Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos


Master class on crafts from Foamiran, with their own hands, presented in this article, will teach how to make several festive souvenirs with children.

Photo examples of crafts are located below:

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Such crafts are available even for beginner needlewomen, just need to show zeal and hard work, then wonderful souvenirs will turn out.

First of all, we will talk about two souvenirs for the new year, namely, the green Christmas tree, a new year toy in the form of a flower.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Such products can be made by the whole family. This will only add New Year's mood and bring joy for children.

Creation of ate

For the Christmas tree will take:

  1. A piece of foam rubber green;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Sheet of cardboard;
  4. Tube with glue;
  5. Beads for decoration ate;
  6. Line.

The basis is made of cardboard. It is required to glue the cardboard in the form of a cone. The height of the cone must be equal to 12 centimeters.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Details for the village

To make the workpiece for the product, Foamiran cut into strips for two centimeters each. Thus, you should prepare future needles for wood.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Creation of fringe

At the next stage, it is necessary to make a fringe for the tree. To do this, cut the strip, but at the same time leave a little, namely 3-5 millimeters.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Ready fringe.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Next heat the material iron to give the volume.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

The final stage

In the end, the cone should be placed in green blanks. Start at the bottom.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos


Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Decorate beads.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

The following product is an original flower toy, which can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Original flower

Before starting work, you must prepare:

  1. 2 foam leafs of white and green colors;
  2. 2 tube acrylic paint blue and dark green shade;
  3. Four pieces of wool;
  4. Helium super glue.

Take plastic suede white and cut rectangles 3 centimeters long. Then handle all the petals of blue paint.

Note. To make one such toy, you will need 13 petals.

Next is the process of heating parts. Each piece of flower is required to hold over the candle.

Article on the topic: The bell do it yourself on the last call: master class with video

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Leafs for toys

Leafs cut from green material small and large sizes.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Project edges of dark green paint.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

The final stage

Now you can proceed to assembling the product. Watch tampon required to deceive with glue and give the shape of the ball. Plugs the blanks with a cotton ball from all sides. It is important to glue the tips of the first petals. All subsequent petals is important to glue in a checker.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Here is the first item:

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

You should still do two similar details and glue with each other.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

The second cotton ball is glued between the details.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Glit leaves from above, and so that you can hang, stick the tape inside the ball.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Toy is ready.

From the material Foamiran will be unusual souvenir for Easter.

Beautiful basket

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

For such a basket, you will need:

  1. Sheets of plastic suede of different shades;
  2. Small scissors;
  3. Multicolored corrugation paper stripes;
  4. Powerful glue.

From yellow jelly cut circles and rectangles, connect along the edges and attach a circle. Must be like in this picture:

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Decorate the Easter souvenir with a green jelly, glued below, as well as homemade butterflies and astrams.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Put special paper inside.

Crafts from Foamiran do it yourself with children: video MK with photos

Video on the topic

Video MK on how to make gifts to a different case of foam rubber.

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