How to save and build a gazebo on your own


As you know, fresh air is useful for human health, and it is necessary to stay on the street as often as possible. That is why the buildings in which in the warm season you can relax, eat and even work. The high cost of ready-made solutions leads to the idea that it is much easier and much cheaper to build a gazebo himself.

Many do not begin work only because they believe that such work is too complicated and requires the presence of certain skills and experience of construction work. In fact, almost any person can cope with such a task. The main thing is to have a specific set of tools and fixtures and choose the correct option that best suits you.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

In such a gazebo, you can spend family evenings for dinner, you can arrange holidays and even use it as a dance floor

Compliance with simple rules guarantees reliability and durability of the design. And the practical benefit from the already built gazebos is so obvious that it becomes clear - work is justified, and it is worth spending his time for this project.

Main preparatory work

Consider a complex of work that will have to perform when the arbor is erected on the site. Each of the stages are important, because any violations may entail big problems. You should not do everything as quickly as possible, from this, as you know, the quality is significantly worse.

Preliminary stage

Even before the start of work, a whole range of preparatory activities should be held:

  • Determining how your gazebo should be . It depends on the size of the family, lifestyle and preferences. If you like skewers, it is reasonable to envisage and the presence of a barbecue. If you are going to rest in the construction and in the cold season, you should insulate the structure and install the stove or fireplace.
  • Next, you should consider the configuration of the building - its shape, area and type . It can be open or closed, in addition, its form can be almost any, it all depends on your imagination and opportunities.
  • The location of the building on the site is also an important factor, because it is necessary not only to put a gazebo, but also to landscap the territory, lay tracks and, if necessary, sum up communication - water supply and sewage.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Properly located gazebo will decorate your site

Choosing an optimal project

Many do not pay due attention to this factor and take the first project, meanwhile, in the network, including on our website there are a lot of sketches, and it is possible to choose an optimal option in almost ready-made form.

So, what should be taken into account when selecting:

  • The material from which you will build. If you have a stock of boards, stupid to build a building of a brick, because the cost of the construction of the gazebos will increase significantly. Using wood, you are at times reduced the cost of the project.
  • The shape of the building is sometimes much easier to make a M-shaped gazebo and due to this save place on the plot.
  • Functionality of the structure. For example, if you decide to build a stove with a barbecue, you should equip the desktop and washing - it will be much more convenient to them.
  • Do not choose a project that will cause difficulties in the implementation process. Too sophisticated elements can cause an increase in construction lines and a significant increase in the cost of construction.

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How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Too complicated arbor is unlikely to be built on its own

Preparation of the site and foundation

Before starting work, we should clear the place of development, it is desirable to remove the soil and fall asleep with a gravel area or rubble. The place must be smooth.

Next, you can proceed to the foundation device, it can represent both the sidewalk tile or concrete blocks laid down under construction and more complex systems.

A columnar foundation is a few columns that are poured to a depth of 30-40 cm. Over the soil you can lay out with red full-scale bricks, it is not afraid of dampness.

Many prefer to put a gazebo onto a classic ribbon foundation - it is much more thorough and more durable.

If you have a low area and groundwater level high, the most competent solution is to pour the screed under the entire gazebo, and its level should be above the water level at the most rain period.

Important remark!

If the oven is located in the gazebo, remember that its foundation should be poured separately from the main one.

In addition, the furnace should be protected from groundwater and precipitation especially carefully.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

A solid screed will become an excellent base under the arbor.

Main works

So, the place is chosen, the project will find, all the materials are collected, and the concrete in the foundation was settled for 3 weeks (if, of course, there is). It is from this moment that the main construction of the arbor begins. All work can be divided into several stages.

Device base

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

The basis must be made from a durable bar

No one will argue that the strength of the entire design depends on the reliability of the base. Therefore, it is worth doing everything as well as possible. The compounds must be strengthened with self-draws and brackets. Also a good option is to use a perforated tape with a thickness of 2 mm - it is very durable and able to strengthen the design.

And remember that the design plane should be checked - the easiest way to pull the cord is very easy to navigate. But you can use the long level.

Floor flooring

Next, you can move to floor flooring. Many make it from concrete or tile, but for a gazebo, the tree is best suited. The thickness of the board must be at least 30 mm. It is necessary to sharpen it with small gaps to ventilate the design and evaporation of excessive moisture.

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Fix the board best self-drawers - they keep the design well and are not loosened over time. You can use and nails, but the mount with this method is less reliable, and in terms of value it is not much cheaper.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Paul in a gazebo - an important part of construction

Recently, an oriented OSB chipboard is increasingly used for the gazebo floor. This material is resistant to moisture and has a very pleasant and beautiful texture of wood. The terraced board is very durable, but its cost is higher than the usual tree several times.

Installation of carcass

At this stage, it is important to expand the design evenly and secure all the elements. In order for the racks stood in a vertically position, they must be fixed by temporary struts.


For a frame, you should use completely dry wood if its humidity is higher than the norm, then after the assembly may be a story.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Temporary struts provide the correct position of the racks until the final consolidation

Moreover, at first, it is necessary to establish the main elements - racks and crossbars, after which you can put the other parts. After the primary assembly, the design looks like this.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Square gazebo frame

The design may differ depending on the shape and size of the arbor. But in any case, it must be strengthened with a solid timber.

If your frame will be made of metal, then the technology will be different:

  • The assembly will be made using welding or bolts (in this case there will have to drill a lot of holes, but the design will be foldable).
  • Often, a comprehensive solution is applied - a metal frame and a wooden trim. This structure combines the strength of the metal and the aesthetic attractiveness of the tree.


If counting how much it costs to build a gazebo, then most often the bulk of the means goes to the roof. The material for the frame is often already available, while the roof coating is available much less often.

The rafting system is arranged based on the roofing material used: what it is heavier, the more powerful should be rafted. But even when using lightweight materials, the design should not be too harp. "You will have to withstand strong winds, and most importantly, the burden of snow in winter, and it sometimes is significant.

Different products can be used as roofing material:

  • Slate is inexpensive, but its appearance is not very attractive. In addition, the sheets are sufficiently heavy.
  • Ondulin is a bitumen slate, the sheets are very light and the appearance is better than that of slate. But he is much more expensive.
  • Metal tile or professional flooring - common materials, the cost is average, quality at the level. But it is worth remembering that with a complex configuration of the roof in waste, it will be almost half of the material.
  • Polycarbonate is a very popular solution. The material has a low cost, perfectly misses the light and is quite reliable during operation. It is easy to attach with his own hands.
  • Bituminous tile is one of the most common coatings on the arbors. The material is perfectly combined with wooden and metal structures, easy to work and due to its flexibility is ideal for complex roofs, the price is quite moderate.

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How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Bituminous tile looks great on the roof of the arbor

Unusual decisions for arbors

Consider interesting buildings performed by craftsmen. They look very unusual, and the cost of the arbor is very low, the main thing is to give the necessary material.

Bottle gazebos

This decision is rare enough and attracts a lot of attention to others. Glots made of glass bottles are built similarly to brickwork - bottles are fastened with a solution.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

The main problem is at construction - to give enough bottles

From plastic bottles to collect construction is much simpler - they are light and much more in size. Moreover, in such a gazebo from bottles, you can even make a roof, cutting bottles and using them like a wooden dranke.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

The gazebo of plastic is very durable and not afraid of impact of atmospheric precipitation

Arbors from the vine

The construction of the gazebo from the vine is simple - a framework of a barcas, which is intertwined by the vine. So, at the minimum cost, we will get a very attractive and interesting structure, in which it will be very nice to relax.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

The gazebo from the vine reminds of tropical beaches

To give even greater authenticity to the structure, the roof is best made from the cane or reed. You can buy ready-made mats, and you can collect material yourself.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

Approximate instruction of weave the simplest gazebos from the vine - the financial costs are zero

Live gazebo

This solution cannot be done quickly and simply, because to create a gazebo, it is necessary that the design of the climbing plants. But then how nice to relax under the cover of thick vegetation.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

In such a gazebo and breathes better

To create such a building, it is necessary to build a framework and plant the required number of perennial plants. After a couple of years you will enjoy the rest in the green tent.

Arbors from solid trunks and rhizomes

For this, the trunks and branches of trees are used entirely - it is only necessary to remove the bark and dry. To give the structure of a larger color, you can make the roof of the arbor from the cane or drank. Then the gazebo will resemble a medieval structure.

How to save and build a gazebo on your own

In the photo - a simple option for creating an exclusive gazebo on your site

It is worth noting that in such buildings, the furniture in a similar style - the table on the root of the tree and chairs from the stump will become a real decoration of the situation.


We hope you have come up with what you can build a gazebo in your conditions with minimal cost. There are far from all decisions in the review, and maybe you will think of your unusual idea, which we will write about in a few years. The video in this article will help to figure out in some nuances of self-building arbor.

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