Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video


On a row with traditional mosaics of stained glass, soldered with each other, the drawn stained glass windows on the glass are quite common; Stencils, brushes and acrylic paints - almost everything you need in order to make a stained-up painting. Stained-friendly mastery develops in the construction industry well enough and there are already a lot of varieties of technology, with which decorative glass makes.

Stained glass painting

Stained glass in ancient Europe by traditions were made only in the cathedrals and temples, in the modern world, when the glass coloring paints became available due to the appearance of special gels for painting, which allow the effect of transparent glass.

The technique of performing a stained painting is that the pictures are applied with special paints on one side of the glass.

For work, you usually need a set of paints in tubes, thick acrylic gel contour and gel for the bay of paint in the cavity. The paint is baked with heat treatment and allows you to wash the surface without damaging the drawing.

At home, this process is pleasant and easy for any master, as well as the stained-in painting includes fascinating classes for children. Children are interesting any unusual creative classes and paint drawing on glass is not an exception. You can make an unusual night light for a children's room with a glass walls, a homemade chandelier or a headlight with a LED backlight, paint the clock, to make a photo frame. Pictures of any complexity, it will be easy to bring a pencil using templates.

To make high-quality work, for decorating the furniture facade or window, door glasses, not only some professional skills, the skill of the application of thin lines, but also taste qualities. It is important that the style of drawings complemented the overall design of the room and was quite appropriate. Therefore, when choosing patterns is also important to choose the color gamut.

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Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

On furniture or interior doors, the traditional scheme of geometric color patterns, abstract ornaments, recently it became possible to make a design style with some kind of popular painting, ethnic patterns.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

The stained-in painting paint was the hobbies of many artists, and they paint literally all around them, which is made of glass - bottles painted with stained-in paints, contours that can be used as vases, vases themselves, candlesticks, glasses, glasses. All this began to develop thanks to the property of not washed paints on glass.

Beautiful painted things are made from boring transparent objects, however, to some extent, continuing folk fishing to paint and decorate objects in the modern style of Hand-Made and DIY.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

The contour paints were so loved by artists with their convenient extrusion that they are used without applying other colors, draw thin lines and points, creating very colorful and neat work.

Go to the lesson

Consider a visual example of working with stained painting Flowers on a bent for beginners with detailed photos.

To work with the master class, we will need printed in the size of the walls of the ceiling sketch of the pattern, can be colored, we will only circle outlines, stained glass paints of the desired colors, contour paints on glass and ceramics, in our case bronze, synthetic brushes.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

First of all, how much it is possible, the lamp should be disassembled. The surface of the glass is degreased with a napkin or cotton disk liquid to remove varnish or alcohol.

We put the sketch under the glass and fix it either by a scotch, or a lump of newspapers, fabric.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

On the drawing lines, apply an outline on the glass and try not to be breaking, since the liquid paint structure spreads very much. That is why they use contours. So that the lines were fine and uniform, it is necessary to pre-work on a different surface. When you finish all the lines, let dry work.

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Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

We begin to pour the "islands", pick up paint with brush and drip inside the sectors, quickly distribute it, so the stained glass gel has a quick drying property.

If you have errors, use cotton discs and chopsticks with alcohol or solvent of paints, if you have such, and the remnants are screamed by the stationery knife.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

At the end of the work, the paints should dry a little, then it is recommended to bake them with a hairdryer or a heating device.

The stained-in painting is used in the drawing of gift sets, plates, like souvenir of loved ones, friends on a housewarming, also often needlewomen create beautiful work on sale or to create a decor for your own home.

Indian patterns, curls and mandala can be painted. Sketches of such drawings can be printed or draw yourself, the drawing process will deliver a lot of pleasure.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself: stencils for beginners with video

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