Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin


Master class on the doll-wrapper with his own hands will be useful to those craftsmen and masters who are interested in Slavic culture and traditions.

Traditional Russians and Ukrainian dolls have not sewn, that is, they did not punished the needle in the manufacture. Only decorations were clogged, the alarms and scarves were expanded. The doll was mastered from coarse torn fabric (it was impossible to cut it). All parts of the body were pregnant to each other threads.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Slavic dolls were mastered several in the grotesque style, only remotely reminding the figure of a person, necessarily without a face.

It was believed that in realistic dolls with an ill-friendly face can move evil spirits. The faceless doll remained an inanimate subject.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Dolls did for children, for home, for rituals and as talismans. Each doll carried a symbol in himself and helped in everyday life. The slightest detail reflected the customs and culture of the people. So, for example, a red color symbolized life and love, green - health and wealth, yellow - sun and bread. Vertical lines are a male start symbol, horizontal - female.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Simple option

Production of dolls is a very interesting occupation, which can very quickly grow into a real hobby. For this, it is not necessary to be able to sew, although sewing skills can be useful. Dolls are usually performed completely manually, without using a sewing machine.

All the amulets are rag, and the cloth should be selected only by natural - linen, cotton, hemp. Burlakov, canvas, canvas, as well as wool and linen threads, are well suited for creating domestic dolls.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Pretty simply made a small doll on happiness. The finished handicraft can be an excellent gift for friends and loved ones or decoration and a guard in the master's house.

What you need to prepare for crafts:

  • linseed or cannabis white fabric;
  • Cotton fabric for skirt;
  • thick linen fabric;
  • washed and dried flax (for example, technical);
  • braid and satin ribbon;
  • lace and colored patchworks for the apron;
  • scissors;
  • threads (white and red);
  • needle.

Article on the topic: how to decorate takes your own hands

How to make:

  1. Make two squares of about 10 × 10 cm from linen fabric and twist from one tube, bending the edges from two sides;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Bend the resulting tube in half and pull the begging into the thread;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. From thick flax to make lapties: cut two small circles from the fabric, to put "legs" in them and, holding the edges, tied with threads;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make your head: in the middle of the second linen square (paragraph 1) put a crowd of linen, raise the corners and tighten them together with threads (important, straighten all the folds on the one hand - it will be a person);

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Tool the fabric so that the handles and the torso are outlined;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Subjected to the edges of the side corners inside to get the sleeves;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Rewind the edges of the handles by making the cuff;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Combine the legs with your head and climb a red thread (first on the waist, and then the cross will increase on the chest);

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Take a bunch of flax (width - semi-coupling of the head), straighten it and in the middle to make a line (you can do on a typewriter);

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Sewing a ward to the head, slightly combing the resulting hair and brake into the braid.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Pupa is ready! It remains to dress it in a skirt and decorate beads and belts. To make a skirt, you need:

  1. Loskutok for the Apron to attach the front side to the doll and tie the bottom edge to the waist;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Fabric for skirt Wrap the doll, as shown in the photos, and climb a skirt to the waist;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Lower the skirt and replete folds;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make a belt of threads (you can weigh a pigtail) or ribbon;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make a ribbon on the head and decorate a ribbon braid.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

The doll is ready to give happiness!

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Charm for a child

Another important home doll-chaff - Bereginy, which mother sewed for his future child. This doll is accompanied by a person throughout his life, protecting against all sorts of misfortunes and ailments of the house and attracting wealth and joy.

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Make it quite easily. To do this, you will need:

  • linen or cotton fabric;
  • Colored cloth;
  • Kanva or burlap for the apron;
  • jacquard tape;
  • Flax for hair (you can take a woolen thread);
  • lace, ribbons for decoration;
  • Red threads.

How to do:

  1. Roll into the tube (about 20 cm long) the main fabric and tied up with thread in three places;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. To tear the square piece of the cloth 25 × 25 cm and wrap the top of the tube to them so that the head and arms are turned away;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make a shirt: Ploskut colored fabric 15 × 25 cm Fold in half and cut out of it silhouette shirts;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Put on a shirt on a doll and fix on the belt and sleeves;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

5. Two pieces of braid to cross on the chest and fasten on the belt;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. From a square of colored fabric 25 × 25 cm cut circle and make a middle hole (future skirt);

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. From coarse fabric (canvas or flax) cut rectangular front and attach to the skirt;
  1. Put the skirt with the apron and consolidate it from the wrong side on the belt;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make the hair, tapping in the middle of Len and putting it to the head of the doll, braid braid;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Decorate a doll: make a belt, handkerchief, beads, "hand" her nodules with a cereal and coin.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin


Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

For the fulfillment of desires

Doll for the fulfillment of desire - the welcome - there must be every girl. She fulfills the wishes to her, but for this, the pupa should be treated with or without time. You can "give" new ribbons, beads, shawls.

To make a doll, you need to prepare:

  • wand (15 cm long);
  • Sintepon;
  • Fabric for the base (30 × 15 cm);
  • white cloth (20 × 20 cm);
  • Color fabric for skirt (25 × 20 cm);
  • triangular cloth for a handkerchief (25 × 25 cm);
  • Three loskutka for apron (10 × 7 cm, 8 × 6 cm, 7 × 5 cm);
  • threads;
  • yarn;
  • braid;
  • scissors.

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How to do:

  1. Wrap a wand in the fabric for the base, as shown in the photo, and wrapped with red threads;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Wrap one end with a synthetic procession and climb a thread;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Wrap a synthetic tube ball in a square of white fabric and climb;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. From the corners of the square to make "palms";

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Pour a sintepon under the "shirt" and make on the chest with the help of threads and lace cross;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Make a skirt, having taken it to the waist of the doll from the wrong side;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Straighten the skirt and collect apron of three flavors of the fabric;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Climb an apron to the skirt and straighten;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Wind yarn on the book, cut and drag in the middle of the thread (it turned out a wrap);

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Bind the hair to the doll and rub the braid;

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

  1. Decorate doll with ribbons.

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin


Master class on the doll-wrap-up do it yourself: Zalennik and Beregin

Video on the topic

How to make overall dolls can also be viewed on video.

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