How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo


So, if you have already finished work on the construction of the frame and installed the roof, you can think about what the foundation will be in the structure. Make the floor in the gazebo do it yourself quite simple. The main thing to choose the most suitable option, purchase materials and carry out work in strict accordance with technology.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

The floor for the arbor must be combined with the overall style of design.

If the gazebo is erected without a foundation, the floor is often assembled first. For this, a frame of beams is arranged, which is trimmed with the selected material. Sometimes the screed poured in size, and the structure is put straight to it, for reliability, the design can be attached with anchors.

Main types of sex in arbors

As noted above, the floors in the gazebo can be arranged in various ways - from completely simple solutions to expensive coatings. It all depends on your skills, opportunities and fantasies.

We will look at the most common ways of the base device, maybe you will suit something from these species, and maybe you are implementing any unusual idea.

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  • Paul in a gazebo: Options (photo)

Bulk floors

Without a doubt, the easiest and most inexpensive way.

Includes several main operations:

  • Preparation of the base in the gazebo. For this, the turf and the top layer of the soil is on the bayonet shovel.
  • The building sand or gravel is falling asleep to the required level.
  • With the help of robber, the surface is recompulted, after which it is better to ravibly tumble by any kind of adaptation, you can kill a massive piece of timber to the rail. For a better seal, sand can be pre-mixed.
  • If irregularities were revealed during the process, they are set and tamped.

Tip: As practice shows, it is best to pour the floor by gravel with a small fraction, it is best compacted and with time it can create a sufficiently solid surface.

This option is very simple, but has many shortcomings - the surface is unstable to the feet of furniture, it is constantly formed irregularities, and the barefoot walks on such a gazebo is not very comfortable.

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This method can be applied as a temporary option if there is no possibility or means to make a full floor at the moment.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

Such a base is not similar to the usual floor, but, nevertheless, it can be used in a gazebo

Tile floors for sidewalks

Typically, there are tracks on the street in this way, but also in the gazebo you can make such a floor.

Consider the technology of the base of the base from paving slabs:

  • Initially, the ground is removed at least 20 cm.
  • Next, the sand is covered with a layer of 3-4 cm, after it is the same layer of fine gravel.
  • The base is thoroughly tamped, and it is desirable to make it automated tools.
  • Next there is a layer of sand, and the cement-sand mixture is covered on top, after which everything will be tram again and you can start laying the tile.
  • But there is another way that can be used: instead of the last two layers, a cement-sandy solution is used, it is poured in parts, the tile is placed on it, after which the next site can be made.
  • The tile is laid close to each other, the level is checked constantly, if necessary, you need to use a rubber hammer.
  • After laying, all seams in the tile are covered with a cement-sandy mixture, after surplus the brush is sweeping.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

This option is well suited for mobile arbors - after the base device, the design is simply put up

Ceramics and Natural Stone Floors

Very often in the arbors you can meet ceramic tiles or natural stone. The base of these materials is obtained beautiful and very reliable.

To ensure the durability of the design, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • The base is prepared similarly to the first two points - the ground is removed and the sand pillow falls asleep.
  • Next is the solution if you do not know how to pour the screed, nothing terrible - the process is very simple, and you can easily understand, information on construction portals is enough.
  • After frozen the base, you can put the final layer. What to put the floor, you decide, you should only remember that the tile should not be slippery, and the base of the stone should be glued to a special solution.

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And if the tile can be postponed and independently, the natural stone is much more complicated in the work, it should be very scruving it very much to pick up the floor to be convenient for walking.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

Stone floor looks great, but its price is very high

Wooden floors

The flooring device in the arbor from the wood can be called the most popular and most common way in our country. And this is not surprising, because this material is completely environmentally friendly, the cost of its low, and the appearance, as it is impossible, is suitable for an open or closed platform.

Most people have experience with wood, but if you need an instruction, all work should be carried out in such a sequence:

  • Initially, lags are stacked, for this most often the timber is used, if the building is small, the cross section of 50 * 50 is suitable, the larger the area - the more powerful design it is necessary. The pitch of the bar should not exceed the half meter.
  • Lags must be attached to the base. It is done either with the help of fasteners, or if attached to the screed, using anchor bolts. If desired, the attachment methods can be combined.
  • Next comes the boarding boards, it is best to take a thickness of 25 mm thick. The floorboard is fastened with a spike-groove system, the screws should be screwed into the groove, then the surface of the tree will remain intact.
  • Between the boards should leave the gaps of 2-3 mm to improve the ventilation and compensation for the linear expansion of wood under the influence of temperature differences and humidity.
  • After that, wood needs to be treated with antiseptic solutions several times. If you think than to paint the wooden floor, then you should make a choice in favor of high-strength nitroemals for the floor, they are rather durable and protected well.

Tip! For applying antiseptics, it is better to use the brush, it penetrates all fragments of wood, and the layer is obtained much more reliable than when applied by roller.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

Wooden floor is convenient for walking and looks great

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Wood-polymer floors

This type is perfect for those who like the board, but there is anxiety about its reliability and durability. The material consists of wood and plastic, thanks to which the reliability of the material has increased several times.

These materials are called a terrace and deck board. They are very similar and have a number of properties that make these types of ideal for applications in gazebos: resistance to rotting, fungi, pests; resistance to atmospheric precipitation, temperature drops; Unpretentious to use.

The technology of flooring is completely similar to working with a tree, the material is well cut by tree hacksaws.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

In the photo - the terrace board is almost indistinguishable from the tree, but reliability exceeds it at times

Cement-chip floors

An interesting option due to the ease of device and reliability of the base: sheets are attached to lags, and you have a perfectly smooth floor, which is not terrible pests and increased humidity.

Many are interested in how to paint such a floor, for this any enamel of the appropriate appointment will be suitable, and the color must be updated annually.

How to make the floor yourself in the gazebo

With the help of CSP, the floor is easily and fast


Make the floor for a gazebo forces to everyone. The main thing is to choose the best option and proceed to action. Check out the video in this article, some types of work are clearly shown in it.

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