Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos


In modern shops buy a gift for every taste will not be difficult. However, crafts for a birthday can be the original and sincere gift of a close person. In addition, make homemade gifts exciting and interesting. Beautiful crafts as a gift can be made from different materials. It is worth considering the age of the addressee and his personal preferences. After all, a gift to the older man should differ significantly from a peer gift. What can be made it yourself and what should I cook for this?

The article choses the best ideas for gifts to family members and friends.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

What you can donate

Ideas for gifts and their design are quite a lot, and sometimes it is easier to show a fantasy in creating a present, than to decide what exactly to give. Among the most popular gifts that can be done independently, it is worth noting:

  • copyright cards in various techniques;
  • Photo frame;
  • Original notebooks;
  • caskets;
  • Candles and candlesticks;
  • interior vases;
  • Unusual pillows and decorative toys;
  • Mugs.

The postcard is the easiest gift that at the same time gives a big field for creativity. Postcards with pleasant words love to receive everything regardless of age and status. The only thing worth considering is the design of the postcard must match the birthday man. For example, if it is a card for a man, then it can be made in the form of a shirt, tuxedo or decorate ties. If this is a greeting card for a woman, then it can decorate flowers and other "female" items - a hat, dress, beads, lipstick.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

The postcard can be issued with various materials and objects - fabric, lace, leather, fittings, dry flowers, etc.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

From the paper, in addition to the postcard, you can make many other gifts, for example, in the style of origami or by the reflection technique. Even the newcomer will be able to fold out a flower paper or decorated with twisted paper strips a casket.

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Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

You can also experiment with photo frame. For this, it is sufficient to stock the finished wooden frame (cut it out of cardboard), a glue gun and the necessary materials for decoration. The frame can be painted and paint, decorated with decoupage or shook seashells or buttons.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

You can also decorate caskets, candlesticks, vases and mugs. Handwriters Loving sewing can easily make textile interior objects. The main thing is to take advantage of the ideas and show a little imagination and skills.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

To each his own

For each family member, there must be your gift. Let's try to figure out what kind of birthdays that will have to do.

Pope with a mathematical warehouse of the mind will like the unusual Rubik's cube, which will remind of pleasant family moments.

For crafts you need to prepare:

  • Rubik's Cube;
  • Any photos (6 pcs.);
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to do:

  1. Remove with puzzles colored stickers (the painted cube can be left without processing);

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. By the size of the cube, pick up photos and cut them on 9 squares that match the size with squares on the edges;

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. Gently flashes with a face with glue (you can use a brush), glue all squares on all faces.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

After drying, the cube can be used by destination.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

From the son or daughter dad can get a handle holder made from the "Lego" constructor. The kids are practiced to collect figures from the designer, and dad will always remember whose gift.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

If you plan to present a bottle with alcohol as a gift, then you should take care of its design. For example, you can use the sleeves from old shirts.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Mom can give a caching case for Ai-Pad or ai-background made of natural or artificial leather. Such covers will not only protect the technique from damage and scratches, but also emphasize the status of a business mother.

You can take the skin from the old bag or portfolio. By the size of the gadget, considering the allowance, cut a rectangular piece of material so that the gadget can be wrapped in it twice. It remains to be done at the edges at an equal distance of the hole with a seboard or a stationery knife and sew the cover with a cord or twine. So that the cover is closed, to sew a button with a lace-loop. The gift is ready!

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Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Complete cover Beautiful flower card. It can be presented to other women, for example, to make a girlfriend or sister as a gift.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • bilateral color paper;
  • scissors (curly);
  • Skat, toothpick or awl for queening;
  • PVA glue;
  • the basis for the postcard (cardboard or dense paper);
  • double sided tape;
  • Ribbons and beads.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos


  1. Cut from colored paper circles of different sizes;
  1. Starting from the edge and moving to the center, cut out of each circle of the spiral (you can make edges wavy);

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. With the help of sewing, toothpicks or ships twist the resulting spirals in floral chunks;

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. Cut from dark paper a trapezium - a vase;

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

5. Glit to the postcard background, and on it - vase and flowers;

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. Decorate the postcard by beads, ribbon, inscription.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos


Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Grandma will certainly like the casket in which you can collect various little things. You can buy a blank and decorate it to your taste, and you can make a casket yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • fat cardboard or other basis;
  • toothpick;
  • yarn;
  • PVA glue;
  • heart pattern;
  • glue gun;
  • Beads or other decorations.


  1. Cut from cardboard on the template bottom of the box;
  1. Around the perimeter stick into a toothpick cardboard, to better fix glue;

  1. Start overweep the toothpicks of yarn, alternately bypassing them outside and from the inside;

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

  1. Support to the end, tie the tip on the last toothpick and hide it inside;
  1. On the tip of each toothpicks to wear a small bead in tone of yarn (for fixing weaving);
  1. Decorate the bowl beads.

A gift from granddaughter is ready!

If you wish, you can make a lid, also cutting it out of cardboard and wrapped with threads.

Grandfather, most likely, like the practical things that he can use every day. Good idea - Point Case, stitched from an old tie or cervical headscarf. To do this, you will need a thread with a needle, velcro, tissue glue, scissors and tie. The main thing is to correctly determine the length of the cover so that points fit in it and at the same time it could be free to close. The finished cover can be decorated with buttons.

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Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

The older generation can also be made a general gift - a genealogical tree, which will host photos of all family members. There are many "family trees" options. There will be a variety of techniques, including quilling, appliqué, point painting.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Younger generation can make funny and funny crafts with your own hands. It can be original decorations, pillows toys, trees from sweets or just unusual packaging.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Brother who loves "Star Wars" will surely like the watch with the characters of the film. To do this, it is enough to prepare the foundation for the clock with a hole in the middle (you can make a planing of clay or plaster), a clock mechanism with arrows, glue-gun and the "Legogo" figurines from the corresponding set of "Star Wars".

First you need to paint the base, and then consolidate the clockwork. With the help of a gun glue flat parts from the dial. After drying, consolidate the figures on them.

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Crafts for birthday with your own hands: Best ideas with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Ideas of gifts can also be drawn in the video.

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