Features and characteristics of the CARD


There are many variants of interior sash: swing, sliding, pulley, from a solid array and so on. Such a variety allows you to choose options for any interior.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

Cingle doors

However, from new variations - CARGA interior doors. What it is?

Cingle doors

The classic option is a solid wooden canvas from pine, ash, oak and so on. However, such a model is noticeable, especially if expensive breeds are used. But the technical characteristics of it is not always at the height. In the furniture shield of such an area, wood fibers have one direction. Accordingly, with temperature and humidity drops, wood swells and changes the geometric dimensions. For interior sash, such a phenomenon is unacceptable.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

Solid wooden canvas doors

A more stable version is a panel sash. It consists of a frame and inserts of a fairly large area. In this case, wood fibers are directed in different directions, which does not allow the product to react as a common tree. The production of the framework is cheaper, and therefore, the cost of it is much lower.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

Written doors

What does: CARD doors mean? This is just a variety of viper, but modified. The framework of the product is assembled from planks relative to solid rocks, and then filled with transverse planets - the kings. This solution has all the advantages of violent interroom models, but more interesting in the design. In addition, the tsargi can be separated by a variety of material: PVC, laminate, ecoshpon. On the photo - a picture with a Cartig flap.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

So the CARD doors look like

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The frame design of this kind is distinguished by many advantages:

  • This is a very reliable solution, because the framework provides the same structural strength as a solid canvas;
  • The product has excellent workability, which means to replace any damaged new segment. The sash easily disassembled with your own hands, as the reviews indicate. And already replacing the Tsargi to a new one does not cause any difficulties;
  • Tsargi make it possible to use unusual decorator techniques, which makes it possible to diversify the modern or classic interior;
  • Due to the combination of slats with different direction of wood fiber, the CARG door is much more resistant to the action of moisture and temperature;
  • During the production of models, the cutting technology is used;
  • There are varieties that provide for servoring - the sash closes not due to the rotation of the key, but thanks to the mechanism built into the handle.

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Disadvantages to find the product is difficult. Is that it is not suitable for design in the style of Baroque, since completely eliminates moldings or threads as a decorative element.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

Example Door in the interior

Cingle doors in the interior

The fundamental difference from the panel version is reduced to the magnitude of the planks and the method of installing the CARG. What does it mean?

  • Planks are installed tight, forming a single web - such a sash is closest to the classic version of the array. You can diversify products by combining a different breed or shade planks.
  • Tsargi are fixed at some distance from each other - thus get the structure. The distance between the straps and the amount of them in the block is selected based on the style. Inserts, as a rule, serves glass.

Planks can have a different width, which allows you to combine them very diverse.

  • The diagonal arrangement of the Tsarg visually reduces the area of ​​the door, and in the interior plays the role of an element that reduces the wall area.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

Materials for finishing

Usually the kings are performed from the pine array. This tree is easily processed, it costs cheaply and is distinguished by durability. But put on the production is not limited to just this option.

  • Wooden strips are processed by varnish, wax, paint and so on to increase the life of the product and give it a shine or an unusual shade. This finish is very diverse.

Tsargi can perform from lined MDF. This material is more stable, no moisture is afraid. Planks are attached to a wooden frame, so the appearance of the sash is not inferior to the wooden, as evidenced by feedback.

  • Veneered - used both natural veneer and ecosphon. The production of the first is to obtain subtle cuts of expensive wood. They are separated cheaper pine planks, and eventually get a beautiful interroom door. In the pictures and in reality it is impossible to distinguish the option lined with veneer and really made of wood.

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Features and characteristics of the CARD

  • CARGE doors from EcoShpon are performed both on the basis of wood and based on MDF. ECOPSHON is a stable durable plastic, imitating any breed of wood. This finish significantly reduces the cost of the structure. In the photo is an option from MDF and EcoCampon.
  • Laminated sash - Planks are performed from MDF or wood, are separated by laminate - impregnated with decorative paper resins. This is the simplest and affordable facing.

Features and characteristics of the CARD

  • PVC CARGE doors - such a material is distinguished not only by low price, but also excellent resistance to moisture. PVC products are preferable to install in kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms. In addition, PVC can imitate not only a tree, but also any other materials.

The features of the design of the CARD doors are mounted on the video.

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