Oriental style gazebo - construction features


Arbors made in oriental style, such as tea, or Dastarkhan, are very popular recently. This is a semi-open wooden structure with an elevated floor of the ground, a low table in the center and shops around the perimeter. If you want to equip the rest and your site, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with this article in which we will look at how a gazebo is built in oriental style with your own hands.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features



Design features

It must be said that the arbors in oriental style can be built not only of wood, but also from other materials, for example, from brick or stone. However, the warmest and cozy is still wood, besides, it is affordable. Therefore, it will be on the manufacture of a wooden arbor.

The size of the construction depends primarily on the number of people to which it is designed. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that holidaymakers in the eastern arbors are located half a litage, and not sitting. Therefore, pillows are laid on the shops.

The minimum structure of the structure is 2.5x2.0 m, in which case 5-6 people will be able to sit comfortably in it.

As for the characteristics of the structure itself, the supports of the arbor should be located, which will support the roof. The walls are better made with lattice, so in the room circulated fresh air. On the sides of the design, curly plants can be used to impart the structure of the Eastern View.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features

In the photo - Arbor decorated with textiles

The railings should be low, and the site, which will serve as the basis, as mentioned above, should rise above the ground level.

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As for the interior of the room in oriental style, then there are not many options here - a small table in the center, as already mentioned above and many pillows. True, climatic conditions in our country are not too placed to abundant textile use. Therefore, you can a little retreat from the eastern rules.

Tip! So that the pillows in the gazebo danced less, they can sew the loops and hang on the top on the walls.

Choosing textiles for registration, it is better to prefer materials that are easily erased and does not lose the appearance under the influence of the environment. Therefore, natural fabrics are not suitable.

Tip! In the eastern interior, a small decorative lantern will look good, suspended under the ceiling.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features

Interior arbor in oriental style

Construction Arbor


To build a gazebo with your own hands, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • Electric or ordinary jigsaw;
  • Electrolake;
  • A hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Corolnic;
  • Circular;
  • Pencil.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features

Three-dimensional design arbor in oriental style

Articles on the topic:

  • Chinese style gazebo

Materials for gazebo

For the manufacture of the gazebo, the following materials will be needed:

  • Wooden timber from which support pillars will be made, floor lags and design designs.
  • Wooden planks that will be needed to perform openwork struts.
  • Bar of smaller diameter to perform roof elements - rafters, crates and reference bars.
  • Roofing.
  • Concrete solution for the foundation.
  • Metal plates and screws.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features

Supports Arbor

Studying the foundation and installation of supports

You can build a gazebo in oriental style on a simple batch foundation.

The instruction on its construction looks like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to place a plot around the perimeter of the future building.
  • Then pits in those places where the poles will stand. As a rule, nine columns are used for the eastern gazebos - four columns in the corners, one post in the center of each wall and two posts for the framing the door.
  • At the bottom of the holes should be pouring a layer of rubble and sand, after which the pillow must be tamped.
  • Then the prepared supports are installed on the bottom of the pit, after which they are concreted and leave to stick. The pillars should be in a strictly vertical position.

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Floor Floor

The next step is the fill of the floor concrete.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • A layer of dense polyethylene film is placed on the ground.
  • Then layer of solution is placed on the film.
  • Next, the floor is covered with a layer of aggregate, for example, sandstone.
  • After that, the playground is poured with concrete.

After graduating from the fill, it follows for some time to stop construction, since a few weeks can take on the frost.

Oriental style gazebo - construction features

Frame gazebo

Construction of the carcass

While the concrete is frozen, you can perform openwork poles from the board with a cross section of 100x50 mm. They will be installed between supports, thanks to which the gazebo acquires a more authentic and attractive look.

After that, you can proceed to the construction of the frame of the arbor:

  • First of all, the assignment of supports;
  • Then the openwork pillars are installed, which are attached to the strapping using metal corners and self-tapping screws;

Roof and floor manufacture

Roof construction is more convenient to collect on the ground. It is followed by a quadrangular, with a bias of 25-30 degrees.

The rafters must be put at an angle of 45 degrees and strengthen the struts. After assembling the rafting system, the design is installed on the support.

Next, you must perform the following actions:

  • Keep the crate on top of the rafter system.
  • If a flexible tile is used as a roofing material, which is perfect for these purposes, it is necessary to cover the roof of the moisture-resistant plywood sheets.
  • After that, you can cover the roof with roofing material.

On this construction, the arbor is almost completed, only the floor remains:

  • Lay lags from timber;
  • Attach the planed board to them.

After that, you can install furniture and decorate the room.

Articles on the topic:

  • Interior arbor
  • Japanese-style gazebo
  • Cutting in the style of chalet


Build a gazebo of a tree in oriental style will not be difficult, since its manufacture is not much different from the construction of a conventional frame wooden structure, with the exception of some details. At the same time, her appearance will decorate the site and hit guests with its air and grace.

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Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

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