How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties


Most country gazeboings have a wooden floor. He has an attractive appearance, it is environmentally friendly and practical. But, at the same time, this material is subject to exposure to the external environment, which is particularly strong in an open arbor.

Therefore, such a floor needs a good protective coating. What to cover the floor in the gazebo and how to do it correctly will learn from our article.

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties

Moody floor in a gazebo

Classification of coatings

Main species

The following categories of protective compositions can be applied for floor coverings.
  1. Antiseptic substances - perfectly protect the tree from rotting, not allowing to develop both bacteria and fungi;
  2. Varnish - form a protective film on the surface of the tree. Moreover, for floor coatings, varnish containing fungicides are usually used. They prevent rotting, as well as the loss of color and cracking the boards;
  3. Paints - Can not only protect the wood from the destructive effects of moisture, but also to give a presentable appearance of its surface. A variety of colors and shades will make it possible to choose a coating suitable for the design of any gazebo.

In building stores, you can choose any favorite floor covering for arbors. But still, it is worth noticeing to those samples that enjoy the greatest demand from buyers.

These include the following products:

  • Character - This is an antiseptic composition that can be treated with any varieties of wood. It is allowed to apply even on a wooden floor, affected by fungus. The substance is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe;

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties


  • Biosept. - It is one of the best preparations intended to create a protective coating for the floor in the gazebo. It is made by the most modern technologies. Thanks to it, as a result, the surface is resistant to atmospheric influences, durable and difficult. In addition, after such treatment, the floor allows subsequent staining;

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How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties


  • Aquatex. - Can also be used to process floors. But it is often used to apply on windows, doors and stairs;

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties

In the photo - Capacity with Aquatex

  • Elcon - Under this brand, universal impregnations and means for a specific category of material are produced. Thus, the composition of "Elcon Aqua Bio" is used to process the floor made from freshly planes.

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties


Tip! Funds manufactured by other, less well-known manufacturers, is hardly worth it. Their quality, in most cases, leaves much to be desired.

We listed the most popular domestic funds. But there are also excellent foreign samples. Their price is significantly superior to Russian counterparts.

At the same time, the performance characteristics of these compositions is higher.

We list the most famous stamps:

  1. Tikkurila - Finnish company, produced by the spectrum of coating for wooden floors;

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties


  1. Dulux - English concern, producing varnishes, paints and impregnation, the basis of which are organic solvents. Extheaves are great for processing wooden gazebo floors. Their use allows you to get a durable and durable coating, well-protecting wood from rotting and sunlight;

Varnish dulux

  1. Allicator - German firm, whose compositions are distinguished by deep penetration into the structure of the material being processed. It makes the result resulting resistant and durable. In addition, this impregnation does not score pores and retains the natural structure of the boards.

When choosing a specific composition, it is worth a preference to hard-leaked, durable impregnations. It is they who will provide the best protection of the boards, extending their service life up to 30-35 years.

But this applies only to expensive means. The validity period of more accessible samples is significantly less and is not more than ten years.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that alone drugs counteract only putrid processes, while others also prevent the appearance of bugs in the wood.

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Third compositions are flaky healthy. This means that in addition to the above, they do not allow ignitions treated by them.

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  • Paul in a gazebo: Options (photo)
  • How to paint a gazebo

Proper coating

How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties

Application of protective composition

Despite the fact that it is easy to apply a flooring for a gazebo, you need to follow certain rules. First of all, they relate to the security of the work.

Remember that the entry of the chemicals used on the body's mucous membranes can cause their strong irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out all processing actions in protective glasses, mask and gloves.

The sequence of actions itself is as follows:

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor from dirt. If the paint layer was previously present, it should be removed;
  2. It is necessary to spend the boards. For this purpose, sandpaper or wire brush is used;
  3. It is necessary to wash the floor with warm water with soap or other detergent;
  4. After waiting for wood drying, it should be proceeded with coating. It begins with damaged areas and ends, which are processed by brush.

Tip! Carefully learn the information that the instruction attached to the media contains. Separate types of paints and varnishes have their own features of application, not to be taken into account that can not be. For example, some varnishes for the wooden floor can not be applied more than two layers in order to avoid cracking of the resulting surface.

  1. Two or three hours after drying the surface, you can apply a second layer. After it dries, you can make another layer.

For complete drying, the gazebo obtained in this way will need a few more days. But this period can be stretched to two weeks in case of unfavorable weather conditions.

You need to update the resulting coating only when cracks appear on it. But it is already necessary to use another substance. This will improve the protective properties of the floor surface.

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How to cover the wooden floor in the gazebo: protective formulations and their properties

The treated wood will last longer!


The boarded floor collected by their own hands in the gazebo requires the application of the protective coating, which would prevent the rotting of the wood. A variety of antiseptics, paints or varnishes can act as it.

There are a number of popular protective compositions. This is a woodcutter, Biasept, Aquatex, Elcon and others. Their validity of no more than 10 years.

More durable is floating floors using imported tools: Tikkurila, Dulux, Allicator. But the cost of such compositions is significantly higher than their Russian analogues.

Learn more information on this topic will help you video in this article. In addition to him, you can find on our website and other useful materials.

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