Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo


Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

If a specialist is taken for the development of the project of the cottage, then it necessarily provides for a place for the recreation area. As such, an inner courtyard, a gazebo or a canopy attached to the house can be. The presence at the local territory of this kind of construction not only makes a plot more aesthetic, but also adds a useful living area.

  • 2 Types and appointment of attached canopies
  • 3 Project Development
  • 4 Preparatory work
  • 5 Installation of a canopy of polycarbonate attached to the house
    • 5.1 Oruse Sauzow
    • 5.2 Installation of the roof
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Materials for the construction of a canopy

    Most often for the manufacture of a rolled construction framework, a wooden bar is used or Profiled steel pipe . At the same time, traditional materials such as brick, stone, asbestos cement pipe filled with reinforced concrete can be alternative to an alternative. The final choice is determined by the assignment of the canopy and the load, which will experience the frame.

    Given that a canopy attached to the house closely adjoins the wall, he has to accept the load, which has snow rolling from the roof. And it will be possible to cope with such a large pressure of this extension only under the condition if it has a solid foundation.

    Most often as roofing material for extension slate, professional, galvanized iron . Nowadays, there are many other options in the construction market, among which the polycarbonate canopy, agencies attached to the house. If you look at the photo of such structures, it becomes clear that the fiberglass forms excellent compositions with frames made from other materials. Similar canopies based on cells of a cellular structure having a thickness of 6-8 mm are created.

    Polycarbonate has the following advantages that made it popular material for creating canopies:

    • Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

      Strength. Plastic surpasses glass 200 times. Therefore, he calmly transfers the blows with a hammer, hail and stones.

    • Ease. Compared to glass, the weight of this material is 20 times less. Thanks to this, it is possible to produce volumetric and at the same time lightweight designs.
    • Transparency. Through this type of plastic of different thickness can take up to 80-95% of sunlight.
    • Flexibility. The uniqueness of the cellular polycarbonate gives the ability to remain plastic at negative temperatures. However, yet it is necessary to remember about certain restrictions, since this material has a maximum allowable bending radius. It is also necessary to take into account the direction of internal channels that limit the possibilities for deformation.

    In addition to the foregoing, this transparent polymer does not create difficulties in processing . It is easy to drill, cutting the saw, grinder and electric bison.

    If you think to make a canopy, it is recommended to use polycarbonate for it with protection against ultraviolet. All other types of thermoplasty are not recommended to be applied, since otherwise, as a result of the impact of the Sun, it will soon take a closer look and lose its original flexibility.

    Types and appointment of attached canopies

    All offered canopies that can be attached to the house may be Classified into two categories:

    • Visors on consoles;
    • Awnings installed on capital supports.

    One of the features of console models is that they can have an unlimited length, resulting in such a design can be installed along the facade of the building without jacks. At the same time, they have width restrictions: this parameter cannot exceed 2 m. It is not necessary, but for safety reasons: with such a width, the canopy will be securely fixed on the wall and the wind will not be able to snatch it. First of all, these designs are designed to protect the doors from the sun and precipitation. At the same time, if you add forged or carved visors to them, then a similar combination will help to give the original look of the facade.

    With the help of support canopies you can decide Many diverse tasks:

    • Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

      Organization of a place for summer holidays;

    • Equipment equipment, pool, as well as passages near the house to ensure precipitation protection;
    • Car accommodation;
    • Installing an awning for a barbecue area;
    • Use for household needs.

    Polycarbonate is a unique material from which the roofs can be made of various forms, including single-sided, duplex, pyramidal, arched, concave and convex. If desired, the owner can modify the design of the carport by applying color or tinted fiberglass.

    Project development

    If you have a desire to add to your country house such an extension as a canopy, then you will not prevent you first familiarize yourself with the photo of this design. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of canopy, you need Recall the following parameters:

    • Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

      Appointment and dimensions of the object, which is planned to be raised;

    • The total area of ​​the plot on which canopy will be created.
    • The nature of the emerging wind and snow loads, which are observed in the region.
    • The total amount of precipitation falling over the year.
    • The depth of snow cover;
    • Reliability of walls and foundation of the structure;
    • House construction;
    • The possibility of preparing the necessary materials, tools and fasteners, as well as the presence of construction experience in the event that it is planned to independently perform work on a canopy device.

    After that, they begin to compile the drawing of the carport of polycarbonate attached to the house, the photo here will not be superfluous. It needs to display actual dimensions: Height, length and depth of design . Based on this information, the required amount of materials for the manufacture of frame and roofing will be calculated.

    For example, to make a car parking canopy, the design must have the following average sizes:

    • 250 x 500 cm - for transport, the length of which does not exceed 4 m.
    • 350 x 660 cm - for SUVs and vehicles, the length of which exceeds 4 m.

    During the design of a canopy attached to the house, the photo should be kept at hand. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account that its sizes should allow free to travel a car with a load under a canopy. If the roof has a height of more than 230 cm, be prepared for the fact that the transport will constantly fall precipitation. You can solve this problem as follows: To do this, install the roof under a different angle.

    Preparatory work

    Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

    After all of the above issues are solved, you can go directly to the preparation of the site where polycarbonate canopy will be erected. At first, the platform needs to be placed, after which it must be cleaned of foreign objects, including trees and shrubs. Next you need to remove the turf to the depth of germination of the roots. After completing the work on cleaning the site, it must be aligned with the layer of sand or small rubble. In completion, you need to carefully catch the platform.

    At the next stage, you need to create a shed resting attached to the house. To do this, drilling the shurts, which must have the following dimensions: depth - 50-60 cm, Diameter - 20 cm . During this operation, it is necessary to take care of the possibility of laying the cable under the lighting devices.

    Choosing the distance on which the supports will be placed in relation to each other, it is necessary to navigate the extension area, the material from which the frame will be made, as well as the weight of the roof. For more massive designs, it will be necessary to increase the frequency of posting the posts. It is usually enough to arrange them in increments of 1-1.5 m. Having created a similar basis at first, you will subsequently do not have to deal with it with the main foundation of the residential structure.

    After the pits are dug, they need them Pleep the bucket of rubble And then put the vertical racks there, which are poured concrete. Be sure to make sure that all poles are located strictly in terms of level. At the same time, it is possible to do otherwise: mortgage parts with brackets that are attached to the concrete solution are inserted into the created shursfins. And only after that they set the pillars themselves.

    Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

    It is also necessary to pay attention to both the material: the tree must be processed by an antiseptic, and it can also be covered with oil or painted in any desirable color. For the installation of the canopy, it is necessary to use a dry lumber from which you need to remove the eye in the presence of such, otherwise there is a risk that vertices will soon appear.

    If you are arranged canopy to the house, which is located in the lowland, it is necessary to perform additional waterproofing the ends of the wooden supports. This can be done by wrapping them with a polyethylene or rubberoid shirt or pour hot bitumen.

    Special processing must be subjected Metal racks which is applied primer containing zinc phosphate. Although it is possible to avoid this time-consuming operation, if you use a galvanized or aluminum profile instead of the specified supports.

    Being a moment when concrete in shurts hardens, you can make the manufacture of flooring for a canopy. There are several methods for solving this task:

    • Creating a concrete screed;
    • Laying board or paving slabs;
    • Sand or gravel pillow device.

    Installation of a canopy of polycarbonate attached to the house

    When the deadline required to set the concrete is usually 10-15 days, proceed to assembling the design. The first action is the installation of several brackets to the outer wall of the house, to which it is planned to attach a canopy. Subsequently, the carrier transverse beam will be installed on them.

    Obsek South

    Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house: Installation, photo

    After that, proceed to the performance of the upper strapping . To do this, the ends of the concreted vertical pillars should be copped with a transverse beam, after which they are connected to each other. This operation is performed using parallel laid profiles. If you have to deal with steel frame, then welding is used to connect parts. In the event that the frame is made of wood, the connection is performed using steel corners. After creating the welding seams, they need to be processed, apply a layer of primer and paint.

    Setting the rafter is performed for crossings, and they should be located at a distance of 60 m from each other. In order to bore them with a beam, which is installed on the wall, use steel corners. Installation of doomles It is done in such a way that it lay across the rafter, the step that should be here is set aside, should be 30 cm. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. In the manufacture of the frame apply a timber bar of various diameters:

    1. Racks - 120 × 120 mm.
    2. Cross beams - 100 × 100 mm.
    3. Rafters - 70 × 70 mm.
    4. Dooming - 50 × 50 mm.

    If the frame is constructed from a metal profile, it will have the following diameter:

    • Racks - 40 × 60 mm.
    • Rafters and a doomle - 30 × 50 mm.

    Installation of roofing

    First, it is necessary to prepare sheets of fiberglass that need to be chopped in accordance with the calculated dimensions, after which they are mounted on the cheek. But before you need to perform holes in them for fasteners. Performing this operation, you need to pay attention to the fact that the plastic cells look down. In this case, the resulting condensate will freely drain. It is recommended to perform this job using self-tapping screws equipped with rubber thermoshaba. For fastening sheets Apply H-shaped profile.


    To improve the recreation area or the protection of sediments, you can use such modern material as polycarbonate. With it, you can make a reliable canopy, which will not only decorate the structure, but will also effectively cope with its task for a long time. Make a canopy attached to the house from polycarbonate, under the power of any person, not even with special skills.

    Due to the fact that it is quite simple to work with this material, you can even with the help of accessible tools and materials to make an extension that will create an additional comfort area in the house.

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