by certain patterns of drawing. Consider instructions, how to draw leaves and flowers offered in the photo below:

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetsky Pavlinov, Petukhov, Crane Horses can be drawn with a preliminary sketch with a pencil. In the early stages of obtaining drawing skills, you can use ready-made pattern patterns.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

People in Gorodetsky painting with white faces and black hair are usually depicted in lush clothes. Festive and friendly stories prevail in the pictures. Guys on rolling horses, in dancing poses with girls.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

Gorodetskaya painting is the simplest in mastering, using certain finished stencils can be easily repeated pattern. Decorative patterns are used in our days on boards and other wooden surfaces, as a decor of the house and as a gift hostess. Perform painting on matryoshki, solonks, dishes, spoons.

Gorodetskaya painting for beginners on wood: templates with photos

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