Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties


Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

The Chinese gazebo is a bright representative of the eastern architectural traditions you want to join the culture of China, it is at all necessary to furnish the house on the hair dryer or to sit for the study of hieroglyphs. It will be more interesting and more effectively to build a gazebo in the country area in the cottage. I suggest familiarizing yourself with exceptional features and subtleties of the construction of these architectural structures.

Features of Chinese architecture and some story

The first Chinese gazebos had strategic importance. These were military pavilions placed on elevations to review the surroundings. But they very quickly moved to each garden and became a whole branch of Eastern architectural art.

The Chinese are building garden houses of various destinations. Here is a short list of the most popular categories:

  • Parks;
  • Landscape;
  • For tea ceremonies;

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Table and small oven - Pavilion attributes for drinking tea

  • For relaxation;
  • In honor of significant events;
  • For meditation;
  • For fencing wells.

Almost complete absence of walls - The first distinctive feature of the Eastern Gardening Facilities. The fact is that in China do not need to hide from the wind, therefore piles holding the roof, and low fences that perform a decorative role rather enough.

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Other gazebos are at all without fences

Roofing design with lowered edges and multiple levels - The second and strongerly rushing uniqueness. The reasons for such an unusual form can be divided into two groups:

The reasonsDescription
EsotericMythology, esoterica and symbolism play an important role in the life of the Chinese. So the smooth bends of the roof - not a simple tribute of tradition, but real functional elements intended:
  • Drive away demons and evil spirits that are believed exclusively by direct lines;
  • Collect and concentrate The energy of "qi" inside the construction, which has a positive effect on health, longevity and success.
PracticalIf such arbors were once used by the military, it is reasonable to assume that the form of their roofs not only distinguishes demons, but also has some more practical importance, namely:
  • Strengthens The movement of air flows, endowing the interior of the construction of the desired cool;
  • Protects Wall and foundation from oblique rain flows, extended operational period.

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Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

No rains are afraid of the foundation based on the roof

Stages of construction arbor in chinese style

Let's discern how the construction of the gazebo in Chinese style passes. It can be divided into three stages:
  1. Installation of the bottom;
  2. Mounting top;
  3. Registration.

Consider in more detail:

Installation of the bottom

Start follows from the selection of the form of the structure:

  • Square or rectangle . Simple, but at the same time too funny;

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Square gazebo is familiar to our edges

  • A circle . Good transfers the exoticity of the construction and creates an ideal setting for communication, but has a lot of difficulties in the implementation;
  • Polygon . No less interesting from visual and functional points of view than a circle, but it is not as complicated in the manufacture.

The polygonal form is the optimal choice for the Chinese gazebo: beautiful, conveniently and forces by home master.

We will proceed to project implementation:

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties
Foundation and lower strapping:
  • Dig up At the corners of the future building, the deepening of the depth of half the meter and the width of two bricks;
  • Fresh in the pit of sand and gravel with a thickness of 20 cm;
  • We mix Cement mortar ;
  • Build In each recess on the column of bricks. Over the soil, they must rise by 15 cm;
  • We wait Flooding cement and coop the piles with slices of rubberoid;
  • Lay out On top of the bars that connect "in the paw" with each other and fix the pegs.
Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties
The drawing demonstrates the principle of floor formation:
  • Install above each column foundation strictly vertically support pile, fixing with anchors;
  • Connect Anticolic angles beams. It is desirable, especially if a gazebo of a considerable size, in the center to install another support column. This will strengthen the reliability of the future floor;
  • Mount in the resulting triangles of the crossbar connecting their sides;
  • Install between crossbars and lower strapping Additional lags;
  • Draw Boards accordingly;
  • Stele They are on top of the lag, fixing with nails or self-tapping screws.

All tree must be processed by an antiseptic. Such protection will not allow it to be prematurely contracted or covered with mold.

Articles on the topic:

  • Japanese-style gazebo
  • Chinese style gazebo

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Mounting top

Requirements for the elements of the roof of the Chinese Arbor:

  • Cross section - 150 by 30 cm;
  • Fancy thickness - no more than 1 cm;
  • Length of vertical support equal to the width of the rafter design;
  • Coating - Bituminous tile.

Previously need to do the drawing:

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Drawing drawing facilitates roof construction

Having in the hands of the project, proceed to the installation work:

  1. Install In the center of the reference bar, the board is perpendicular to the base;
  2. To her crepaim the second so that one edge is harmed in the middle of the part of the support bar, and the second one - perpendicular;
  3. Mount the third board: The lower edge must come together with the edge of the support, and the upper end to be in the middle of the second board;
  4. Repeat process for each side of the roof;
  5. Put on the rafter design of the cut;
  6. Create Bended edges with a lung profile ;
  7. From above stele and fix the plywood;
  8. Covered Bituminous tile design.

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Build the roof of a Chinese gazebo - a painstaking case


When the design itself is ready, the last strokes remained on decorating it:

  1. The building is traditionally painted in gold, black or red colors;

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Traditional for Chinese Arbor Keefs: Golden, Red and Black

Traditions traditions, but I recommend not to forget that light shades are practical: they are not so fascinated in the sun and less vintage.

  1. The inner part is furnished comfortable benches and a small table round or oval shape;

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

The decoration of the garden house in Chinese style consists of benches and a table

  1. Wooden columns are decorated Affiliate thread. On the roof or at the entrance, sculptures of different animals are usually installed, although in our realities it may already be excesses;
  2. Perimeter is decorated Paper garden lanterns. Kashpo with flowers can also be appropriate, but in limited quantities;

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Paper lanterns - an integral attribute of a garden interior in China

  1. One of the walls can be supplemented a decorative lattice, on which the wound plant is then launched;
  2. Welcome The presence of an nearby fountain or an artificial pond. Contemplation of water helps calm down and concentrate their thoughts on the main thing.

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Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Water element promotes relaxation and restoration of forces


You have familiarized yourself with exceptional features and subtleties of the construction of Chinese arbors. All questions that did not give answers to the article, ask in the comments.

Cuttings Chinese: Exceptional features and subtleties

Garden building in oriental style will decorate its view of the country phasenda

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