Foam mattress: features, pros and cons


Among the large variety of mattresses, it is sometimes extremely difficult to choose exactly the option that will be convenient for your stay and sleep. Today we will talk about the features of porolone mattresses. Most often, the foam rubber acts as an additional element for the manufacture of the product. If you decide to buy a mattress from the foam rubber, it is worth visiting A large range of models, pleasant prices will surprise you. Consider what the foam rubber differs from the PPU, which positive and negative parties have the material.

What is the features of the foam rubber and what it differs from PPU

In the composition of the porolon, it is practically no different from polyurethane foam. Properties change due to the fact that special additives are added to the foam rubber. Due to them, the characteristics of the mattress change. It becomes more elastic, but at the same time durable and simultaneously mild. If you put on a foam mattress, and he quickly returned his form, then in any case the material has such additives in the composition. It is at the expense of this property of the foam and PPU still bother.

Foam mattress: features, pros and cons

Pros and cons of foam mattresses

Mattresses from the foam rubber are very practical in use, as the raw material allows you to get a product with such properties:

  • Strength. Poropolone mattresses are considered one of the most durable. This is due to the fact that the product after pressing quickly acquires an outgoing form. Due to this, such products are very rarely beneficial, they have dents or deform during use;
  • Rigidity. You can choose different stiffness indicator of material. But keep in mind that sleeping on the foam foam mattress in any case will be comfortable both all night and a small period of time. This is due to the fact that the foam mattresses are strongly stuffed, while the density of the product increases;
  • The cost of foam mattresses acceptable;
  • The small weight of the mattress allows you to flip it over without any problems;
  • Viscosity is high, so it is recommended to choose such a mattress for people with elevated weight.

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But there are also disadvantages that are important to take into account before buying. Here you can select the following factors:

  • Dry coating for quite a long time;
  • The term of use is not very long;
  • Porolon during burning is distinguished by caustic substances that poison the human body.

So, we presented the main features and qualities of modern foam mattresses. Select a model or not - to solve only you. Enjoy the shopping.

  • Foam mattress: features, pros and cons
  • Foam mattress: features, pros and cons
  • Foam mattress: features, pros and cons
  • Foam mattress: features, pros and cons
  • Foam mattress: features, pros and cons

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